Monday, April 14, 2014

Aprpil 14, 2014 Monday

Work today, maybe that bicycle thing later.

Matthew chapter 16 - Peter Declares that Jesus is the Messiah.  This fact isn't so because Peter said it, but Peter knew this without being told by anyone on this earth.  Jesus declared that Peter knew this because God revealed it to him.  Jesus told Peter "Blessed are (you)"  Do you know that Jesus is the Messiah?

On this day:
1865 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth. He actually died early the next morning.
1989 - It was Joey's birthday today.  It still is.  He was the little boy across the street that came over when he was still in diapers, before I had kids.  When Nicole came along, he became a permanent fixture of our family.  Today I saw his mom across the street and we talked a while.  She reminded me that today is his birthday, because he was kind of a shared child.  He lives in Florida now and is doing well.  He was such a good eater, that boy. 

Parenting - Sometime we are called on to fill in gaps in someone elses child's upbringing.  We reach out in the parents absence, or neglect or sometime when all else fails.  I don't think we should ever be caught thinking that we are the know all and end all of parenting.  Most of us have had that opportunity at least once.  It is a gift of fate I think.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link,  Times have changed, we are not so small minded or superstitious anymore, or are we?  Good story.

Yo Chen - Belize -


The origin of the name Belize is unclear, but the earliest record of the name is found in the journal of the Dominican priest Fray José Delgado, dating to 1677.[11] Delgado recorded the names of three major rivers that he crossed while traveling north along the Caribbean coast: Rio Soyte, Rio Xibum, and Rio Balis. These names, which correspond to the Sittee River, Sibun River, and Belize River, were provided to Delgado by his translator.[11] It is likely that Delgado's "Balis" was actually the Mayan word belix (or beliz), meaning "muddy-watered".[11]
Others have suggested that the name is derived from a Spanish pronunciation of the name of the Scottish buccaneer Peter Wallace, which was applied to an early settlement at the mouth of the Belize River,[12] although there is no proof that Wallace actually settled in the area and some have characterized this claim as a myth.[11] Several other possible etymologies have been suggested by writers and historians, including French and African origins.[11]

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Joey!

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