Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7, 2014 Friday!

Aerobics with Kathy Smith.  Still tired from all the snow shoveling and dancing.  I was reading in a magazine how important yoga is to keep your joints and muscles from getting old and not moving the way we want them to, even to brushing your teeth later on in life.  I don't know about you, but I have to keep brushing my teeth.

Judges chapter 3 - Othniel does not come immediately to mind. Or not at all.  He was a judge in Israel that broke the slavery the Israelites were in under Cushan-Rishathaim for 8 years.  He doesn't sound familiar either.  The important thing to remember here, the study writer says, is that God uses people to do wonderful, heroic things for his people.  The glory goes to God.  Maybe he has used you to do some wonderful thing for someone, we need to tell them it was God acting through us.

2000 - On this day, the company accountant came in.  This guy was so kind and helpful and a good Christian.  He shared his faith with me because he knew I try to be as well.  Over the 19+ years that I worked with this guy I thought he was great.  When I was retired I discovered different and was terribly disappointed in the way he handled the situation.  I try to remind myself that he worked for the company.  The bosses behavior didn't surprise me, but I thought better of the accountant.  I guess end of job options are never easy.

Parenting - On this day, also, my daughters girlfriend is mentioned. They were best friends since kindergarten.  That friend had a sex change operation and is now an exceptional young man, married to a girl that has two boys from a previous marriage.  It is almost like remembering two different people, that are equally wonderful, but they are the same person that has created a life that fits them better.  I believe that these are also free will choices that God has given us the ability to make.

Book club - Ok this book is called The Nine - Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court. by Jeffrey Toobin.  This might not be my choice of reading material but I am going to challenge myself.

Wyoming, Jackson City:  interesting place to visit I think, have you been there?
Jackson Hole was originally populated by Native American tribes including the Shoshoni, Crow, Blackfeet, Bannock, and Gros Ventre. John Colter entered Jackson Hole during the winter of 1807/1808 during the return journey of the Lewis & Clark expedition. The area became a prime area for trappers and many famous mountain men traveled through the area in the early 1800s. These mountain men are responsible for many of the names in the valley including Bridger, Jedediah Smith, and Sublette. David Jackson gave his name to the valley after a winter spent on the shores of Jackson Lake.
As part of the Hayden Expedition of 1871 and 1872, William Henry Jackson took the first photographs of the Teton Mountains and Yellowstone. His photographs, along with the sketches by Tom Moran, were important evidence to convince Congress to protect Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park became the first National Park in 1872. Grand Teton National Park was created in 1920 and greatly expanded in 1950 through the generous efforts of John D. Rockefeller, who purchased and then donated over 30,000 acres.
The Town of Jackson was named in 1894. Some of the early buildings remain and can be found throughout the area of the Town Square. The Town of Jackson elected the first all-woman city council in 1920.
The first ski town was built at Teton Pass in 1937 and Snow King Resort was established in 1930. Teton County now boasts three excellent ski areas including Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village, Grand Targhee Ski and Summer Resort located on the West slope of the Tetons, and Snow King Resort.
The Town of Jackson is the county seat of Teton County and the only incorporated municipality in the region. Less than 3% of land in Teton County is privately owned. 97% of the 2,697,000 acres in Teton County are federally or state owned/managed.
In 2009, the Town of Jackson was designated as a Preserve America Community. This designation recognizes that, as a community, we protect and celebrate our heritage, use historic assets for economic development and encourage people to experience and appreciate local historic resources

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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