Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014 Wednesday

Maybe get in the stationary bike thing later.

1 John chapter 4 - "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as atoning sacrifice for our sins."  He did that for you.

On this day:
1993 - Trade Center was bombed, we forget the smaller one that came first.
1982 - Do you like to dance?  Don and I are taking ballroom dance lessons right now, but back in 1982 my friends uncle, considerably older then I was, loved to dance and he was very good.  We went to all the halls and bars that had good dance bands and danced all night.  Uncle Ralph, thanks for the dance! 

Parenting -  My friends son lives with her, and her mother.  She has a huge house, very comfortable.  Last night I was there for dinner and her son overheard our conversation in the dining room and announced that we could get into a senior residence together because he was bringing all the old men  (his dad and dad's buddies) into her house to take care of.  Well at  least he has a plan.

Book Club - The Nine  Inside the Supreme Court

Wyoming Jackson hole - Getting ready to pack up and head out of Wyoming;  Lets go do this before we leave:
An important part of being Forever West is preserving, and cherishing the history and culture of Wyoming. Attractions like the Buffalo Bill Historical Center celebrate the spirit of the American West, including the culture and art that bring the heritage of Wyoming alive.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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