Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014 Thursday

AM yoga.  So relaxing, but keeps the muscles and joints limber.

Psalm 19 - God created the heavens and earth and they proclaim the work of his hands.  Nature is a wonder that has to be appreciated.  God must love beauty and birth, the sunrises and sunsets.  Every lily of the field, he created them and gave them to us to enjoy.  Even snow.

1953 - DNA was discovered.  Another of God's wonders.
1997 - Nicole and I went to Harmony House.  Remember those music stores?  They went out of business.  I had a friend that worked there for 20 years, it didn't seem possible they would close.  Technology has moved ahead and left another era in the dust.  But we still hear the music.

Parenting - Yesterday I spent the day with my niece, Merri.  She has been through a lot in the past year and is having a time trying to keep it all together.  As will happen, there were family issues added to the pile and she is struggling to keep her head up.  Every family has its trouble, the important thing is that we find a way to resolve them, leaving things that can't be changed in the past.

Book club - The Nine Supreme court uncovered, whatever.  Reading about Clarence Thomas right now.  Maybe you should attempt to read this.

Jackson Hole Wyoming - Starting to pack up here, but I always like to hear a little local music, so lets go to Town Square Tavern to hopefully hear some good Wyoming music. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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