Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019 Friday #Advocate#THesimpleslife#PhotosofYemen

Get Faith
John chapter 16  "If I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.  And when he comes, he will prove the world wrong about sin and righteousness and judgement...."  On Pentecost the Holy Spirit entered the disciples and they were awakened to what they needed to know to pass on the Gospel to everyone.  We need to be open to the Word of God to understand it - if you read it, like any novel you won't understand the underlying story of what is being said.  Jesus told us that some would "hear" and others would not, while listening to the same story.  We need to accept the Holy Spirit to us and listen and learn.

On this day
2006  My cousin Sandy lost her husband and this day was the funeral.  She married when she was 16 and they lived in a small house in Roseville and raised 4 kids, those kids married and gave her a bunch of grand children and then great grandchildren.  She is only a year or so older than I but I see her as a highly successful woman, that is still living in the little house she has lived in since the 70's.  Her whole world is her family.  She had part time jobs here and there but for the most part was happy at home waiting for Bill to get home from work and later hanging on every word from her kids and grandchildren.  She is one of the most content people I know.  I'd like to say she was a church goer but she isn't.  The simple life seems to be the way to go.  She says she believes in God and I think He believes in her and looks out for her.

1514 - Copernicus made his first observations of Saturn. Amazing!

Jibla became the capital of the dynasty. Featured is the Queen Arwa Mosque.

Al-Qahyra (Cairo) Castle's Garden in Taiz, the capital of Yemen during the Rasulid's era
Ruins of Thula fortress in 'Amran, where al-Mutahhar ibn Yahya barricaded himself against Ottoman attacks
Thought we could look at some of the buildings and terrain today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shelly

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