Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014 Monday

Been down with a cold, so this morning I forced the Jillian trainer on myself.  I got through the warm up.  Hey, I didn't have to tell you.  Sometimes you just do what you can.

Romans chapter 14 - this again about being judgmental.  We are all only responsible for our own faith.  I like to share mine, whether or not you accept it, is your business.  Yours and God's.  Those of us who have faith, want everyone to know why it gives us such hope, happiness and comfort.  We want to share it with you.  I know some people try other methods of sharing faith, some do more harm then good, again its about you and your relationship with God.  That is what this passage from Romans says.

2012 - On this day - Waynette, Ruth, Claudette and I went down to the Detroit Institute of Art to see Rembrandt's faces of Jesus.  It was very busy and there were long lines.  A tribute to Rembrandt and his subject.  I would think that many that were there, actually hunger to see the face of Jesus.  It seems we all have a different opinion of his appearance.  Rembrandt, of course, captured a deeper then skin appearance in his portrayals. The DIA is such an important part of our cultural life, you should go to the art institute, while it is there.

Parenting - Aaron and his wife Lisa had a baby girl last night!  Another life to celebrate!  Lisa is such a good mother, I am so glad she got a little girl to go with her beautiful 2 boys.  God answers prayer!

Book club - I love reading a good book.  When life is overwhelming, you can escape into someone else's joy or tragedy.  My Antonia is a great escape.

Wyoming!  Jackson Hole - Not ancient, but a lot of history here:
Jackson Hole, originally called Jackson's Hole, is a valley located in the U.S. state of Wyoming, near the western border with Idaho. The name "hole" derives from language used by early trappers or mountain men, who primarily entered the valley from the north and east and had to descend along relatively steep slopes, giving the sensation of entering a hole. These low-lying valleys are surrounded by mountains and contain rivers and streams, which were good habitat for beaver and other fur-bearing animals.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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