Wednesday, April 9, 2014

March 9, 2014 Wednesday

Sometimes you have to roll with the punches, this has been one of those times, but get back up and keep on track - you (I) can do it.

Did some arms and abs this morning, after a time off.  It makes you feel alive again and happier, honest.

Deuteronomy chapter 10 - Fear the Lord.  If you think this is a bad thing, you need to study the word a little more.  Did you ever tell your child "don't touch the stove"?  Or "look both ways crossing the street"?  How about "don't take drugs"?  This is the same, it is a healthy fear that is essential to your well being and happiness.

On this day
1822 - Charles M. Graham received the first patent for artificial teeth.  A lot of people happy about that!

1979 My niece Lindsey came into the world, on the worse ice storm I had ever seen.  The trees were covered and the roads were treacherous, but she came in anyway.  She could and still can melt any ice storm.  And every year afterward, we have celebrated having such a beautiful girl.  I always think that birthdays are so important because it is that persons special day, not everyones day, just yours. (And besides I love cake and ice cream)

Parenting - Patient Advocate Form is a new dimension in parenting or role reversal I should say.  I got one for Mom and she suggested I have one for myself as well.  Do you have one?

Book Club - Moving on to Isadore's Secret this month.  Hope I can download it on my Nook.

Yo Chen Belize -  Hope I can find some time, this looks interesting!  Go on line and look it up!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Lindsey!

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