Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019 Wednesday #Hediedforus#community#Ourworld

Get Faith
John chapter 13  "It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish."  This is Jesus speaking of Judas, the one who betrayed him.  It also says "After he received the piece of bread, Satan entered into him."  Before we all point fingers at Judas, the High Priests or Pontius Pilate let us remember that the reason God sent His son to die for us was for the forgiveness of OUR sin - yours and mine.  If we had not been sinners this wouldn't have happened, but we are and so the pieces of this story had to all fall in place.  It goes back to Jesus telling us "let they who have no sin cast the first stone."  Repent and be saved.

On this day
1998  Nicole and Craig were the best of friends and interchangeable with our families.  I took him places with us and on this day Nicole went to a Vipers game with them.  Remember the Vipers?  It is great to have a community raising children together.  A community that you know everyone and they have basically the same values and child raising ideas that you have.  We were blessed to share those years with great families like the Mathes, the Vandenbooms, the Nieto's and more.  It wasn't even like babysitting someone else kids because they were over so often it was more like family.  Community with church and school is imperative to raising safe, happy kids.

1524 - New York Harbor was discovered by Giovanni Verrazano.   What was he actually looking for?


Location of Yemen (red) To see where Yemen is in the world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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