Thursday, April 10, 2014

Aprpil 10, 2014

It was brought to my attention that I was back in March yesterday.  Not surprised.

Did Pilate's this morning, there is one called the seal I have not mastered.  Mine looks a little like a sick seal on the beach.  It is tricky.

Galatians chapter 15 - Had to read this a couple times.  Very strong/harsh words from Paul.  "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!"  speaking of circumcision, but you need to read the whole thing to understand why he said it.  Then answer this and let me know.

On this day-
The legendary rock band the Beatles spent the better part of three years breaking up in the late 1960s, and even longer than that hashing out who did what and why. And by the spring of 1970, there was little more than a tangled set of business relationships keeping the group together. Each of the Beatles was pursuing his musical interests outside of the band, and there were no plans in place to record together as a group. But as far as the public knew, this was just a temporary state of affairs. That all changed on April 10, 1970, when an ambiguous Paul McCartney "self-interview" was seized upon by the international media as an official announcement of a Beatles breakup.  For people may age this was huge!

1980 - My brother Mark was having laser treatments on his eyes for retinapathy.  His diabetes really took its toll on him.  I believe the treatment and meds are better now, but I know it still does damage if you don't monitor it.  Mark was such a trouper, took so much in stride.  He used to come out of these sessions in good shape, while I would have a splitting sick headache the rest of the day. Weird.

Parenting comes in all different ways.  My friend Norma has taken her niece to California this week on spring break.  My friend Chris is reaching out to my daughter next week.  Caring for someone else's offspring can be one of the best charitable acts you ever do, for that child and the parent.

Book Club - Ok have to go buy the book "Isadore's Secret"  not available on my Nook.  I will let you know how it is.

Yo Chen Belize -

The Villages of Corozal District

Corozal District includes the villages of Buena Vista, Calcutta, Caledonia, Carolina, Chan Chen, Chunox, Concepcion, Consejo, Copper Bank, Corozal Town is not a village in the Corozal District, Cristo Rey, Estrella, Libertad, Little Belize, Louisville,Paraiso, Patchakan, Progresso, Ranchito, San Andres, San Antonio, San Joaquin, San Narciso, San Roman, San Victor, Santa Clara, Sarteneja, Xaibe, and Yo Chen.
The island of Ambergris Caye is geographically close to Corozal District, but it is a part of Belize District.
Pre-Columbian Maya ruins are found in Corozal at Santa Rita near Corozal Town,and at Cerros.
Might have to dig for info for this place.  Here is a start!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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