Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014 Sunday Palm Sunday!

Good day for a walk!

The sermon today was, of course, about Holy Week.  The story of Jesus's triumphant entry amid hosanna's from the crowd, to the long walk through the week with the last supper on Thursday, the prayers in Gethsemane and the betrayal into the hands of men who did not know better.  The glorious story ends or begins you might say with Christ Jesus's resurrection on Easter Sunday.  AS Pastor Chris suggested, keep your mind on Holy Week, remember the story this week.

On this day:
1829 - The English Parliament granted freedom of religion to Catholics. Now that we all have the freedom of religion, we have less practitioners. 
1985 - My house was called the Lodge for many years.  I had many roommates which adds up to a lot of stuff around the house.  On this day, I was very pregnant and with the warm weather coming, we were all preparing for summer.  My brother brought his boat over to join Ty's boat in the driveway, so the preparation could get underway.  We were all about boats,  I have Nicole's in the garage now, its a kayak.  Go boating!  Get your boat ready!
Parenting - This morning in church their were two young men as acolytes.  I mentioned to one of their dad's that his son looked great on the altar.  Most men, these days, would not see that as a great thing, but this dad lit up like a Christmas tree.  There are still those who revel in worship and church life and would love to have their son become a Pastor.

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link -  oh, the plot thickens!

Yo Chen Belize - Here is a little more info:
In general, Belize is considered a Central American and Caribbean nation with strong ties to the entire Latin American and Caribbean region. Belize is a member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), and the Central American Integration System (SICA), the only country to hold full membership in all three regional organizations.
Belize is known for its September Celebrations, and is the birthplace of chewing gum[7][8] and Punta music.[9][10] 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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