Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 Monday

Judges chapter 7 - is about Gideon defeating the Midianites.  When you read the story it has some points you really wonder about - God kept reducing Gideons army even though the opposing force seriously outnumbered them to start.  But the way God chose who would go and who would stay was interesting - "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues as a dog laps from those who kneel down to drink."  He kept the 300 lappers and that's who won the war.  With God, all things are possible.

Denise ( a very young Denise possibly on steroids) and I did Super Stomach, ab workout.  I do not have that 6 pack but I do have a strong back.  From my own experience, I have noticed a sharp decline in the amount of Aleve I take for aches and pains since I started drinking water, usually about 48 oz a day.  "They" say first thing when you get up, before meals and before bed.  So even if you don't exercise, do yourself a favor and drink more water.

On this day -
1870 - First African American congressman.
2003 - I went to Grace Circle.  It is a monthly group that meets for Bible study and potluck, or now just desert.  A woman's group.  As a matter of fact we meet tonight.  It is one of those things you can do to support your faith, learn more about the word and bond with other women, which all of the above are life sustaining according to most studies that you see.  Look into it.

Parenting - thinking today about all those athletes coming home from Sochi.  The hard work, excitement, wins and losses, the new found friends and heart breaks of defeat are all memories now.  Many will start working on the next Olympics, others will get on with their regular lives, maybe some will never be able to recover the glory of those two weeks and have problems.  Now that I think about all that, glad I'm not their parent.  JK

Book Club - The Nine Supreme Court uncovered.  Textbook reading, sigh.

Wyoming Jackson Hole - Last week here, thought I'd take a look at a street map to see the lay of the city.:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

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