Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 12, 2014 Saturday!

Pilates, again.  Gotta re-think these videos, getting repetitive.  But, I do like Pilates and each person does different sets.

Isaiah chapter 43 - God reminds the Israelites that, yes he did save them from Eygpt, but get over it.  It is a new day, remember to move forward and enjoy all the wonderful days and gifts that God gives you.  I like the writers closing line "God gives fresh starts from the inside out".

On this day -
1096 - Peter the Hermit gathered his army in Cologne.  Who is this guy?  I think I dated him.
1982 - Went to baseball practice with Andy and Alice, Julie and Danny.  I think Alice and Julie were the players, the rest of us were there to watch.  I have spent a lot of time at baseball (and other venues) watching people play.  Wish I had spent more time playing.  Don't you miss the boat!  Get out there and play!

Parenting - As I told my daughter yesterday - Life is a game.  You have to learn the rules. Practice. Buy the equipment. Show up and play well.  Cry with your friends when you lose and drink beer and celebrate when you win. 

Book club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link.  OK!  this is proving to be a good story.  A murder mystery from up north in the early 1900's.  You have to order it from Amazon, its not in any libraries or book stores that I checked. 

Yo Chen Belize -
Belize's abundance of terrestrial and marine species and its diversity of ecosystems give it a key place in the globally significant Mesoamerican Biological Corridor.[6]
Belize has a diverse society, with many cultures and languages. Originally part of the British Empire, it shares a common colonial history with other Anglophone Caribbean countries. From 1862 to 1973, its name was British Honduras. It became an independent Commonwealth realm in 1981, retaining Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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