Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014 Wednesday

Going to work today (one of two days a month), so I will wait till our ballroom dance class tonight for my exercise today.

Hebrews Chapter 4 - I usually try to give a little synopsis of what this is about.  But this is so important, you need to read it yourself.  Vs 1 -11.  A Sabbath Rest.  Peace of the Lord be with you.

On this day:  1990
History does repeat itself.  After dinner Nicole and I walked around the block.  We do that quite often, still.  The exercise is of course, good, but more then that, we see our neighborhood.  Once in a while someone is out that we know, or like today, the newer neighbors, down the block across the street were out.  It is nice to say hello, make that connection, see if a house on the block has fallen into disrepair. So as 24 years ago we checked out the block and said hello, we did today also.  Not much has changed here.  That is a good thing.
1990 - The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.  Now that's a good thing!  wouldn't want that in my neighborhood.

Parenting - I love walking with my daughter, we laugh, trip, make fun of .... things.  I have been walking her around the block since she could walk.  Best way to tire them out, not in a stroller, but let them walk. I remember one day we were 1/2 a block from home and my husband came by on his way home from work.  Nicole was little, maybe 2 or 3, he stopped leaned over, opened the door, let her in and drove off, leaving me on the sidewalk.

Book club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough - liking this, but after dusting the book shelves today discovered a lot of un read books I should get to, when I finish this one.

Yo Chen Belize - Pack your bags, make sure your travel arrangements are made. Today we fly south east to Zuato, Aragua Venezuela!  Hope you made some good plans for your stay there:
Estado Aragua
Estado de Venezuela
Bandera de Estado Aragua
Escudo de Estado Aragua
Lema: «Dios, Patria y Aragua»
Himno: Himno de Aragua
Ubicación de Estado Aragua
Coordenadas: 10°15′N 67°36′O / 10.25, -67.6

Aragua State is located in the region Centre-North of Venezuela, being borders the Caribbean Sea to the North; Guárico State from the South; Vargas, Miranda and Guárico States East and Carabobo, Guarico to the West. His name is given by the same river name which is the main tributary of Lake Valencia. Its capital is the thriving city of Maracay.


El estado Aragua[2] [3] está localizado en el norte central de Venezuela. Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al este con las entidades federales Miranda y Vargas, mientras que la parte sur del estado está incrustada en el estado Guárico y al oeste limita con el estado Carabobo. El nombre de este estado es un vocablo indígena de origen cumanagoto (caribe), con que se denomina al chaguaramo.
La población total del estado es de 1.630.308 habitantes (censo 2011)
El estado Aragua es conocido como «la encrucijada del centro del país, el encuentro de todos los caminos». La entidad debe su nombre al río Aragua, importante tributario del lago de Valencia. Fue instituida como provincia por decreto del Congreso Constitucional de Venezuela, el 8 de febrero de 1848. Durante esa época, la antigua capital de Caracas se dividió, en tres provincias: Caracas, Guárico y Aragua.
Entre las principales atracciones turísticas del estado se encuentran sus llanuras y selvas además de atractivas playas caribeñas. Las más populares son Cata, Chuao, Choroní, el Parque Nacional “Henri Pittier” y la Colonia Tovar.

Ok  sorry, we are learning Spanish this month!  Good luck!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014 Tuesday New Moon watch out for the crazies

Workout with Jillian.  At this point I can get through 4 or 5 sets of 3 repetitions with 3 lb weights.  She said that you shouldn't use heavier weights because of the length of the workout.  It is intense, so far the only one I cannot do is the one where they go down to the knees while lifting weights and get back up in a single move.  uh, huh not happening.  Do what you can!

Gospel of Mark - chapter 4 - about the disciples and Jesus going across the lake in the boat when a storm comes up.  Jesus is asleep.  The miraculous part of this story is that Jesus calms the storm.  Who has power over the elements?  Only God.  This is tornado season, lets pray for those who need help.

On this day:  1988
1988 - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev promised more religious freedom. How did that work out?

1988 - Nicole was three and I had a great neighbor, Rose and her two boys.  Life was good, we took the kids to McDonalds and then to the show to see Fox and Hound.  Rose and I both cried.  They moved away, the boys are grown, one is married with children.  I still have that movie on video. sniff

Parenting - Was watching a tv segment just now where a mom was being interviewed and her special needs daughter (4) was sitting on her lap and singing into the microphone, while they were talking.  It was cute, they were all enjoying it, she knew what to do with that mic.  God bless those that are called on to be super parents, lord knows it is hard enough at times.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  I didn't know too much about Theodore Roosevelt before this.  I like him.

Yo Chen Belize:  Better check out a few other things here before we leave tomorrow:

Belize Barrier Reef[edit]

Belize Barrier Reef Aerial Looking North
The Great Blue Hole. A phenomenon of Karst topography
The Belize Barrier Reef is a series of coral reefs straddling the coast of Belize, roughly 300 meters (980 ft) offshore in the north and 40 kilometers (25 mi) in the south within the country limits. The Belize Barrier Reef is a 300 kilometers (190 mi) long section of the 900 kilometers (560 mi) long Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, which is continuous from Cancún on the northeast tip of the Yucatán Peninsula through the Riviera Maya up to Honduras making it one of the largest coral reef systems in the world after the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the New Caledonia Barrier Reef.
It is Belize's top tourist destination, popular for scuba diving and snorkeling, and attracting almost half of its 260,000 visitors. It is also vital to its fishing industry.[51] Charles Darwin described it as "the most remarkable reef in the West Indies" in 1842.
Wow!  Glad we didn't miss this!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 Monday

I started the day with Pilates.  It is probably my favorite thing to do, beside the AM yoga.

1 Peter chapter 3 - Suffering for doing good.  "Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble."  I have to practice these things, they don't come naturally.

On this day:
1987 - On a plane that was returning to Boston, from Miami, Ozzy Osbourne bought three rounds of drinks and sang "Crazy Train" over the PA system. That would be a good flight to be on!
1987 -  After 10 years in this house I had the driveway ripped out and repoured by the guy that did the cement work at the new house next door.  That was before I worked for a crushed concrete company.  I know better now.  There was no base put down first, and in places the concrete was not more then an inch thick.  I believe 4" is the suggested depth for residential concrete.  Make sure you get someone reputable.

Parenting -  Spent the weekend helping Nicole with her sports card project.  Hoping she can clear up some of her college debt.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Didn't get much reading in this weekend looking forward to a good read.

Yo Chen Belize:  Just a couple more days here and then we move on.  Don't forget some souvenirs.


Shopping in Belize and San Pedro

Visitors and locals delight in strolling around San Pedro Town and obtaining souvenirs for their friends and relatives back home. In San Pedro this can be a really rewarding experience and an adventure in itself.
The gift shops carry a wide range of items - local, Belizean, Mexican, Guatemalan and even US products. From the incredible variety of artwork at Belizean Arts in Fido's, to the classical beauty of the jewelry at Emerald Mine, San Pedro Town offers a wealth of unusual and interesting Central American goods.Take a walk down Front Street, the colorful and interesting stores are all a short walk away. No mall action around here, but quiet comfortable shops await you. Among the items available for purchase in San Pedro are art, jewelry, wines and liquors, photography, clothing, edibles, furniture and wood or bamboo products, beauty treatments, food of so many kinds, music, ceramics, paintings, travel guides, coins, Cuban cigars and other tobacco products, and oh so much more... On weekend evenings, the downtown is pedestrian only, making for a delightful evening stroll for shopping with no traffic whatsoever.

Lots of shopping here! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014 Sunday

1 Corinthians chapter 13:  the wedding passage, "Love is Patient, love is kind"......."Love never fails."

On this day:
1938 - Geraldine Apponyi married King Zog of Albania. She was the first American woman to become a queen. Who knew? 
1986 - One of the reasons I journal and blog is to remember important events in my family and friends lives.  This day was the day my step-son Aaron took his first communion.  It was out at St Mary's Catholic church.  Milestones in our children's lives.  This is a deep religious commitment to love.

Parenting:  Has love changed?  What do you teach your children about love?  Are they going to learn from your experience or movies or television?  Just wondering.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  It is interesting to read about a very wealthy family that turned out Theodore Roosevelt, it is about his family history.  Getting into it.

Yo Chen Belize:
Belizean Food

By Dreddi
Edited by Karla Heusner
Yes, I admit it. I love food! But not just any food--Belizean food.
When I was away studying, I used to miss our local dishes so much I would call my mom for recipes. Since I was learning to cook at the time, she would have to walk me through the steps. The long distance calls became pretty costly and of course, my attempts never came out as good as hers at home, mostly because I lacked ingredients like recado, an essential seasoning, or coconut milk. And pepper, Belizeans just love peppers and hot (pepper) sauce: habanero's and jalapenos, the hotter the better!
But now that I am home, away from the cries of friends obsessed with their weight and starvation fads, I can leave denial behind and "nyam" my Belizean food.
How I used to miss those sizzling fry jacks smeared with beans for breakfast. Or hot Johnny cakes, those flat round fluffy biscuits cut open and covered with melted butter! Or maybe filled with ham and cheese slices.
I can make these myself now, but if I don't have time for breakfast at home, there are lots of choices on the streets. Taco vendors are at almost every corner offering corn or flour tortillas, with shredded chicken, onions, cabbage and cilantro.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26, 2014 Saturday

Some strength training with weights.  Gotta keep those muscles strong.

2 Chronicles Chapter 12 - This is what happens when you give your allegiance to someone other then God.  It is an old testament book, regarding Jurusalem being overtaken by Egypt and God only intervened to save their lives, but not their misfortune. 

On this day:
1986 - The world’s worst nuclear disaster to date occurred at Chernobyl, in Kiev. Thirty-one people died in the incident and thousands more were exposed to radioactive material.
1984 - Was down in Key West for the boat races.  Great place, toured Hemingways house and saw all those 6 toed cats.  Had dinner at Marge Crains, best lasagna ever!

Parenting - Was visiting my friend Ann today.  She turned over the family business to her son recently and retired.  There is a lot involved making that decision, whether they will be able to handle it and if you can handle not handling it. 

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, haven't started it, but looks good.

Yo Chen Belize:

Belize Rice and Beans Recipe

Let’s start with the most Belizean of all dishes: rice-and-beans, the staple of Belize Cuisine. Although originally considered primarily a Creole dish, today it’s eaten daily by all and is simply called Belizean rice and beans. While, of course, nobody can make rice-and-beans as delicious as the grandmother of the first Belizean you ever talk to, the following is pretty much a recipe for a successful ‘beans’ as it is commonly called by weekend partygoers when they stop to purchase a plate late night in downtown Belize City from a variety of street-side sellers. Picture: Belize Beans and Rice is a variation of Rice and Beans.
The most famous of these, Meighan beans, was immortalized on celluloid by a local TV station which documented his method for making delicious and gargantuan amounts of rice-and-beans, accompanied by stewed meat (usually beef or chicken) with gravy, potato salad and plantain. Plantain, incidentally, has been described by some visiting palates as the local cranberry sauce. So, here goes. Recipe for Belizean rice-and-beans derived from the original Meighans Beans recipe:
1 lb. Red Kidney Beans 2 plugs Garlic (crushed)
1 tsp. Salt
1 cup coconut Milk (either squeezed from grated coconut or bought prepared, canned, or made from powered variety)
½ tsp. Black pepper
½ tsp. Thyme
2 lbs. cleaned Rice
1 medium Onion (sliced)
6-8 cups of water
(optional) 1 small pigtail or salt beef or pieces of bacon
1. Wash the beans, then soak beans for 4 hours, using the 6-8 cups of water. If you are using distilled water, then soaked beans only needs 2 hours to soften.
2. Boil beans until tender, with the garlic, onion and pig’s tail/or salted beef or bacon pieces. Note: pre-wash the pigtail or salt beef and cut off excess fat. You can use a pressure cooker to cut down on the time.
3. Season beans with black pepper, thyme and salt. Note: You may opt not to add the salt if you used salt beef or pigtail above.
4. Add coconut milk. Stir and then let boil.
5. Add rice to seasoned beans. Stir, then cover. Cook on low heat until the water is absorbed and rice is tender. If necessary, add more water gradually until rice is tender. Note: Usually, one cup of rice absorbs two cups of water, although rice grains can vary in the amount of water they absorb. To warm up leftover rice-and-beans, you can sprinkle with water to re-moisten.
Belize Stew Beans and White Rice served with stewed chicken, coleslaw, plantain and Habanero onion sauce.
Belize Rice and Beans, with its several accompaniments, can be found on most restaurants’ menus. A variation is rice-and-peas (made with black-eyed peas instead of with red kidney beans). And a sister dish, but definitely different, is beans-and-rice, which is the stewed beans served with white rice (not cooked together like its sister dish) and also served with either potato salad or cole slaw, plantain, and your choice of meat or fish. You might also want to check out our related Belize Tilapia Fried Fish Recipe Page.
One of its distinctive ingredients, coconut milk, is also a main ingredient in several other Belizean dishes. One of these is seré, which is a delectable dish, usually made with fish, swimming in a seasoned coconut milk sauce laced with okra and ground foods like cassava and cocoa. The sere is eaten with grated green plantain or often with white rice.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 Friday

Love that AM yoga.  Nice intro to the day.  I am sure if you go on line to you can find it.  It is AM/PM Yoga.  I always mean to try the PM yoga later in the day, but it is not in my programing.

John chapter 1 - This is where John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah or as it says here "he came as a witness to testify to the light".  God came down in human form, in His son to embrace his people and save them from their sin.  He loves us.!

On this day:
1928 - A seeing eye dog was used for the first time. 
1979 - I told my boss at Quality that I had to have a raise or I would have to look for new job.  I honestly don't know how I survived on what they paid me, but I always managed.  For the record picture framing is not a great money maker.  The overhead costs, of paper wood and glass were so exhorbitant, well if you have ever had a picture framed, you know how expensive it is.  Not much left for salaries.  I must have got the raise, I was still there till 1985 and after that part time.  If you deserve a raise, go in and ask for it!

Parenting - We are so close to our pets, it almost, well it does seem like parenting with them as well.  We have a cat,  he is two, bad tempered some days and sweet as pie others.  It is learning which mood he is in daily that counts.  Do you have a pet?  Do you call yourself Mama or Daddy to that pet?  See?

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback, about Theodore Roosevelt by David McCullough.  Only got through the forward so far. 

Yo Chen Belize:  Lets see what else they have, maybe cuisine?

Belize Cuisine – Savor Belize

It’s a cultural smorgasbord! It’s as varied and rich as the several cultures that together make up Belize cuisine. Belizean food can be as peppery and fiery as the heat of the tropical sun, or as cool and refreshing as the crystal clear Caribbean waters that wash the Belize shores.
belize rice and beans dish
The foundation of Belize Cuisine, the famous Rice and Beans cooked in coconut milk and served with your favorite meat accompanied by potato salad.
Or it can be as light and bright as the hundreds of birds that sing in our rainforests, or as savory and earthy as the dozens of wildlife that roam her acres of primary forest (many of them now protected species, so no eating of off-season game meat and the Hawksbill turtle is always a no-no for turtle soup or any menu item!).
With the addition of immigrants from India, mainland China, Nigeria and neighbouring Central American countries over the years, Belizean cuisine also now has an added international flavour.
And, particularly with the gastronomic rise in tourism in the past five years, European cuisine, as well as American favourites, has become as readily available as the stalwart Kriol (Creole) rice-and-beans, Latino chimole, Mayan caldo, Garifuna hudut or East Indian curried favourites – all dishes which, incidentally, can today be considered pan-Belizean. Are you beginning to get hungry? Well read on and feast on the following Belizean favourites. First up, every Belizean’s favorite!  (tomorrow)

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!    Happy Birthday Sue!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014 Thursday

Tone and Stretch with Richard Simmons, this uses a resistance band and works out the arms and legs.  Not as much as the Tango Don and I were practicing at dance class last night though.  Exercise comes in all forms!  Do something, even housework burns calories, you would be surprised how much!

Lamentations chapter 3 - This is where the beautiful hymm "Great is Thy Faithfulness" comes from:
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.. They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness."  He never gives up on us.

On this day:
1833 - A patent was granted for first soda fountain.  THIS is important!
1977 - I got possession of this property I now live in.  37 years ago.  Strangely, the first thing I moved over was the contents of the backyard shed, in my last home, to the garage in the new home.  I'm thinking I was not in charge of this decision, probably Pete. Guy stuff and I don't mean the lawn mower, he didn't cut the lawn.  Must have been boat stuff. 

Parenting - Speaking of parents, I loved Pete's family.  They were  VERY European, very old world, it was nice to see the Russian/German culture in their homes.  It was Orthodox Easter on this day and we went to church on the Saturday night and had the huge yummy feast at the house afterward, fish then steak and Oh the yummy cheesecake type desert she made.  I miss Tatjiana.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link.  I finished the story and would say it was a good read.  Suggested reading for summer - Mornings on Horseback:  The story of an extraordinary Family, a vanished way of life and the unique child who became Theodore Roosevelt by David McCullough.  OK

Yo Chen Belize - Last days here, lets see what else we can find: Hope we stayed here!

Princess Hotel & Casino

#1 Freedom Ave, Commercial free zone, Corozal
from 71.71 to 149.4 per night.
Property Location
When you stay at Princess Hotel & Casino in Corozal, you'll be within the vicinity of Cerros.
Make yourself at home in one of the air-conditioned guestrooms. Cable television is provided for your entertainment. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and clock radios.
Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities
Enjoy the recreation opportunities such as a casino or make use of other amenities including tour/ticket assistance.
Enjoy a satisfying meal at a restaurant serving guests of Princess Hotel & Casino.
Business, Other Amenities
Self parking is available onsite.

The closest major airports to Princess Hotel & Casino are:
Chetumal, Quintana Roo (CTM-Chetumal Intl.) - 14.5 km / 9 mi
Belize City (BZE-Philip S. W. Goldson Intl.) - 95.3 km / 59.2 mi
The preferred airport for Princess Hotel & Casino is Belize City (BZE-Philip S. W. Goldson Intl.).
Distances are calculated in a straight line from the property's location to the point of interest or airport and may not reflect actual travel distance.

Distances are displayed to the nearest 0.1 mile and kilometre.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014 Wednesday

Pilates for Everybody with Denise Austin.  This is a stretch, no pun intended.  It is quite a bit more then just Pilates.  She does a T stand that I should push myself to do, my wrists are not that strong.  Sometime we just have to push a little more.

1 Corinthians chapter 15 - "O Death, where is your sting?"  If you have fear of death, you should read this about the promise of life beyond death.  The study writer said "For the Christian, dying is the last shadow of earth's night before heaven's dawn." 

On this day:
1348 - The first English order of knighthood was founded. It was the Order of the Garter. Sounds like something that started in the tavern to me.
1968 - On the dark side, my cousin Denis married Patt, on a Tuesday.  It was a small wedding with a small reception.  There was a small problem, my husband and the bride's father were members of opposing motorcycle gangs.  Back in the 60's that was quite a problem.  We had to get them to agree to a truce before the wedding.  Can you imagine?  I will share more of that in my upcoming book.  They were interesting times.

Parenting - The Physical Therapist was just here for Mom, who is recuperating nicely.  He is a great, "UP" kind of guy.  He talked about his three kids and how after a day of work, both him and his wife,  have to get the kids to field meets, dentist appointments, and swim practice.  It is a busy life, but the last thing he said as he left was, "I wish they could stay this age forever".  I'm thinking he just doesn't want to start getting that college bill.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link  turned out to be a pretty good book.

Yo Chen Belize -
Town, the main center of the District, is peopled by a mix of Belize ...
Looks like a great place to visit!  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014 Tuesday

Did pretty good with Bobby this morning for some kick boxing.  He sweated and hoped I sweated too.  I've been doing this one longer then the people in his video that do it with him.  Still........

Acts  Chapter 4 - Act of kindness - Peter and John had healed a lame man and were arrested for it.  Jesus told them to go out and heal and teach, just as he did.  In His name.  "Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22) and a powerful context in which to genuinely speak to others about the Lord."

On this day:
1864 - The U.S. Congress passed legislation that allowed the inscription "In God We Trust" to be included on one-cent and two-cent coins. I hope we still do.
2012 -  Does your family have a regular habit, ie: Friday Pizza, Sunday brunch?  Our family always did Arby's after church on Sunday.  There is something comforting about it.

Parenting - Mom and I stopped and had lunch at Arby's the other day.  We usually just pick up sandwiches and take them home.  But, we were out and still had stops, and she hasn't been out much since her latest hospital stay, so we went in.  It has been remodeled, but we sat and reminisced about when Nicole was little and we used to go in after church.  You know 99% of life is memory.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link.  The book club is planning a trip up to one of the girls places up north and the author has been invited to join us for our meeting.  Doesn't that sound interesting?  Hope I can make it happen, sounds like so much fun.

Yo Chen Belize -  Let check out some more activities:

Visiting Belize: Everything You Need to Know

Map of Belize
International Living has produced a comprehensive report on Belize that explores its culture, its economy, and its lifestyle.
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Simply provide your email below to receive the Free report. You willl also receive a free subscription to our International Living Postcards - a daily e-letter that explores living, traveling and investing in Belize and other exciting countries.

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  • Belize: The Top English Speaking Retirement Haven in the Caribbean
  • Tips on visiting Belize
  • The government & economy
  • Languages spoken
  • Cost of living in Belize
  • Belize retiree benefits
  • Healthcare in Belize
  • Moving to Belize
  • Visa and embassy info
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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 Monday

Pure and Simple Stretch.  That is what it is.  Amazing how not limber we can become.  This is a 45 minute stretching workout.  It takes a while to get used to.

John chapter 5 - The Authority of the Son"  "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."  NOW that's good news for those who are concerned about not having been a good enough person.  Believe and be saved.

On this day:
753 BC - Today is the traditional date of the foundation of Rome.  I found this interesting, 753 BC.
2000 - Nicole and I went shopping for dresses.  ummmm  Nicole didn't wear a lot of dresses, but now thinking back to high school award ceremonies, etc, she did occasionally wear one.  She was a sports casual girl. 

Parenting - How many of you have looked at you kid coming out of their room ready for church, school or whatever, and wondered "are they going to wear that?"  If not when they are little (when arguments can still be won) then when they are teenagers when you might as well give it up.  We are concerned what others will think of our children or us when they see them.  We have preconceived notions of what apparel should be.  I think, It is world wide, ethnic included, age related, maybe a maturing process.  I'm searching for answers here.

Book Club - Getting to the end here of Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link.  (The ipad was in Florida last week)  Going through the trial part here,  just a warning, don't commit a crime in a small rural, ethnic town.

Yo Chen Belize -  Lets see what is fun here:

Soul Project Space for the Creative Arts

entertainment-nightlife / Other

Lonely Planet review

Art space, restaurant, cafe and bar....Cayo's newest venue is difficult to categorize. Opened in December, 2012 by local artist, filmmaker and conservationist Daniel Velazquez, Soul Project is housed inside of a distinctly New Orleans–esque building on San Ignaciao's less trammeled east side (just on the way to Cahal Pech). As well as being a cafe serving excellent and healthy Belizean and international cuisine (all foods locally sourced and, for the most part, organic), Soul Project is also a venue for local artists and musicians, featuring exhibits and performances by local and international artists. There's also a bar featuring beer, wine, smoothies and coffee. Furniture is eclectic, featuring swings, hammocks and tables made from recycled materials. Come in for the art, stay for a meal, nap on a hammock.

Read more:

Lets go here today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ap;ril 19, 2014 Saturday

Disco with Richard Simmons, oh, and the cat.  The cat has much shorter hair on his tail today.  Hey!  I told him to get off the dance floor!

Romans chapter 5 - Peace and Hope, from St Paul on this Easter Weekend, waiting for the resurrection.  "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."  We are saved!

On this day:
1995 - On this day, Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma city.  He was eventually convicted and executed for this crime that killed 168 and injured 500 more.  What a different story then the Easter story.
1999 - Just a run of the mill day, a Monday, worked and school.  The thing that stands out is when I got home from work I cut the lawn.   What happened to global warming?  more like global colding this year. (JK  I know the earth is warming up)

Parenting - I love a house full of kids and animals, what noise!  what commotion! what joy!  what a mess!  But its the best part of life I think!  Having the family over for Easter tomorrow?

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link,  the plot thickens!

Yo Chen Belize -
As a colony, Belize began to attract British investors. Among the British firms that dominated the colony in the late 19th century was the Belize Estate and Produce Company, which eventually acquired half of all the privately held land in the colony. Belize Estate's influence accounts in part for the colony's reliance on the mahogany trade throughout the rest of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.
Panoramic view of Belize City, c. 1914
The Great Depression of the 1930s caused a near-collapse of the colonial economy as British demand for timber plummeted. The effects of widespread unemployment were worsened by a devastating hurricane that struck the colony in 1931. Perceptions of the government's relief effort as inadequate were aggravated by its refusal to legalize labour unions or introduce a minimum wage. Economic conditions improved during World War II (1939–1945) when many Belizean men entered the armed forces or otherwise contributed labour to the war effort.
Following the war, the colony's economy again stagnated because of the pressures caused by its damaging effect. Britain's decision to devalue the British Honduras dollar in 1949 worsened economic conditions and led to the creation of the People's Committee, which demanded independence. The People's Committee's successor, the People's United Party (PUP), sought constitutional reforms that expanded voting rights to all adults. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014 Good Friday

10 Minutes of yoga, really not enough but something, before I went to doctor for check up.  I'm stressed but fine, he said.

Ephesians chapter 2 -  About how we are made alive through Christ's death.  Does that explain "Good Friday"?  "for it is by grace that you have been saved through faith = and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."

On this day - Murphy's Law: "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it."
- Edward A. Murphy Jr  
1998 - Mom and Nicole and I met Nicole's grandma and grandpa at a high school for the Barbershop show that Grandpa, Ed was in.  It was the Grosse Pointe chapter of Barbershoppers, and they were great!  We loved the shows they put on once or twice a year.  I am so glad I videod them to watch.

Parenting - Our two families were very close when the kids were little, there was a lot going on and we always showed up to support one another.  As families grow up, their lives take different paths quite often, and we don't see each other as much.  But we do have memories, and videos.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link,  Ok I got to the solution of the mystery, but their is still the aftermath to read about.  I think you would enjoy this.

Yo Chen Belize -  I would really like to go here! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014 Thursday

Kick boxing!  You just do what you can.  I sure don't open the blinds before I do this.

Genesis chapter 41 - Is about Joseph (the Technicolor coat guy) saving Egypt by having inside info from God about a 7 year famine coming in 7 years.  Joseph was put in charge of storing up grain during the 7 good years and ultimately saved all of Egypt when the drought hit.  Can you think of a connection between this and today, which is Maundy Thursday?  I'm having a hard time making the connection.  Good story though.

On this day; 
1961 - The attack on Cuba failed.  Castro is still in power.
1997 - The journal said that Nicole went to a Vipers game with the Mathis family.  Are they still around?  Haven't heard the name, what happened to them?

Parenting - Did you see the video of the two brothers that staged a child being taken in a park?  There is a lot of conversation about the reason or worth of the video.  The people that were there were totally freaked out and the TV "specialists"  said they didn't think it was worthwhile.  We do have a tendency to get lulled into a false sense of security in our own park or yard.  What do you think?

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link

Yo Chen Belize - 

Battle of St. George's Caye[edit]

An excerpt from the 1898 Gazette that declared 10 September an official holiday, part of the efforts of the Centennial Committee
The Battle of St. George's Caye refers to a military engagement off the coast of what is now Belize that is said to have lasted from 3–10 September 1798. But the name is typically reserved for the final battle that allegedly occurred on 10 September. The British first appointed a superintendent over the Belize area in 1786. Before then, the British government had not recognized the settlement as a colony for fear of provoking a Spanish attack. The delay in government oversight allowed the settlers to establish their own laws and forms of government. During this period, a few wealthy settlers gained control of the local legislature, known as the Public Meeting, as well as of most of the settlement's land and timber.
Accounts of the battle describe an engagement between an invading force from what would become Mexico, attempting to capture the Baymen controlled territory for Spain from a small force of Baymen and their Black slaves.
The Spanish are said to have repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to gain control over the territory by force. Contemporary accounts mention that Spain's last attempt occurred on 10 September 1798, when the Baymen and their Black slaves repelled the Spanish fleet in a short engagement with no known casualties on either side, known as the Battle of St. George's Caye. The anniversary of the battle is a national holiday in Belize and is celebrated by some Belizeans to commemorate the "first Belizeans" and their defence of the territory

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!