Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014 Wednesday

Going to work today (one of two days a month), so I will wait till our ballroom dance class tonight for my exercise today.

Hebrews Chapter 4 - I usually try to give a little synopsis of what this is about.  But this is so important, you need to read it yourself.  Vs 1 -11.  A Sabbath Rest.  Peace of the Lord be with you.

On this day:  1990
History does repeat itself.  After dinner Nicole and I walked around the block.  We do that quite often, still.  The exercise is of course, good, but more then that, we see our neighborhood.  Once in a while someone is out that we know, or like today, the newer neighbors, down the block across the street were out.  It is nice to say hello, make that connection, see if a house on the block has fallen into disrepair. So as 24 years ago we checked out the block and said hello, we did today also.  Not much has changed here.  That is a good thing.
1990 - The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.  Now that's a good thing!  wouldn't want that in my neighborhood.

Parenting - I love walking with my daughter, we laugh, trip, make fun of .... things.  I have been walking her around the block since she could walk.  Best way to tire them out, not in a stroller, but let them walk. I remember one day we were 1/2 a block from home and my husband came by on his way home from work.  Nicole was little, maybe 2 or 3, he stopped leaned over, opened the door, let her in and drove off, leaving me on the sidewalk.

Book club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough - liking this, but after dusting the book shelves today discovered a lot of un read books I should get to, when I finish this one.

Yo Chen Belize - Pack your bags, make sure your travel arrangements are made. Today we fly south east to Zuato, Aragua Venezuela!  Hope you made some good plans for your stay there:
Estado Aragua
Estado de Venezuela
Bandera de Estado Aragua
Escudo de Estado Aragua
Lema: «Dios, Patria y Aragua»
Himno: Himno de Aragua
Ubicación de Estado Aragua
Coordenadas: 10°15′N 67°36′O / 10.25, -67.6

Aragua State is located in the region Centre-North of Venezuela, being borders the Caribbean Sea to the North; Guárico State from the South; Vargas, Miranda and Guárico States East and Carabobo, Guarico to the West. His name is given by the same river name which is the main tributary of Lake Valencia. Its capital is the thriving city of Maracay.


El estado Aragua[2] [3] está localizado en el norte central de Venezuela. Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al este con las entidades federales Miranda y Vargas, mientras que la parte sur del estado está incrustada en el estado Guárico y al oeste limita con el estado Carabobo. El nombre de este estado es un vocablo indígena de origen cumanagoto (caribe), con que se denomina al chaguaramo.
La población total del estado es de 1.630.308 habitantes (censo 2011)
El estado Aragua es conocido como «la encrucijada del centro del país, el encuentro de todos los caminos». La entidad debe su nombre al río Aragua, importante tributario del lago de Valencia. Fue instituida como provincia por decreto del Congreso Constitucional de Venezuela, el 8 de febrero de 1848. Durante esa época, la antigua capital de Caracas se dividió, en tres provincias: Caracas, Guárico y Aragua.
Entre las principales atracciones turísticas del estado se encuentran sus llanuras y selvas además de atractivas playas caribeñas. Las más populares son Cata, Chuao, Choroní, el Parque Nacional “Henri Pittier” y la Colonia Tovar.

Ok  sorry, we are learning Spanish this month!  Good luck!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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