Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014 Thursday

Took the morning off.  After Pilate's, snow shoveling and ballroom dance lessons yesterday, I'm pooped.

Psalm 55 - " I said,"Oh that I had the wings of a dove?  I would fly away and be at rest."  We all have days when we think that don't we?  Life on this earth brings both days, good and bad.  Those of us that can let go and let God have an advantage.  It's not a private club, you can join.

1999 - On this day, two things stand out.  First I cleaned the yard.  ON FEBRUARY 6?  really?  must have been a banner winter, right?  Only thing I'm cleaning this year is snow off the driveway and walks.  Then second thing was I bought a cell phone.  It was the first one and now I can't imagine not having one.  I still have friends that are fighting the cell phone being on all the time, or texting, or any of the conveniences of weather, GPS etc.  that I don't seem to be able to live without anymore.  When did you get your first cell phone?

Parenting - There are some things that we are incapable of helping our children with.  Other people and friends are better resources for them, I think because we are often too close to the problem, or maybe we are the problem.  I am so thankful to those who stepped in for Nicole when she couldn't or wouldn't come to me and were there for her.  I wonder if it would be a good idea to have that conversation with your child to let them know of someone who would be willing to help that they could go to, and then let that person know. 

Book club - Our next book is The Nine by Jeffery Toobin.  I think I have that right, but its not coming up on my nook.  Might have to buy the book.  Anybody read it?  Have it at home?

Wyoming Jackson Hole -  let's get the background:


The "Sleeping Indian" is a series of rock formations on Sheep Mountain in the Gros Ventre Range on the east side of Jackson Hole
Elk in wild
The valley is formed by the Teton Range on the western side and the Gros Ventre Range on the eastern side. Grand Teton National Park occupies the north-western part of the valley encompassing much of the Teton Range as well as Jackson Lake. The town of Jackson, Wyoming, is at the southern end. Between them lies, on U.S. Route 26, "Glacier View Turnout" offering a view of Teton Glacier on the north of Grand Teton,[2] and the National Elk Refuge, home of the largest elk herd on earth. The Snake River threads through the entire valley from its headwater in Yellowstone in the north to the mouth of the Snake River Canyon at the southern tip of the valley. Blacktail Butte is a prominent landform rising from the valley floor. The average altitude of the valley is over 6,500 feet (2,000 m).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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