Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014 Friday

I'm slackin off here.  Got to go to work today.

John chapter 4 - Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman.  He crossed boundaries, races, and religions to reach people.  The Samaritan woman was surprised that he talked to her, he wasn't supposed to.  He asked her for water and told her he would give her eternal water.  Jesus reached out to everyone to offer them forgiveness and eternal life.  He still is.

1932 - The Lindburgh baby was kidnapped.  I don't believe it was ever found or solved was it?  I'm sure the Lindburgh's wished it had been a boring day with nothing happening.
On this day - looking back over the years, we have had many milder days then we are having now, but pretty much, it is a boring time of year.  You have to take the time to read, clean a closet, call a friend.  Enjoy the downtime.

Parenting - I think any mothers worse nightmare is having their child disappear.  I try to avoid watching any program on TV that shows a story about this, I have nightmares.  How about you?  Keep them close.

Book club - The Nine - only 300 more pages.

Jackson Hole Wyoming - don't forget to pick up some souvenirs we leave her tomorrow. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014 Thursday

AM yoga.  So relaxing, but keeps the muscles and joints limber.

Psalm 19 - God created the heavens and earth and they proclaim the work of his hands.  Nature is a wonder that has to be appreciated.  God must love beauty and birth, the sunrises and sunsets.  Every lily of the field, he created them and gave them to us to enjoy.  Even snow.

1953 - DNA was discovered.  Another of God's wonders.
1997 - Nicole and I went to Harmony House.  Remember those music stores?  They went out of business.  I had a friend that worked there for 20 years, it didn't seem possible they would close.  Technology has moved ahead and left another era in the dust.  But we still hear the music.

Parenting - Yesterday I spent the day with my niece, Merri.  She has been through a lot in the past year and is having a time trying to keep it all together.  As will happen, there were family issues added to the pile and she is struggling to keep her head up.  Every family has its trouble, the important thing is that we find a way to resolve them, leaving things that can't be changed in the past.

Book club - The Nine Supreme court uncovered, whatever.  Reading about Clarence Thomas right now.  Maybe you should attempt to read this.

Jackson Hole Wyoming - Starting to pack up here, but I always like to hear a little local music, so lets go to Town Square Tavern to hopefully hear some good Wyoming music. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014 Wednesday

Maybe get in the stationary bike thing later.

1 John chapter 4 - "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as atoning sacrifice for our sins."  He did that for you.

On this day:
1993 - Trade Center was bombed, we forget the smaller one that came first.
1982 - Do you like to dance?  Don and I are taking ballroom dance lessons right now, but back in 1982 my friends uncle, considerably older then I was, loved to dance and he was very good.  We went to all the halls and bars that had good dance bands and danced all night.  Uncle Ralph, thanks for the dance! 

Parenting -  My friends son lives with her, and her mother.  She has a huge house, very comfortable.  Last night I was there for dinner and her son overheard our conversation in the dining room and announced that we could get into a senior residence together because he was bringing all the old men  (his dad and dad's buddies) into her house to take care of.  Well at  least he has a plan.

Book Club - The Nine  Inside the Supreme Court

Wyoming Jackson hole - Getting ready to pack up and head out of Wyoming;  Lets go do this before we leave:
An important part of being Forever West is preserving, and cherishing the history and culture of Wyoming. Attractions like the Buffalo Bill Historical Center celebrate the spirit of the American West, including the culture and art that bring the heritage of Wyoming alive.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014 Tuesday

Did some stretch and tone with Richard.  Everyone has room for a tension band in their exercise equipment closet, or under the dresser.  Just don't forget its there.

Exodus chapter 20 - This is the 10 Commandments, good to remember and check occasionally.  Today it only centered on the 3rd commandment, remember the Sabbath.  The study writer didn't remind us to go to church but based his thought on relaxing.  That is what God intended it to be, a day of relaxation.  I have a hard time with that, slowing down, sitting.  I try.

On this day:
Today's highlight: On Feb. 25, 1964, Muhammad Ali (then known as Cassius Clay) became the world heavyweight boxing champion as he defeated Sonny Liston in Miami Beach. (The victory was scored as a technical knockout when an injured Liston failed to answer the bell for the seventh round.)
1967 - On this day, I was 20.  The announcement at the top of journal page was 17 months steady with Don (Michie).  I have always been a record keeper.  But the important thing was that Don and his cousin went on a motorcycle ride this day.  Really?  I guess we have had some unseasonaly warm weather on this day in the past.  Do you remember a nice warm February?

Parenting - the big news around here is the mother that allegedly killed and mutilated her grown son's body.  What mother can do that?  She looks unbalanced so I'm guessing that will be the defense.  This guy was my daughters, coworker's college room mate.  Don't you think that the worse possible person you could be killed by would be your mother?

Book club - The Nine  Supreme Court, topic has moved on to State vs religion.

Wyoming Jackson Hole;  How about a poster?
Landscape with mountains in the background, Jackso PosterEnjoy the day!  Make it memorable!
 Happy 30th Anniversary to Andy and Alice!

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 Monday

Judges chapter 7 - is about Gideon defeating the Midianites.  When you read the story it has some points you really wonder about - God kept reducing Gideons army even though the opposing force seriously outnumbered them to start.  But the way God chose who would go and who would stay was interesting - "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink."  He kept the 300 lappers and that's who won the war.  With God, all things are possible.

Denise ( a very young Denise possibly on steroids) and I did Super Stomach, ab workout.  I do not have that 6 pack but I do have a strong back.  From my own experience, I have noticed a sharp decline in the amount of Aleve I take for aches and pains since I started drinking water, usually about 48 oz a day.  "They" say first thing when you get up, before meals and before bed.  So even if you don't exercise, do yourself a favor and drink more water.

On this day -
1870 - First African American congressman.
2003 - I went to Grace Circle.  It is a monthly group that meets for Bible study and potluck, or now just desert.  A woman's group.  As a matter of fact we meet tonight.  It is one of those things you can do to support your faith, learn more about the word and bond with other women, which all of the above are life sustaining according to most studies that you see.  Look into it.

Parenting - thinking today about all those athletes coming home from Sochi.  The hard work, excitement, wins and losses, the new found friends and heart breaks of defeat are all memories now.  Many will start working on the next Olympics, others will get on with their regular lives, maybe some will never be able to recover the glory of those two weeks and have problems.  Now that I think about all that, glad I'm not their parent.  JK

Book Club - The Nine Supreme Court uncovered.  Textbook reading, sigh.

Wyoming Jackson Hole - Last week here, thought I'd take a look at a street map to see the lay of the city.:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014 Sunday

A day of rest.

Pastor Beebe out at Christ Lutheran Church delivers a good message.  The basis was from Leviticus and spoke of us being holy (or set apart) as God's people, because He is Holy.  Because of that, we should act like we belong to him and care for the hungry and love one another.  Even if at times, we are unholy, He still calls us back to Him and keeps us as his own. We should also forgive each other.

1945 - On this day in history, it was the day the marines stood the flag up to claim Iwo Jima.  You have seen the picture, I am sure.

2000 - On this day - nothing, most boring day ever apparently.  This was a little exciting, it was 60 degrees and the kids went for a bike ride.  Not today.

Parenting - Going to the movies is always good entertainment with the kids.  I noticed going through journals that this was a day we did go to the movies and saw Tom and Huck and another year Starwars.  So if you are looking to get out of the house today - go see a movie!

Book Club - The Nine, The Supreme Court

Wyoming Jackson Hole - had our group meeting last night.  Great food!  I found a recipe by the Pioneer woman.  It was a loaded nacho dish, excellent!  Go to cowboy food, that is how I found it.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22, 2014 Saturday

Pilates with Denise Austin  - for strength and agility.

Hebrews - chapter 10  A call to persevere in faith.  We go to church to worship God and encourage each other to stay strong in the faith.  We are not perfect, just normal people that sin and ask God for forgiveness.  I have many friends at church that keep me in the faith, thank you!

1980 - In history, on this day the USA beat Russia in a huge upset in hockey.  They beat them this year too, but not Canada.
2009 - On this day, we packed 15,000 bags of food for world hunger at church.  I saw on TV this week another church had a huge group doing the same thing.  Part of our faith is loving one another and this is a great way to show our love.  The bags have rice and chicken flavoring with dried vegetables and additives, that are life sustaining.  One bag is enough for 6 people.  It is a worthwhile opportunity to feed people.

Parenting - Nicole is doing the 30 hour famine at Christ Lutheran Church this weekend.  She raised over $500.00 to send to world vision plus is helping a lot of teenagers to be more aware of  the world around them.

Book Club - The Nine, the Supreme Court story, just read about Clinton trying to appoint justices to the court.  Very interesting.

Wyoming - Jackson Hole,  getting together with the group tonight, I imagine we will all bring cowboy stew, beans and franks.  Any ideas for western fare?  Bar B Q?  I'll come up with something:

Chuckwagon Dinners

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014  Friday   Heritage Day  (?)

Kick boxing with Bobby - He said "hope you sweat, I sweat too!"  I did a little.  Anyway my fitbit said that a 1/2 hour of kickboxing burned 654 calories.  WOW.  I'm just happy with balancing on one leg.

Mark chapter 3 - Talks about Jesus healing on the Sabbath.  They used it against him, imagine.  I will bet they would have thought different if it was them or someone they loved.  Jesus healed to bring people to a higher understanding of why he was there.  He then passed along the gift of healing to his disciples so that people would listen to them tell the story of Jesus.  The study writer today mentioned a group of snowboarders in Colorado that use their sport to share the word of the Lord. 

1997 - On this day, I dropped Nicole off at church for the 30 hour famine.  They fast for 30 hours.  I did this with the youth group for numerous years, but, this one I dropped her off and Mom and I went to Appleby's for dinner.  :)
1965 - I thought I might add some other interesting history:
In New York City, Malcolm X, an African American nationalist and religious leader, is assassinated by rival Black Muslims while addressing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights.  I remember this, but never thought about how it was another black group that killed him.  Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, right?

Parenting - People have children for a host of reasons, don't you think?  Ideally, to start a family based in love to grow a life in faith and to enjoy life with.  OR, in the past, for farm hands, more government money, to lock in a relationship or by accident.  I don't know what the percentages are, I guess I'd rather not know. 

Book club - The Nine - yawn.  you might like it and it is tied into the parenting or not parenting.

Jackson Hole Wyoming -  I'm all about this for tonight!

Brew Pubs

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014 Thursday

Took a pass today after shoveling ice and snow and then ballroom dancing class.  Aleve

Psalm 32 -  If you are carrying a heavy burden due to something you did in the past.  Read this Psalm.  Ahhh much better.  God forgives sin.

1996 - On this day, it was winter break from school and slow at work so Nicole and I were home.  Mom had bought a dollhouse to assemble, for Christmas.  It was a two story Victorian type house with a Mom, Dad, little girl and little boy.  It is long gone up in the attic in a plastic bag.  While it was down Nicole and I used to place the family in different poses, wrap the leg like it was broke, stage a fight, etc.. just to entertain each other when we would go by and notice.  Did you have a little joke you played with family?  Maybe still do?

Parenting - The dollhouse was for me.  I never had one.  I enjoyed decorating and relocating furniture and Nicole enjoyed the assembly part.  It is never to late to entertain your inner child.

Book club - At the time of Clinton trying to find a new justice for the court.  Not sure I am impressed with the intelligence that goes into that selection process. 

Wyoming - Jackson Hole - this sounds good:

Food & Drink

Don’t worry about working up an appetite while in Jackson Hole; there are a multitude of restaurants. Be sure to saddle up at the Cowboy Bar, grab a local beer at the Snake River Brewery, attend a Chuckwagon Dinner Show, or enjoy the apres scene at the Mangy Moose in Teton Village.
I'm ready to go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

Did 30 minutes of simple stretch.  It is important to keep limber, this is an extreme stretch video, but I do what I can to keep up.  Even through the day, if you put your arms over your head and reach for the ceiling, your back and shoulders will feel better.

Matthew chapter 24 - about end of times signs.  When this was written people had shorter life expectancies and their lives (compared to ours here in the USA) were pretty tough, plus they were being persecuted by the Romans.  I'm sure end of times was a real issue.  People die everyday.  I don't think that's the end of times that Jesus is referring to, more  when he will return to claim his people to God.  It talks of wars, famines and natural disasters, that we have seen plenty of.  If you follow Christ, you will find personal peace with this entire issue.

1995 - On this day, Nicole and I went to Lutheran East High School to have lunch with my niece Merri.  It was Senior lunch day and she was a senior.  Nicole was 10 and loved her cousin.

Parenting - Younger children are most often in awe of their older cousins or siblings.  It sets a relationship up for them for their entire lives.  The extended family has a big impact on children, we were always very close when our kids were growing up.  Keep in  touch with family!

Book Club - The Nine - Sandra Day O'Connor is a force to be reckoned with I'm discovering.

Wyoming - Jackson Hole - This looks like a great place to stay:

The Lexington at Jackson Hole

The Lexington at Jackson Hole
285 N. Cache Street
Jackson WY 83001-1712
United States
Meeting Space Accessible Pool Internet Access WiFi Available
Hotel Highlights
  • Retreat to contemporary western service and style
  • Close to skiing and the Grand Teton National Park
  • Historic Town Square walking distance

Check Availability

City: Jackson, WyomingStart new search

Hotel Overview

Welcome to the Lexington at Jackson Hole, your home away from home in beautiful Jackson, Wyoming. With close proximity to Grand Teton National Park, the National Elk Refuge, and Yellowstone National Park, our guests can enjoy the many outdoor activities and rustic beauty that Wyoming has to offer. Located just 1.5 blocks from the historic Jackson Town Square, our guests are within easy walking distance of many shops, restaurants, galleries, museums, and nightclubs.

The Lexington at Jackson Hole welcomes you with a warm, comfortable two-story lobby with fireplace. Our property also features a complimentary deluxe continental breakfast served in our mezzanine, an indoor heated pool, indoor jacuzzi, meeting/conference facility, business center, guest laundry facility, complimentary airport shuttle service, and plenty of complimentary parking.

Each of our spacious guest rooms at the Lexington at Jackson Hole offers a comfortable, quiet environment with all of the comforts of home including premium beds, complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access, microwave, mini-fridge, coffeemaker, cable TV with HBO and ESPN, desk with lamp, hairdryer, iron, and ironing board. Some rooms offer fireplaces and sitting areas while others provide courtyard access to easily load and unload luggage.

An easily accessible location, affordable rates, exceptional customer service, and superb accommodations make the Lexington at Jackson Hole the perfect choice when visiting the Jackson Hole, Wyoming area.
Sounds great! to me!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

My daughter got me a fitbit zip for my birthday!  It tracks your activity and sends info to your computer.  You can put your daily food intake, and it logs your steps and activity.  SO today I did Disco with Richard Simmons.  He says you live longer if you cha cha.  I will see how many steps in a Richard workout. I got the clip fitbit, not the bracelet.  Thanks Nicole!

Romans chapter 16 - Paul thanks a list of people, including many women for their faith and work in the early Christian church.  It wasn't just a matter of time available to those people, and they risked their lives doing it.  The Holy Spirit was sent to these people to empower them to share the story of Jesus Christ.  You got it too at your baptism.  Share.

1976 - It was the day after my birthday and Pete thought we could still get a deal at Farrels ice cream store.  Do you remember Farrells?  They had what they called a pig trough, if you could eat it all you didn't have to pay for it. (alone).  Those were the days, I could eat whatever I wanted and never have to buy up to a size 8.  Those days are gone!  They wouldn't give us the free ice cream, we were a day late.  We probably still had one though.

Parenting - My cousins son and his wife and baby boy twins this past week.  Fortunately they have a lot of family to step in and help, but still - one baby is full time, two babies? I can't imagine.  I knew a couple that had triplets years ago and couldn't believe how calm they were, maybe it's an extra gene you get if God knows he is giving you 2 or 3.  They will be well taken care of, those 2 little guys.

Book club -  The Nine - zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wyoming Jackson Hole:  Hey!  how about the museum today?
Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum

  • John Wayne book ad

    Find great gifts at the Museum Store!

    See our wide selection of gifts, historic photographs, or books. We have the best selection of Jackson Hole history books in the entire region, as well as a large selection of Native American, fur trapper, Wyoming history, women’s chronicles, and Western heritage titles! (John Wayne book actual size 11" x 14")
  • 1958.0225.001Town 1907

    Request information on photos by number

    Town of Jackson, June 1, 1907. Hilltop view to southeast. 1958.0225.001
  • jenny lake school buss

    View sampling of 16,000 photographs – see Shop in menu above

    Jenny Lake school bus, 1941. From left: Roan Horse Smith and Lew Smith had the school sled contract, and Lida Gabbey was a teacher at the Jenny Lake School as well as Postmistress at Jenny Lake. 1958.0497.001
  • 1958.1162.001 rodeo cowgirls3

    A Brief History of the Jackson Hole Rodeo

    Rodeo is as much a part of the history of Jackson Hole as the mountain man, dude rancher and every other character to enter and inhabit this valley. Learn More about the history of the Rodeo with this Online Exhibition.
  1. 1
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Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014 Monday

Went easy on myself, still healing from birthday celebration.  Did some yoga this morning.

Exodus chapter 16 - About the Israelites leaving Egypt and then complaining about being hungry.  God feeds them.  I always marvel at how, with God so visibly apparent in their lives the people could be so whinny.  Really?  If he led me by a pillar of cloud and protected by a column of fire.  I would be scared to death to complain.  He parted the waters of the red sea and rained manna and meat from the heavens for them to eat.  And the study writer suggested that we listen,  listen to yourself.  I think I have been kind of whinny myself lately.

2006 - On this day, it was and still is my birthday.  The guys at work (bless their hearts) got me a cake and gave me a card they had all signed and the boss let me go home early.  So I called Nicole and told her I would be stopping at the grocery store and coming home early.  When I got to the store Nicole and her friend Hilary were there and tied bunches of balloons to my shopping cart, one a huge mylar parrot.  Then they left.  It takes some fortitude going through a store with all those balloons, can't remember why they didn't charge me for them? 

Parenting - I think marriage kind of falls in this category as well, and I read a great article in a magazine that said MOST men do not cheat.  It included these reasons, religious convictions, moral upbringing, but my favorite were the rest.  They are too lazy to get a shower, dress and GO somewhere.  Or, they are too cheap, dinner and tickets for a show that your wife might make you go to the following night.  Another reason was a lot of men are so ugly they are happy to have found one woman that will have them.  It was an eye opener, and very funny to me.  Raise your sons right! lol

Book Club - The Nine, ok this is all about Roe vs Wade. still persevering.

Wyoming Jackson - Hey lets go here for dinner tonight!;

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15, 2014 Saturday

Thank you!  I wouldn't have done kick boxing this morning but it would mean I would have to make an excuse here.  It is suggested that you keep track of your workouts to keep the momentum up.  You are my momentum, I exercised so I don't have to think up a lame excuse.

Psalm 139 - This is a great reading to feel restored, to know that God is with you and will keep you in his care.  The study writer made a good point, that if your car is damaged, if you break a plate or anything else, you can replace it but not repair it fully.  God has created the human body to repair itself, from disease or damage or illness.  That we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". 

2002 - On this day, Jay made perch for lunch.  I worked at that place for 19 + years and Jay is one of the reasons why.  He loved to cook, and in the winter when there wasn't a lot to do at an Excavating/trucking company, he made lunch.  It was a work of art, a well thought out presentation in a cement block garage.  The guys would plan on being back from a run, or stopping what they were doing if it was announced on the two way that Jay was cooking.  I usually got to make the coleslaw and set up the plates etc.  He retired to a condo in Colorado to be closer to his grandsons and I heard he set up a kitchen in his garage.  I'm sure his neighbors are happy!  They probably all go over for lunch, if they are smart.

Parenting - Now that was a grandpa that loved his 3 grandsons.  He went to all of their skating/hockey games, even if, when they were older and they were across the country.  They all rode in the dozer or whatever equipment he was on from the time they were tykes.  Good thing OSHA never found out, but it sure never hurt those boys.  If they were sick, Jay brought them to my office for the day.  I had truck coloring books and rubber band games that we played.  Pleasant memories.

Book club - The Nine, slow but a little interesting.

Wyoming, Jackson Hole - How does this sound for today?

Scenic Byways & Backways

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014 Happy Valentine Day!

The 10 Minute solution today was ballet.  Just a couple of deep knee bends (pleias?)  and kicks and you can feel the muscles that uses.  Spring is coming, get in shape!  Just to feel better for walks in the warm sun.  I can't wait.

John chapter 15 - Jesus said -"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love."  Very nice Valentine message from the creator of love.

1999 - On this day, Nicole and I drove Millie, my friend Chris' mom to Florida.  She didn't like to fly and had her little Pomeranian with her too.  I never minded the trip, even after 6 or 8 times, I still enjoy the ride.  It took us two days to get to Chris', in The Lakes, Florida.  Millie was staying down there for a while and Nicole and I went to visit her Grandma and Grandpa, then stopped on the way back at Disneyworld with Chris.  Probably one of my more memorable Valentine Day weeks.!  People are less likely to take time to drive anymore, it cuts into their vacation time, I think.  Being from the age that wanted to "see the USA in your Chevrolet", I enjoy the sights along the way.  How about you?

Parenting - That trip also haunts me.  Nicole was kind of moody on the trip down there, and I didn't catch it till on the way to Chris' after Disneyworld.  She had an upper respiratory and ear infection, but didn't want me to cancel Disneyworld because of it.  So, she didn't complain or whine she just got quiet.  She slept most of the way home to Michigan in the car.  Sometimes we aren't as in tune with our kids as we think. 

Book Club -  The Nine -The Secret world of the Supreme Court.  So far it is mostly about Roe vs Wade. If you have an opinion on abortion, it is an interesting read.  It would surprise you to find out how the Justices stood on that.

Wyoming - Jackson Hole -  Did you see that lodge getaway?  That would be a great place to spend Valentine day!  Here's some more current news:
Last Wednesday’s forum on Wyoming and Our Energy Future, sponsored by the Center for the Arts, provided an interesting opportunity for us in Jackson Hole to learn more about the “other” Wyoming — the one that focuses on energy development and derives state revenues from the exploitation of our energy resources. The focus here in Jackson Hole on wildlife and habitat preservation and protection of ...
Jackson Hole News & Guide - Feb 04 11:25pm 
Every rose has its thorn, huh? 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jacki and Sue!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014 Thursday

Going to work today, maybe catch some of that bicycle thing when I get home.

Revelation chapter 3 - Jesus said to the church in Sardis "I know your deeds, you have a reputation of being alive, but are dead.  Wake Up"  Now that's a wake up call.  He knows who we are and continually tells us to wake up to him.

1998 - On this day, I baked cookies for the guys.  Tomorrow is Valentine day and over the years, wherever I worked, I baked cakes or cookies or whatever for holidays, birthdays etc.  I know a lot of people that do that, its just something a little special we can do for one another.  I baked cookies this time too.

Parenting - Don's granddaughter Madison told him that because her Dad would be at work and unable to attend Daddy-daughter Valentine donut day, it was now Papa-granddaughter day for donuts.  He is of course going.

Book Club - The Nine, I get a lot of reading done waiting in doctors offices with mom.  This book has some  very interesting information.  Really.

Jackson Hole Wyoming - how about some current news;

  1. The National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, will debut a new touring exhibition of artwork by famous "cowboy artist" Charles M. Russell beginning May 17, 2014. "Harmless Hunter: The Wildlife Work of Charles M. Russell" includes rarely seen wildlife depictions by the artist and is the first show to focus on this aspect of his work. (PRWeb February 11, 2014) Read the full story ...
    PRWeb - Feb 11 12:48am  Sounds good
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014 Wednesday

Only 10 Minute solution - pilates.  Going to Ballroom dance lessons tonight so something easy sounded good.  You can double up you know.  Lift some weights in the morning and then go for a walk later.

Romans chapter 8 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  God is desperate for your love, no matter who you are or what you have done.

1982 - Jigsaw puzzles.  This is a perfect time for a jigsaw puzzle.  Set one up and everytime you walk by you end of sitting there for an hour.  I must not have had a cat in 1982.  We did have a storm window or felt to lay over them when we did have cats, but its not the same as having it out to draw you in.  We had one that was two sided.  There was an open sided apt building on one side and conversations on the other.  You had to make sure the conversation matched what the people in the apt were saying.  We set that one up on a storm window, so you could lift and look.  I have seen people have a puzzle set up at camp, cottages and our youth room.  How about you?  Very relaxing on a winter day.

Parenting - Puzzles and board games were always regular standbys for keeping kids busy.  I know Missy still plays board games with her kids.  Take time to play a game.  Nicole and I loved Battleship, that was my favorite!  The one with batteries, remember?  plunk plunk plunk that ships a gonner.

Book club - The Nine -Supreme Court.  I'm working on it.

Wyoming Jackson Hole: 
This looks like a good read about this place 

Along the Ramparts of the Tetons: The Saga of Jackson Hole, Wyoming Paperback

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014 Tuesday

This is a great video.  10 minute solutions, Only 10 minutes!  you can do it!  So today was Boot camp, with aerobic warm up and weight lifting, push ups and sit ups.  Just do what you can.  There are 5 days of Boot camp, Pilates, Kick boxing, ballet and yoga.  Try it!

1 Kings chapter 17 - This is the story of Elijah saving the woman's son.  He had actually died and Elijah prayed to God to return him to life.  He did and the woman finally trusted that Elijah had the word of the Lord in his mouth.  Do you believe that God can restore life?

1977 - On this day my niece Merri was born at 7:36 pm she weighed 7 lbs 8 oz.  It was my brothers first child and the first grandchild.  My friend Pete and I went to the hospital in time to go home with Andy and have a pizza.  It had been a long day for them.  Birthing practices have changed quite a bit in 37 years too.  Who remembers the fathers pacing the floor in the waiting room?  Aaron was able to help deliver his little girl Martina last week.

Parenting - In normal families, the love for that child grows throughout their lifetime, but never is it more precious then at that first moment of birth. 

Book Club - We had our book club meeting to talk about My Antonia last night.  I did not know (they cut out a lot of info on e books I'm thinking) that it was known that Willa Cather, the author, was a lesbian.  It shouldn't matter?  It gave me an entirely different perspective of the story.  Not in a bad way, I just looked into the characters and their story from a different view point. 

Wyoming Jackson Hole:  Something to do!
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Fly fishing in the Firehole river
Angling in Yellowstone National Park is a major reason many visitors come to the park each year and since it was created in 1872, the park has drawn anglers from around the world to fish its waters. In 2006, over 50,000 park fishing permits were issued to visitors.[1] The park contains hundreds of miles of accessible, high-quality trout rivers containing wild trout populations—over 200 creeks, streams and rivers are fishable. There are 45 fishable lakes and several large lakes are easily accessible to visitors.[1] Additionally, the park's remote sections provide anglers ample opportunity to visit rivers, streams, creeks and lakes that receive little angling pressure. With the exception of one specially designated drainage, all the park's waters are restricted to artificial lures and fly fishing. The Madison, Firehole and a section of the Gibbon rivers are restricted to fly fishing only.
Anglers visiting the park to fish will encounter cutthroat, rainbow, brown, brook and lake trout, mountain whitefish and arctic grayling. The park's fishing season runs from the Saturday in May associated with Memorial Day to the first Sunday in November each year. The National Park Service regulates angling in the park and classifies different fish available to the angler as either Native or Non-Native species. Any native species—cutthroat trout, grayling and whitefish—caught must be immediately released unharmed. Non-natives—rainbow, brown, brook and lake trout have different bag limits depending on the waters fished. Some non-natives are also subject to catch and release regulations and all lake trout caught in Yellowstone Lake or river must be killed. All hooks used in the park must be barbless or have their barbs pinched down. Many specific waters or sections of waters are closed either permanently for either safety reasons, wildlife management or to protect thermal features. The National Park Service may also enact emergency closures and restrictions because of low water, high temperatures or fires.
Anglers should always be familiar with the most current regulations, restrictions and closures. A Yellowstone National Park fishing permit is required to fish in the park. State licenses are not required.[2]

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Merri!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014 Monday ? I lost Sunday?

Did a 20 minute Pilates workout.  Easy way to start the week.  So hard to work off those extra pounds I put on over the holidays.  You too?  Keep at it, I'm trying for the first 5 and going from there.

Psalm 59 -  Reminds us that David was hunted by his enemies and always turned to God for protection.  You can think that David was a favored child of God, he was selected to be a king over Israel and God certainly blessed him, but he was not perfect, same as us.  You are a favored child of God also, remember to go to him when you have trouble. "You are my strength, I sing praise to you, you, God are my fortress, my God on who I can rely."

2008 - I was out at my buddy Fitz's place helping him out.  By this time his macular degeneration had pretty much destroyed his vision.  He hung in there though, didn't want to leave his home or the 30 odd feral cats he kept.  There were 10 - 15 in a lean to shack on the back patio, he had rigged with work lights to keep them warm.  There were another 10 - 15 that he let into the attached garage, because they were having babies (not sure how he knew, but they did)  many babies.  Then there were another unknown amount in the barn, you knew they were there but they never showed themselves to me.  I love cats, fortunately.  There was one on the back patio that appeared to have been in some type of situation, one ear missing and part of his face, tail gone, and multiple wounds.  He was realllll skittish, I couldn't get near him and didn't think he would be there the following week, or at least not a live.  I had an antibiotic in my purse ?  and made a dish of food for him and sprinkled it on.  When I arrived the following week, he was sitting up, didn't look much better but hissed to let me know he was there.  I named him Lazarus.

Parenting - Went out to my step son Aaron's yesterday to see his new daughter, Martina.  She is so beautiful, with a thick head of black silky hair and the most beautiful ears, tiny like rose buds.  Lisa is an excellent Mom, having had the experience of the two boys, Matthew and Anthony.  So glad she got a little girl to dress up in pretty dresses and bows.  She didn't care, as long as it was healthy.  Congratulations to them!  Welcome little Martina!

Book Club - The Nine about the Supreme Court.  Rough reading unless you are a lawyer.  Interesting what I understand.

Wyoming, Jackson Hole:  here is a little more background on the area:


Jackson is administered by a mayor and town council. The current mayor is Mark Barron.[12]


Public education in the town of Jackson is provided by Teton County School District #1. Schools serving the town include Jackson Elementary School (grades K-2), Colter Elementary School (grades 3-5), Jackson Hole Middle School (grades 6-8), Jackson Hole High School, Summit High School, the Jackson Hole Community School and the Journeys School.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014 Saturday!

Abs and arms workout with Tamilee.  I increased my hand weight to 5 lbs, it makes a big difference.

Leviticus chapter 5 and Romans chapter 3 - both talk about sacrifices made for sin.  The old testament was a bull sacrificed for an unknown sin and Romans tells us that Jesus was sacrificed for everyone's sins for all time.  Gives a huge reminder of how forgiving our God is.

2006 - On this day, I was still the youth director at First English.  This time of year is when we always did the 30 Hour Famine.  The youth at both churches we attend now are still doing them.  It is a good reminder to our teenagers that many children in the world don't get a choice of which cereal for breakfast, they are lucky to have a drink of water on a lot of days.  The youth fast for 30 hours and lock in at church to study videos that World Vision provides for these occasions.  There is a ton of suggestions for activities during their lock in and fast, including, service projects, bible study and recreation.  They take collections from family and friends to send World Vision, which has done a lot of good in feeding the hungry around the world.  Very worthwhile.  If a youth approaches for this charity, please by generous.  $30.00 can feed a child for a month.

Parenting - How not to raise an entitled child.  Make sure they are familiar with the condition of the world around us.  We live in the top percentage of wealth in the world and so often forget that point and forget to teach it to our children.  Gratitude is a healthy trait and charity is good for the soul.

Book club -  The Nine, about the Supreme Court.  Getting off to a slow start, but I am learning something. 

Wyoming - Jackson Hole - this is not what you would call a "rich" community, I don't think.  Somehow I don't think they are the keeping up with the Joneses types.  Not a bad thing, what do you think?


Historical population

As of 2000 the median income for a household in the town was $59,605, and the median income for a family was $69,432. Male full-time, year-round workers had a median income of $35,892 versus $29,175 for females. The per capita income for the town was $27,066. About 4.2% of families and 6.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 6.7% of those under age 18.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7, 2014 Friday!

Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  Still tired from all the snow shoveling and dancing.  I was reading in a magazine how important yoga is to keep your joints and muscles from getting old and not moving the way we want them to, even to brushing your teeth later on in life.  I don't know about you, but I have to keep brushing my teeth.

Judges chapter 3 - Othniel does not come immediately to mind. Or not at all.  He was a judge in Israel that broke the slavery the Israelites were in under Cushan-Rishathaim for 8 years.  He doesn't sound familiar either.  The important thing to remember here, the study writer says, is that God uses people to do wonderful, heroic things for his people.  The glory goes to God.  Maybe he has used you to do some wonderful thing for someone, we need to tell them it was God acting through us.

2000 - On this day, the company accountant came in.  This guy was so kind and helpful and a good Christian.  He shared his faith with me because he knew I try to be as well.  Over the 19+ years that I worked with this guy I thought he was great.  When I was retired I discovered different and was terribly disappointed in the way he handled the situation.  I try to remind myself that he worked for the company.  The bosses behavior didn't surprise me, but I thought better of the accountant.  I guess end of job options are never easy.

Parenting - On this day, also, my daughters girlfriend is mentioned. They were best friends since kindergarten.  That friend had a sex change operation and is now an exceptional young man, married to a girl that has two boys from a previous marriage.  It is almost like remembering two different people, that are equally wonderful, but they are the same person that has created a life that fits them better.  I believe that these are also free will choices that God has given us the ability to make.

Book club - Ok this book is called The Nine - Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court. by Jeffrey Toobin.  This might not be my choice of reading material but I am going to challenge myself.

Wyoming, Jackson City:  interesting place to visit I think, have you been there?
Jackson Hole was originally populated by Native American tribes including the Shoshoni, Crow, Blackfeet, Bannock, and Gros Ventre. John Colter entered Jackson Hole during the winter of 1807/1808 during the return journey of the Lewis & Clark expedition. The area became a prime area for trappers and many famous mountain men traveled through the area in the early 1800s. These mountain men are responsible for many of the names in the valley including Bridger, Jedediah Smith, and Sublette. David Jackson gave his name to the valley after a winter spent on the shores of Jackson Lake.
As part of the Hayden Expedition of 1871 and 1872, William Henry Jackson took the first photographs of the Teton Mountains and Yellowstone. His photographs, along with the sketches by Tom Moran, were important evidence to convince Congress to protect Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park became the first National Park in 1872. Grand Teton National Park was created in 1920 and greatly expanded in 1950 through the generous efforts of John D. Rockefeller, who purchased and then donated over 30,000 acres.
The Town of Jackson was named in 1894. Some of the early buildings remain and can be found throughout the area of the Town Square. The Town of Jackson elected the first all-woman city council in 1920.
The first ski town was built at Teton Pass in 1937 and Snow King Resort was established in 1930. Teton County now boasts three excellent ski areas including Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village, Grand Targhee Ski and Summer Resort located on the West slope of the Tetons, and Snow King Resort.
The Town of Jackson is the county seat of Teton County and the only incorporated municipality in the region. Less than 3% of land in Teton County is privately owned. 97% of the 2,697,000 acres in Teton County are federally or state owned/managed.
In 2009, the Town of Jackson was designated as a Preserve America Community. This designation recognizes that, as a community, we protect and celebrate our heritage, use historic assets for economic development and encourage people to experience and appreciate local historic resources

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014 Thursday

Took the morning off.  After Pilate's, snow shoveling and ballroom dance lessons yesterday, I'm pooped.

Psalm 55 - " I said,"Oh that I had the wings of a dove?  I would fly away and be at rest."  We all have days when we think that don't we?  Life on this earth brings both days, good and bad.  Those of us that can let go and let God have an advantage.  It's not a private club, you can join.

1999 - On this day, two things stand out.  First I cleaned the yard.  ON FEBRUARY 6?  really?  must have been a banner winter, right?  Only thing I'm cleaning this year is snow off the driveway and walks.  Then second thing was I bought a cell phone.  It was the first one and now I can't imagine not having one.  I still have friends that are fighting the cell phone being on all the time, or texting, or any of the conveniences of weather, GPS etc.  that I don't seem to be able to live without anymore.  When did you get your first cell phone?

Parenting - There are some things that we are incapable of helping our children with.  Other people and friends are better resources for them, I think because we are often too close to the problem, or maybe we are the problem.  I am so thankful to those who stepped in for Nicole when she couldn't or wouldn't come to me and were there for her.  I wonder if it would be a good idea to have that conversation with your child to let them know of someone who would be willing to help that they could go to, and then let that person know. 

Book club - Our next book is The Nine by Jeffery Toobin.  I think I have that right, but its not coming up on my nook.  Might have to buy the book.  Anybody read it?  Have it at home?

Wyoming Jackson Hole -  let's get the background:


The "Sleeping Indian" is a series of rock formations on Sheep Mountain in the Gros Ventre Range on the east side of Jackson Hole
Elk in wild
The valley is formed by the Teton Range on the western side and the Gros Ventre Range on the eastern side. Grand Teton National Park occupies the north-western part of the valley encompassing much of the Teton Range as well as Jackson Lake. The town of Jackson, Wyoming, is at the southern end. Between them lies, on U.S. Route 26, "Glacier View Turnout" offering a view of Teton Glacier on the north of Grand Teton,[2] and the National Elk Refuge, home of the largest elk herd on earth. The Snake River threads through the entire valley from its headwater in Yellowstone in the north to the mouth of the Snake River Canyon at the southern tip of the valley. Blacktail Butte is a prominent landform rising from the valley floor. The average altitude of the valley is over 6,500 feet (2,000 m).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!