Friday, April 19, 2019

April 20, 2019 Good Friday#SederforPassover#Oklahoma#Yemenatwar

Get Faith
John chapter 19  "And carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called the Place of a Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha."  After being beaten within an inch of his life, he still had life to carry the cross for us to a location that He knew would cause him more excruciating pain and finally death.  Imagine how sorrowful and alone He must have felt on top of the terrible pain.  The lamb of God suffered and died for us.  The last sacrifice to save you from your sin, and by his blood we are healed.  Thank God today for the forgiveness you have received through our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

On this day
2000  After work I went over to church to help Sharon Hassig with a Seder dinner.  Seder dinners were meant for families on Passover, but we decided to do a seder dinner for the church and there were 100 people.  If you have attended a seder - it is labor intensive, with many courses and specific servings and wines to go with each one.  The table was cleared between courses.  It was a good thing to do once but to my knowledge we never did it again.  So this was a Wednesday and the dinner was served on Maunday Thursday, the next night. 

2000 - The Oklahoma City National Memorial was dedicated on the fifth anniversary of the bombing in Oklahoma that killed 168 people.  In the face of 911 we have maybe forgotten this tragedy. Or maybe we have just had so many since.

Since 2011, Yemen has been in a state of political crisis starting with street protests against poverty, unemployment, corruption, and president Saleh's plan to amend Yemen's constitution and eliminate the presidential term limit, in effect making him president for life.[26] President Saleh stepped down and the powers of the presidency were transferred to Vice President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who was formally elected president on 21 February 2012 in a one-man election. The total absence of central government during this transitional process engendered the escalation of the several clashes on-going in the country, like the armed conflict between the Houthi rebels of Ansar Allah militia and the al-Islah forces, as well as the al-Qaeda insurgency. In September 2014, the Houthis took over Sana'a with the help of the ousted president Saleh,[27][28][29] later declaring themselves in control of the country after a coup d'état; Saleh was shot dead by a sniper in Sana'a in December 2017.[30] This resulted in a new civil war and a Saudi Arabian-led military intervention aimed at restoring Hadi's government.[31] At least 56,000 civilians and combatants have been killed in armed violence in Yemen since January 2016.[32]
We will always have war in this world as long as we look at our differences and not our common interests.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sherry, Robin and Kayla!!

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