Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014 Thursday

Kick boxing!  You just do what you can.  I sure don't open the blinds before I do this.

Genesis chapter 41 - Is about Joseph (the Technicolor coat guy) saving Egypt by having inside info from God about a 7 year famine coming in 7 years.  Joseph was put in charge of storing up grain during the 7 good years and ultimately saved all of Egypt when the drought hit.  Can you think of a connection between this and today, which is Maundy Thursday?  I'm having a hard time making the connection.  Good story though.

On this day; 
1961 - The attack on Cuba failed.  Castro is still in power.
1997 - The journal said that Nicole went to a Vipers game with the Mathis family.  Are they still around?  Haven't heard the name, what happened to them?

Parenting - Did you see the video of the two brothers that staged a child being taken in a park?  There is a lot of conversation about the reason or worth of the video.  The people that were there were totally freaked out and the TV "specialists"  said they didn't think it was worthwhile.  We do have a tendency to get lulled into a false sense of security in our own park or yard.  What do you think?

Book Club - Isadore's Secret by Mardi Link

Yo Chen Belize - 

Battle of St. George's Caye[edit]

An excerpt from the 1898 Gazette that declared 10 September an official holiday, part of the efforts of the Centennial Committee
The Battle of St. George's Caye refers to a military engagement off the coast of what is now Belize that is said to have lasted from 3–10 September 1798. But the name is typically reserved for the final battle that allegedly occurred on 10 September. The British first appointed a superintendent over the Belize area in 1786. Before then, the British government had not recognized the settlement as a colony for fear of provoking a Spanish attack. The delay in government oversight allowed the settlers to establish their own laws and forms of government. During this period, a few wealthy settlers gained control of the local legislature, known as the Public Meeting, as well as of most of the settlement's land and timber.
Accounts of the battle describe an engagement between an invading force from what would become Mexico, attempting to capture the Baymen controlled territory for Spain from a small force of Baymen and their Black slaves.
The Spanish are said to have repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to gain control over the territory by force. Contemporary accounts mention that Spain's last attempt occurred on 10 September 1798, when the Baymen and their Black slaves repelled the Spanish fleet in a short engagement with no known casualties on either side, known as the Battle of St. George's Caye. The anniversary of the battle is a national holiday in Belize and is celebrated by some Belizeans to commemorate the "first Belizeans" and their defence of the territory

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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