Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014 Friday

I'm slackin off here.  Got to go to work today.

John chapter 4 - Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman.  He crossed boundaries, races, and religions to reach people.  The Samaritan woman was surprised that he talked to her, he wasn't supposed to.  He asked her for water and told her he would give her eternal water.  Jesus reached out to everyone to offer them forgiveness and eternal life.  He still is.

1932 - The Lindburgh baby was kidnapped.  I don't believe it was ever found or solved was it?  I'm sure the Lindburgh's wished it had been a boring day with nothing happening.
On this day - looking back over the years, we have had many milder days then we are having now, but pretty much, it is a boring time of year.  You have to take the time to read, clean a closet, call a friend.  Enjoy the downtime.

Parenting - I think any mothers worse nightmare is having their child disappear.  I try to avoid watching any program on TV that shows a story about this, I have nightmares.  How about you?  Keep them close.

Book club - The Nine - only 300 more pages.

Jackson Hole Wyoming - don't forget to pick up some souvenirs we leave her tomorrow. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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