Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 Friday

Love that AM yoga.  Nice intro to the day.  I am sure if you go on line to you can find it.  It is AM/PM Yoga.  I always mean to try the PM yoga later in the day, but it is not in my programing.

John chapter 1 - This is where John the Baptist announces the coming of the Messiah or as it says here "he came as a witness to testify to the light".  God came down in human form, in His son to embrace his people and save them from their sin.  He loves us.!

On this day:
1928 - A seeing eye dog was used for the first time. 
1979 - I told my boss at Quality that I had to have a raise or I would have to look for new job.  I honestly don't know how I survived on what they paid me, but I always managed.  For the record picture framing is not a great money maker.  The overhead costs, of paper wood and glass were so exhorbitant, well if you have ever had a picture framed, you know how expensive it is.  Not much left for salaries.  I must have got the raise, I was still there till 1985 and after that part time.  If you deserve a raise, go in and ask for it!

Parenting - We are so close to our pets, it almost, well it does seem like parenting with them as well.  We have a cat,  he is two, bad tempered some days and sweet as pie others.  It is learning which mood he is in daily that counts.  Do you have a pet?  Do you call yourself Mama or Daddy to that pet?  See?

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback, about Theodore Roosevelt by David McCullough.  Only got through the forward so far. 

Yo Chen Belize:  Lets see what else they have, maybe cuisine?

Belize Cuisine – Savor Belize

It’s a cultural smorgasbord! It’s as varied and rich as the several cultures that together make up Belize cuisine. Belizean food can be as peppery and fiery as the heat of the tropical sun, or as cool and refreshing as the crystal clear Caribbean waters that wash the Belize shores.
belize rice and beans dish
The foundation of Belize Cuisine, the famous Rice and Beans cooked in coconut milk and served with your favorite meat accompanied by potato salad.
Or it can be as light and bright as the hundreds of birds that sing in our rainforests, or as savory and earthy as the dozens of wildlife that roam her acres of primary forest (many of them now protected species, so no eating of off-season game meat and the Hawksbill turtle is always a no-no for turtle soup or any menu item!).
With the addition of immigrants from India, mainland China, Nigeria and neighbouring Central American countries over the years, Belizean cuisine also now has an added international flavour.
And, particularly with the gastronomic rise in tourism in the past five years, European cuisine, as well as American favourites, has become as readily available as the stalwart Kriol (Creole) rice-and-beans, Latino chimole, Mayan caldo, Garifuna hudut or East Indian curried favourites – all dishes which, incidentally, can today be considered pan-Belizean. Are you beginning to get hungry? Well read on and feast on the following Belizean favourites. First up, every Belizean’s favorite!  (tomorrow)

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!    Happy Birthday Sue!

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