Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014 Wednesday

Only 10 Minute solution - pilates.  Going to Ballroom dance lessons tonight so something easy sounded good.  You can double up you know.  Lift some weights in the morning and then go for a walk later.

Romans chapter 8 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  God is desperate for your love, no matter who you are or what you have done.

1982 - Jigsaw puzzles.  This is a perfect time for a jigsaw puzzle.  Set one up and everytime you walk by you end of sitting there for an hour.  I must not have had a cat in 1982.  We did have a storm window or felt to lay over them when we did have cats, but its not the same as having it out to draw you in.  We had one that was two sided.  There was an open sided apt building on one side and conversations on the other.  You had to make sure the conversation matched what the people in the apt were saying.  We set that one up on a storm window, so you could lift and look.  I have seen people have a puzzle set up at camp, cottages and our youth room.  How about you?  Very relaxing on a winter day.

Parenting - Puzzles and board games were always regular standbys for keeping kids busy.  I know Missy still plays board games with her kids.  Take time to play a game.  Nicole and I loved Battleship, that was my favorite!  The one with batteries, remember?  plunk plunk plunk that ships a gonner.

Book club - The Nine -Supreme Court.  I'm working on it.

Wyoming Jackson Hole: 
This looks like a good read about this place 

Along the Ramparts of the Tetons: The Saga of Jackson Hole, Wyoming Paperback

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