Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014 Monday

Went easy on myself, still healing from birthday celebration.  Did some yoga this morning.

Exodus chapter 16 - About the Israelites leaving Egypt and then complaining about being hungry.  God feeds them.  I always marvel at how, with God so visibly apparent in their lives the people could be so whinny.  Really?  If he led me by a pillar of cloud and protected by a column of fire.  I would be scared to death to complain.  He parted the waters of the red sea and rained manna and meat from the heavens for them to eat.  And the study writer suggested that we listen,  listen to yourself.  I think I have been kind of whinny myself lately.

2006 - On this day, it was and still is my birthday.  The guys at work (bless their hearts) got me a cake and gave me a card they had all signed and the boss let me go home early.  So I called Nicole and told her I would be stopping at the grocery store and coming home early.  When I got to the store Nicole and her friend Hilary were there and tied bunches of balloons to my shopping cart, one a huge mylar parrot.  Then they left.  It takes some fortitude going through a store with all those balloons, can't remember why they didn't charge me for them? 

Parenting - I think marriage kind of falls in this category as well, and I read a great article in a magazine that said MOST men do not cheat.  It included these reasons, religious convictions, moral upbringing, but my favorite were the rest.  They are too lazy to get a shower, dress and GO somewhere.  Or, they are too cheap, dinner and tickets for a show that your wife might make you go to the following night.  Another reason was a lot of men are so ugly they are happy to have found one woman that will have them.  It was an eye opener, and very funny to me.  Raise your sons right! lol

Book Club - The Nine, ok this is all about Roe vs Wade. still persevering.

Wyoming Jackson - Hey lets go here for dinner tonight!;

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