Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014 Wednesday

Pilates for Everybody with Denise Austin.  This is a stretch, no pun intended.  It is quite a bit more then just Pilates.  She does a T stand that I should push myself to do, my wrists are not that strong.  Sometime we just have to push a little more.

1 Corinthians chapter 15 - "O Death, where is your sting?"  If you have fear of death, you should read this about the promise of life beyond death.  The study writer said "For the Christian, dying is the last shadow of earth's night before heaven's dawn." 

On this day:
1348 - The first English order of knighthood was founded. It was the Order of the Garter. Sounds like something that started in the tavern to me.
1968 - On the dark side, my cousin Denis married Patt, on a Tuesday.  It was a small wedding with a small reception.  There was a small problem, my husband and the bride's father were members of opposing motorcycle gangs.  Back in the 60's that was quite a problem.  We had to get them to agree to a truce before the wedding.  Can you imagine?  I will share more of that in my upcoming book.  They were interesting times.

Parenting - The Physical Therapist was just here for Mom, who is recuperating nicely.  He is a great, "UP" kind of guy.  He talked about his three kids and how after a day of work, both him and his wife,  have to get the kids to field meets, dentist appointments, and swim practice.  It is a busy life, but the last thing he said as he left was, "I wish they could stay this age forever".  I'm thinking he just doesn't want to start getting that college bill.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link  turned out to be a pretty good book.

Yo Chen Belize -
Town, the main center of the District, is peopled by a mix of Belize ...
Looks like a great place to visit!  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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