Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16, 2014 Wednesday no snow and not tax day!

Did some ballet this morning.  Hope this will do my balance good in the years to come.

Galatians chapter 3 -  This is about being adopted through Christ into the kingdom of God.  We are all heirs to heaven, if you want to be.

On this day:
1900 - The first book of postage stamps was issued. The two-cent stamps were available in books of 12, 24 and 48 stamps.  Gone are the days!  Now they are, what? .48 a stamp.
1992 - I had worked full time for Quality Picture Frame Company since 1966.  When I had my daughter I stayed home with her, till I found it necessary to go back to work, just for health care.   I wonder if other people are using this method to keep their family covered?  It is an option you might look at, if possible.

Parenting - I was very fortunate in having my mother and mother in law available to care for Nicole when I worked.  Now I see what people are facing.  Some are starting pre-school at 3 and of course there is day care, schools are looking at year round sessions and longer days, with meals provided for kids that are there longer hours.  We aren't a farming community anymore with summers to work the fields. Both parents have to work to keep up their homes and lives and provide for their family.  We have to change with the times.  They will of course, track the changes in children's behavior, personality and overall well being.  From what I see, parents, as always, are finding the best way to take care of and care for their children.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link, my book is vacationing in Florida with Nicole.

Yo Chen Belize - Interesting history here.  Check it out:

Colonial history[edit]

Spanish conquistadors explored the land and declared it a Spanish colony but chose not to settle because of the lack of resources such as gold and the strong defence of the Yucatán by the Maya. Later English and Scottish settlers and pirates known as the Baymen entered the area in the 17th and 18th century respectively and established a logwood trade colony, slave economy and port in what became the Belize District.[19] Baymen first settled on the coast of what is now Belize in 1638, seeking a sheltered region from which they could attack Spanish ships (see English settlement in Belize). The settlers turned to cutting logwood during the 18th century, establishing a system of slave labour using Black slaves. The wood yielded a fixing agent for clothing dyes that was vital to the European woollen industry. The Spanish granted the British settlers the right to occupy the area and cut logwood in exchange for an end to piracy.[13]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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