Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014 Tuesday worse winter ever.

Started out with Jillian again, she finished, I didn't.  Just have to keep working up to it.

Mark chapter 12 - The Greatest Commandment -  Love God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your mind and with all your strength, and then love your neighbor as yourself.  Most, I think love themselves first, putting what we want for ourselves before anything else, like food and care.  Take care of yourself first, you can't help anyone else if you aren't happy, is a common statement that I have heard.   Jesus Christ and the American soldier are exceptions to this rule as someone once noted.  What do you think?

1982 - On this day, I got stuck in the driveway trying to leave for work, was an hour late.  AND my boss was off this day because he was at a Curling tournament.  Do you know what curling is?  Where they have a large round rock with a handle on top and they slide it across the ice to a mark, the one that gets closest gets points, much like bocci ball, but you are on ice with shoes and brooms.  Not making fun, I have heard it is very entertaining.  In fact, some friends of mine wanted to get a date for doing this, but the curling places are booked.  Now you know how popular it is.

Parenting - What motivational tools do you use with your off spring?

Book club - My Antonia, this segment should be under parenting.  Antonia, eventually marries and has 11 kids.  Happiest person in the world, proud mama.  She seems to know how to motivate her brood, they are working the farm, cleaning the house, etc.

Jackson Hole - Here is some more history:


The valley is thought to have been named after David Edward "Davey" Jackson who trapped beaver in the area in the early nineteenth century as part of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company.[1] Though used by Native Americans for hunting and ceremonial purposes, the valley was not known to harbor year-round human settlement prior to the 1870s. Descriptions of the valley and its features were recorded in the journals of John Colter, who had been a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. After returning to the Rocky Mountains, Colter entered the region in 1807 in the vicinity of Togwotee Pass and became the first white American to see the valley. His reports of the valley, the Teton Range and the Yellowstone region to the north were viewed by people of the day with skepticism.
The first people to settle the region were Native Americans, then fur trappers, and then homesteaders. Because the soil is not ideal for raising crops, the valley was used for cattle. Tourism quickly became popular with the establishment of dude ranches.  HMMM DUDE RANCH sounds good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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