Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014 Saturday

Went for a nice walk today.  It is so peaceful in the neighborhood at 7 am, all the bunnies were out and not too many dogs barking at me.  One boxer sounded more like he wanted someone to talk to.

Isaiah Chapter 1 - When things are going well - people, families, neighborhoods, cities and whole nations see to forget God.  Isaiah was pretty upset with God's people for living the life of a people that owed no one anything, especially God.  Don't forget to thank God when things are going good.  He never forgets you.

On this day;
1981 - Not all life is a bowl of cherries.  I picked up my kid brother in Royal Oak and brought him home to spend the day and have dinner.  He had to report to Oakland County jail the next morning for a 60 day stay for breaking his probation.  It tears you up when a loved one has those problems and you can't do a thing about it. They have to make those changes themselves.
1884 - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented "flaked cereal." It's Grrrrrrreat!

Parenting - A family can have 5 children, most of them great students, well adjusted and happy.  Then there is that one child, maybe the second or third child, but it could be anyone of them, that seems to function on a different plane.  You are at a loss to know how to help, what went wrong?  All you can do is reassure them they are loved, and of course there is the reprimands and out and out shouting matches, all reactions to I love you this is killing me.  My heart goes out to you, and my prayers.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Not sure I can finish this, good book, good history, but too long.

Venezuela -  Pack up your bags, tie up loose ends, we leave here today and fly due East to Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire in Africa.  Hope you enjoyed our stay in Venezuela.


Happy travels and see you at El Zocalo in Mexican town for dinner tonight!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014 Friday

Philippians chapter 4 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  It is empowering to know that anything you want to do is possible with Christ's help.  He gives you that confidence.

On this day:
1976 - It was memorial weekend and the boat was in the water.  Pete and  I went to Metro Beach and cruised back over to Ford's Cove and tied off with a few other friends and spent the day.  Such great memories of Pat and Pam, Charley, Don and many others.  Golden days.
1848 - W.G. Young patented the ice cream freezer.  Now! this, like boating means summer!

Parenting - My neighbor gets to go to Toledo, Ohio with her sons 8th grade class for a field day tomorrow.  They are going to the zoo and the museum.  I want to go.  If you miss these times with your child you will be sorry.

Book Club -  Oh you know.  Mornings........

Venezuela - Better get some souveniers!
Venezuela THey!  you always take home a t shirt!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014 Thursday

That circuit training with Jillian kicks my butt, but that is what it is supposed to do.  On a good day I can get through 3 circuits.  aerobics, and weights, lunges and push ups.  lions and tigers and bears oh my.

Matthew chapter 4   Jesus calls his first disciples.  Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John.  They just walked away from their boats and nets and family to follow Jesus.  What would I give up to follow Jesus?  Something to think about today.

On this day:
1975 - My brother Mark started a job at Americoffee.  He had a terrible time finding work and then keeping the job.  He had dropped out of school and had a lot of issues with his health because he was a juvenile diabetic.  I don't remember how long this lasted, he was 18 and living with me at the time.  I was working two jobs at the time, something a lot of us did a lot.  And still do.

 1912 - Fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs at the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, PA, for dancing the Turkey Trot while on the job. Don't do this, keep your job.  Really?

Parenting - I have always found work when I needed to and so has my daughter.  Having a good work record is crucial to finding work.  Teach your children good work ethics, speak with respect about your bosses at work (in front of your kids), appreciate your job and if so, leave on good terms.  I believe work is an honorable thing that provides a living to care for yourself and your family.  It is a privilege.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  might not make it through.

Venezuela - only 3 more days here, where next?  I will let you know.

Venezuelan food is both tropical and Andean, with European influences (especially Italian) as well as traditional dishes from native cultures.  Coconut, plantains, seafood, goat, corn, and Italian pasta dishes are all part of the vibrant mix that makes up Venezuelan cuisine.


Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014 Wednesday ^ Day

Did some weight loss Pilates.  I don't get why its weight loss, but I like how strong the Pilates makes my back feel.

Micah chapter 7 - Micah was an old testament prophet.  It is a very short book, mostly advising the Israelites to follow God and remember to worship him.  vs 18 "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance?"   You are God's inheritance.

On this day -
1974 - Had broken up with Pete and to make myself feel better I bought a dog.  He was, literally 1/2 West Highland and 1/2 Cairn Terrier.  The front was West Highland and the back was Cairn.  We named him Ziggy Stardust, (brother Mark and I)  and he was the smartest, best dog I have ever had.  We had him 7 years until he contracted Parvo virus, which I had never heard of.  So sad, great dog.
1937 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington, DC, signaling that vehicular traffic could cross the newly opened Golden Gate Bridge in California.

Parenting - We are all aware of retail therapy, where you buy something because you are depressed.  Women have a tendancy to use this excuse, more then guys.  I think guys just go to the bar.  But we should bring this to our children's attention and explain that it doesn't help the issue to spend money that we possibly don't have.  Like I did with Ziggy.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  The politics part isn't interesting to me.

Venezuela -  Lets find out some more things to do before we move on:
Devil Dancers of San Francisco de Yare
Dance with the devil: every year at Corpus Christi in May or June, up to 100 dancers in ghoulish devil masks perform a colourful ceremony in the small town of San Francisco de Yare, south of Caracas. Based on a Catholic tradition dating back to the Middle Ages, the “Diablos Danzantes” can also be seen in several towns along the central coast, including Cata, Chuao, Cuyagua, Naiguatá, Ocumare de la Costa, and Tinaquillo.
Devil Dancers of Yare, Venezuela

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27 2014 Tuesday

I did some weight lifting.  It is the time of year we all try to look better and go on diets and start exercising.  To me, the best thing about exercising, is the feeling better.  Aerobics not only give you more energy, but lift your spirits, make you happier, aside from all the health benefits.  Weight and strength training will keep you moving and able to do things that you like further down the road.  Walking now will assure you to be able to hit the mall later in life when many will be chair bound.  Keep your muscles and bones moving, you don't hear kids complaining about aches and pains, (if they are active).  Exercising won't necessarily take weight off, we all know eating less will do that.  But keep moving!  Do it for you - and your loved ones.

John chapter 10 vs 1 - 10 - It is comforting to know that our God gave us the good shepherd to watch over us, set an example for our lives AND save us from our sins.  Thank you God.

On this day -
2006 - It was a Saturday and perfect for garage sale shopping.  Mom and I got in the car and drove around looking for those signs.  Mom can't do this anymore, I realize she is 92, but had she kept moving I am certain she would still be mobile.  She can no longer, easily, get in and out of the car to check out junk or jewels in a back yard.  It's often the little things you miss.
1896 - 255 people were killed in St. Louis, MO, when a tornado struck.  It is the season, be prepared! 

Parenting - Just as Jesus set an example of good living for us, we try and establish good patterns for our children.  My daughter is much like me, very social and busy all the time.  I have a friend who worries about her niece being raised by role models that don't work, live off of the state and make poor life choices.  I think her involvement in the girls life will make a huge difference in who she decides to emulate. 

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  gotta finish this week.

Venezeula -

Breakfast in Venezuela

Breakfast in Venezuela is a small meal that usually consists of a small pastry or toast served with coffee or fresh juice. A typical breakfast option is the famous Cachitos de Jamon (ham crescent roll) which is mainly made up of corn flour, eggs, ham and butter. Venezuela is one of the leading producers of cacao beans, so you might also consider enjoying a few delicious pieces of Venezuelan chocolate with your coffee at breakfast time.

Lunch in Venezuela

The largest meal in Venezuela is lunch, which is also when most restaurants offer nice specials on traditional Venezuelan dishes, and cuisine from all over the world including Italy, France, Spain, the Caribbean, and foods from many other countries. Almost all restaurants offer a set meal with several courses for a reasonable price, which is often called menu ejecutivo or menu cubietro.

Dinner in Venezuela

Like breakfast, dinner in Venezuela can be a lighter meal that might consist of smaller portions of many of the popular Venezuelan foods

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014 Monday

Took a walk this morning.  Not a long walk, but it sure is beautiful out.  Maybe another one later.

2 Corinthians chapter 1 - Praise be the God of all comfort.  We receive comfort from God and should then share that comfort with others.  There is a lot more to it, of course. 

On this day:
2005 - Nicole would just have got home from college, long enough to wash clothes, repack, have a birthday at home with friends and family and take off for Stony Lake Lutheran Camp for the summer.
1521 - Martin Luther was banned by the Edict of Worms because of his religious beliefs and writings.
1647 - A new law banned Catholic priests from the colony of Massachusetts. The penalty was banishment or death for a second offense. 
I thought these were interesting, contradictory statements.  Maybe not contradictory. 

Parenting - Jamie and Liz brought the little guy Abel over for Nicole's birthday.  He is 2 and enjoyed everything so much, he was a joy to watch.  Nicole and I plan to kidnap him, more often.

Book club  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough .  Too busy to read this weekend.

Venezuela -
Hacienda Floresta
#1 of 8 attractions in Caracas
Travelers' Choice® 2013 Winner Attractions
Category: Parks
Owner description: Urban stresses melt away as you enter this peaceful 17th-century park, once a coffee plantation. An old terracotta building... more » Owner description: Urban stresses melt away as you enter this peaceful 17th-century park, once a coffee plantation. An old terracotta building houses a photography museum. « less
Map | Visitor photos (7)   Looks good!  Lets go here today!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Remember our veterans!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 24, 2014 Saturday

A.M. Yoga. my favorite. 

Matthew chapter 1 - about Joseph being told his fiancée is expecting, by an angel and hey could you name him Jesus for us?

On this day:
2000 - Boring Birthday for Nicole.  It was a Wednesday, and she was 15, not 16 when you get your drivers license or anything important like that.  But I had dinner after her softball game and Grandma El, Jan, Lindsey, Marty, Aaron, and Lisa came over for dinner.  We always have fun.  I think birthdays are important, because it is your special day, not like a national holiday that everyone gets to celebrate, but we all like a celebration.
2000 - A Democratic Party event for Al Gore in Washington brought in $26.5 million. The amount set a new record, which had just been set the previous month by Republicans for Texas Gov. George W. Bush. why do we think the Republicans have all the money?

Parenting - Spent all day yesterday making potato salad, 3 cakes and today baked beans on in the slow cooker.  Enough for an army.  Not that many coming, I hope.  But its the holiday and we will have food for the rest of the weekend with little or no more work.  I love that our neighbors all come, it is a rite of spring and a great day for it.  Hope yours is great too!  Say a prayer for our veterans!

Book Club -  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Won't get any of this in this weekend.

Venezuela -

Venezuela protests not over, vows hardline Maduro foe


    Anti-government demonstrators embrace riot police during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas
    View photo
    Anti-government demonstrators embrace riot police during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas May 22, 2014. Mediators from the Union of South American States (UNASUR) urged Venezuela's government and opposition back to the negotiating table on Tuesday after failing to revive talks to stem months of protests in the polarized nation. Since anti-government demonstrations began in February, 42 people have been killed, more than 800 injured, and about 3,000 arrested, of whom more than 200 remain behind bars. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins (VENEZUELAPOLITICS UNREST - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
    CARACAS (Reuters) - A wave of protests against President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government in Venezuela will not let up and foreign sanctions could be useful, a hardline opposition leader said on Friday.
    The OPEC nation's worst unrest in a decade has seen 42 people killed during months of daily protests calling for Maduro's departure and solutions to economic hardships.
    Though demonstrations have dwindled in recent weeks, one of their main promoters, Maria Corina Machado, said the president had been weakened and opponents would keep the heat on.
    "A Venezuela that felt dominated, resigned and terrified has woken up," the right-wing politician, prominent in organizing nationwide rallies since February, told Reuters.
    "This is the beginning of the beginning. We will have a transition to democracy in the near future ... not in 2019," she said, pointing to a recall referendum allowed in 2016 as a constitutional way to abridge Maduro's six-year term.
    Meanwhile, targeted foreign sanctions against individuals could be beneficial, she added.
    "In some regimes, as there's no internal justice, they think 'we have impunity, nothing is going to happen to me, whether they steal all the money in a hospital or shoot students.'"
    Some U.S. lawmakers are urging sanctions on Venezuelan officials, though the Obama administration thinks that may hurt prospects for political reconciliation. Sanctions could also irk many in a region scarred by a history of U.S.-backed coups.
    "I KNOW WHAT YOU EAT"  Interesting.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

    Friday, May 23, 2014

    May 23, 2014 Friday

    Weight workout with Denise Austin.  This is a serious workout with real results.  I have upgraded to 5 lb weights, which doesn't sound like much until you do 25 repetitions and 10 or so different muscle groups.  Push yourself a little.

    Psalm 103 - This is my favorite psalm, not to be morbid, but the one I would like read at my funeral.
    103:10  He has not dealt with us according to ours sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.  This is a fantastically loving and forgiving God.

    On this day:
    1999 - In Kansas City, MO, Owen Hart (Blue Blazer) died when he fell 90 feet while being lowered into a WWF wrestling ring. He was 33 years old.

    1999 - Gerry Bloch, at age 81, became the oldest climber to scale El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. He broke his own record that he set in 1986 when he was 68 years old. What does this say?

    1999 - We celebrated my daughters confirmation.  My brother had to miss it though, he attended Fred and Donna's wedding, but Andy's wife Alice came to Nicole's confirmation.  That meant a lot to me and Nicole.

    Parenting - That is the way things happen, isn't it.  You have nothing to do for weeks or months and then one day, everything.  Andy had stood up in Donna's first wedding to our cousin Earl, and it was very important to her to have Andy there for her marriage to Fred.  Maybe acceptance of Fred, maybe honor to Earl's memory, or just a superstitious idea that if he wasn't there the second marriage wouldn't turn out as well as the first.  Whatever the reason, everything went well at both ceremonies.

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Getting into politics.

    Venezuela -

    Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space

    Venezuela's spatial landscape is clearly demarcated between the urban and the rural. The city of Caracas, with its 4 million inhabitants (almost a fifth of the country's total population) is the emblem of a modern elite and European-style existence. Meanwhile the rural homesteads of the llanos, Andes, and Guiana Highlands represent a farming way of life with a more traditional subsistence strategy. The recent influx of rural migrants (both from Venezuela and abroad) has impacted the urban landscape, especially within the ranchos (lower- and middle-income
    Simple homes with a flaring oil well in the background, Cabimas. Oil is Venezuela's most profitable export product.
    Simple homes with a flaring oil well in the background, Cabimas. Oil is Venezuela's most profitable export product.
    urban housing). Modern ideals and the escalating Americanization of Venezuelan culture have increasingly diminished the presence of traditional rural customs in the city centers.

    This blend of modernist aspirations tempered with local traditions, including colonial architectural remnants, has created a unique Venezuelan style. A particular architectural expression of this is the internationally acclaimed construction of the Central University of Caracas, designed by the Venezuelan architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva, with asymmetrical buildings, large standing murals, and sculptures.

    Read more:

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    May 22, 2014 Thursday National Maritime Day

    Kathy Smith was my trainer today with some Fat Burning Aerobics.  The cat stays out of my way.

    Job:  Chapter 2 - If you think you have troubles, well don't read Job.  His were monumental and won't make you feel better.  Friends came over and sat with him for 7 days in silence.  They tore their clothes and put dust on their heads.  Now those were some friends.  Listening, not talking is the best way to give solace to a friend.

    On this day:
    1998 - I dated occasionally, and the best thing about this first date with Ken was where we went.  He introduced me to the Polish Café in Hamtramck.  Ken didn't last but I try to get to the Polish Café a few times a year.  Great food.  Thanks Ken!
    1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent for the floating dry dock. Its a little interesting.

    Parenting - When Nicole was little, I may have mentioned Joey, the kid from across the street, who virtually lived at my house.  He started coming over in diapers before I had Nicole.  He was 4 when Nicole was born.  Through all those years, he is in most of our home videos, ate dinner here at least 5 days a week and looked stricken if we went on vacation without him.  We did very often take him along.  He lives in Florida now and I think of him a lot.

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  I must have been a distant cousin to the Roosevelts, poor side of the family.  They had a social life much like my own, always busy, many friends, surprised when they found they had nothing to do on any day.  Theodore's new wife had a hard time adjusting to the frenzied social life.

    Venezuela - Let see what else we can find there:
    Venezuela – Venezuelan Business Etiquette, Vital Manners, Cross

    Traditional clothes

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

    Wednesday, May 21, 2014

    May 21, 2014 Wednesday

    The British Ballerina and I did some bar work.  Not the liquid type, the toe pointing, knee bending type.  It isn't all leg work, try holding your arms up for that long a time and make it look as effortless as they do, ha!

    Joshua chapter 1 - Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land and was told by God that wherever their foot landed was theirs.  God also reminded them to keep the 10 Commandments and they would prosper and live good lives and that He would always be with them.  Good news then and now.

    On this day:
    1819 - Bicycles were first seen in the U.S. in New York City. They were originally known as "swift walkers." of course it was in New York, because of the traffic.
    1997 Nicole and I took a bike ride after dinner.  She was 12 then but still liked to take those long bike rides to the marina or wherever.  They usually ended with an ice cream cone.  Take a bike ride today!  Or a swift walk.

    Parenting - Those grad party invites are coming in.  Got one for Amy yesterday and reminded Mom how she used to comment about "that man" that always brings the little baby to church on Sunday alone.  That man was Tim and his wife was a nurse and worked very often on Sundays.  It was important to Tim that the baby be raised in the church, and now she is graduating high school, a beautiful girl and going to Valpraiso University in the fall.  God's blessings to Amy!

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Sorry its taking so long to read this.  Good story though, lots of history.

    Venezuela - Having fun in South America -

    Venezuela things to see and do

    Tourist offices

    Venezuela Tourist Department UK
    1 Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2HR, Venezuela
    Tel: 020 7584 4206
    Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1300, 1400-1700.

    Things to see and do

    Adventure activities in the Andes
    Enjoy the novelty of skiing in the tropics: the highest Andean peaks of the Cordillera de Mérida have a permanent snowline and can be skied between November and June, though at an altitude of 4,270m (14,000ft) this is recommended only for the hardiest. Several of the country's highest peaks are located here and specialist local agencies offer experienced guides and equipment in the nearby city of Mérida. This is also the base for a whole range of adrenalin-pumping activities, including mountaineering, mountain-biking and paragliding.
    Angel Falls
    Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world, and, for many, it is also the most stunning. Its glistening waters spill from the rim of an ancient sandstone tepuy (plateau) into a freefall of nearly one kilometre (0.6 miles) before crashing into a pool. Double rainbows can often be seen in the spray-drenched air above. Located in Canaima National Park, 600km (373 miles) south of Ciudad Bolívar, the waterfall was made public in 1937 by American pilot Jimmie Angel, who was searching for gold in the area. Angel Falls used to be a holy site for the region’s original inhabitants, and is still sacred to the local indigenous people today. Tours can be made by boat or plane or ‘fly-by’ on scheduled flights from Ciudad Bolivar.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    May 20, 2014 Tuesday

    Walked this morning, around downtown Mt Clemens.

    Matthew chapter 24 - About no one knows when the time will come.  Only God knows when the earth will end.  So we are told to be prepared because it can be anytime.  Hope your faith is strong.

    On this day - 1988
    26 years later and not too much has changed.  I'm still planting flowers, cleaning the garage and getting ready for Nicole's birthday party.  It has turned into a rite of spring party actually, with beer food and a few good friends.  Back then I was planning a circus themed party for any number of kids from the neighborhood, plus adults.  Aaron was the Master of Ceremony, there was a parade of animals (stuffed) and painted faces and circus acts.  I have video as well. 
    1506 - In Spain, Christopher Columbus died in poverty. Really?  What a shame, I guess there is no money in discovery, not in those days anyway.

    Parenting - Spent the morning at the Friend of the Court.  Many people, mostly men were there.  One guy stood out to me.  Not all people are blessed with good looks and appeal of any kind.  I wondered if this poor soul, after finding someone who would have sex with him, possibly once, and then she got pregnant, wonders why he has to pay child support for 18 or so years.  I also imagined that this child is probably a beautiful wonder to behold, because that is how it works.  That may sound mean, but I don't think he knows that about himself, which is a blessing.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  This poor guy and Christopher Columbus have something in common.

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Slow in places.

    Venezuela - View Gallery
  • Add ToTravel Planner
  • Flanked by the wooded peaks of the Avila National Park lies the city of Caracas, Venezuela’s capital and gateway to the country.


    Though often overlooked, Caracas itself has plenty to entice the visitor. A predominantly modern city which became prosperous during the oil boom of the 1960s, Caracas boasts some arresting architecture. The colonial influence is also apparent and the city remembers its most famous son, Simón Bolívar, in the main Plaza Bolívar.

    Surrounding Area

    Four hours by road west from the city, the lively colonial town of Choroní is nestled between the bird-watching paradise of Henri Pittier National Park and some lush Caribbean beaches, and an ideal base for exploring the area.
    Morrocoy National Marine Park is further west and takes in an area of islands, islets and cays, draped in mangrove swamps with lots of marine birds.
    Maracaibo is a steamy port city with some interesting architecture, and the nearby Laguna Sinamaica has many colourful houses on stilts dotted through its waters.
    East of Caracas is the sublime Mochima National Park, a beautiful area of white sand beaches fringed with palm trees and good diving opportunities.  I would like to see this!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Monday, May 19, 2014

    May 19, 2014 Monday Happy Victoria's Day to the Canadiens

    After a lazy weekend of sitting, did some Abs of Steel.  I don't know about you, but if I sit too much my lower back goes out pretty quickly. 

    Mark chapter 5 - about the dead girl and the sick woman.  Jesus healed a woman who had been sick for 12 years, without knowing it.  She merely touched his clothes and was healed, her faith made that happen.  The 12 year old girl that the father came to get Jesus to heal her, had died by the time they arrived, but Jesus raised her from the dead.  Because he could.  Miracles still happen everyday.

    On this day:
    1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of England's King Henry VIII, was beheaded after she was convicted of adultery. She needed a miracle.
    1981 - I had gone to the library and on the way home stopped to see my Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank.  What timing, Aunt Teresa had just cut her finger pretty bad and they were in a tizzy.  So I went with them to the hospital where she got 5 stitches.  You never know when you might make a timely visit.  Maybe someone is having a really bad day, or wrestling with wild kids and your pop in might disrupt an otherwise worse event.  Be a visitor!  Or even call for no reason.  Love one another.

    Parenting - Went to Elliott's confirmation party yesterday.  It was a beautiful service and we were honored to be included in the celebration.  At 14, Elliott had been instructed in the behavior of a good host whom the party honored.  He was wonderful!  Good job Elliott!  It was a great party!

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Theodore has met his bride, Alice.  He is much more into her the she him.  But I am sure her family kept reminding her what a great catch he was.

    Venezuela -  Lets look at the fun stuff.   Music!
    The Venezuelan music evolved as a blend of Spanish, African and Indigenous rhythms.

    In the pre-hispanic times the Indians used carved bones flutes, clay whistles, seashell trumpets and
     maracas. After with the Spanish colonization and the arrival of the African slaves, several instruments
     were incorporated into the popular music tradition such as cuatro (a four string small guitar), violin,
     guitar and drums.

    The most known traditional Venezuelan music styles are the Gaita and Joropo. The Gaita is a genre
    originated in the Zulia state, consists of improvised rhyming vocals over four-string guitars and
    maracas. It is featured in festivals throughout the year and has now become Venezuela’s traditional
     Christmas music. Joropo is the most typical Venezuelan music and is associated with the Llanos
     region; like the Gaita, Joropo is a rhythm accompanied by improvised vocals, four-string guitars,
     maracas and harps.

    Salsa and merengue are perhaps more popular than the traditional music in Venezuela.
    Go to Venezuela music and watch a video, the music is great!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

    Sunday, May 18, 2014

    May 18, 2014 Sunday

    Confirmation day at Christ Lutheran.  Our friends Beth and Doug's, son Elliott will be confirmed today.  It is a reaffirmation of his baptism, and a passage into adult faith.  At this pivotal time in their life, the church and parents hope that this young person will accept the responsibility for their faith going into their adult life.  Much like many faiths and cultures we do a passage into adulthood.  This young man will do fine with his faith walk, he has very strong examples to follow in his parents.  I don't think there is anything more important then endowing your child with a partnership with God for their future.  Prayers and good wishes to Elliott and the other young people celebrating today.

    Yesterday, it was another celebration of life.  My friend Pam's mother's life was celebrated as a circle of friends and family shared their memories of Joyce.  She was quite a lady.  Her and Dan were bee keepers, and ski instructors, parents and neighbors.  They had a charming home in the suburbs, with a houseful of artwork and things to keep your eyes busy as you visit and eat cookies.  They had a wonderful summer home in Alpena, an A frame on Grand Lake that exuded the same love of life as their other home.  Joyce would get everyone busy doing something, she was a team leader, you had to love her.  As everyone agreed, she will be missed. 

    On this day:
    1975  - This time of year is busy down at the marina.  People painting and scraping and cleaning their  boats getting ready to put in for the summer, or if you are a go getter, its in.  Pete and I cleaned a little then went visiting around to see people that we hadn't seen all winter.  We visited with Larry and Ellen and the Pitman's, etc.  I have no recollection of those people, they come in and out of our lives, and other then this entry in my journal, I would never remember them at all.  We all have short encounters with people in life, now I will wonder how they are the rest of the day. 
    1302 - The weaver Peter de Coningk led a massacre of the Flemish oligarchs. Here is someone else I don't remember.

    Venezuela -  Here is some current news.
    1. Venezuelan authorities charge two sergeants in country's National Guard in the death of woman who was shot during antigovernment protests. MORE            
    2. Apr. 28, 2014
      "Position of Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro has grown more tenuous following two months of often violent protest that have claimed more than 40 lives amid aggressive government crackdown;" protesters have been wounded by soldiers and report abusive treatment during detention; support for Maduro has weakened among South American neighbors as allegations mount. MORE
    3. Apr. 16, 2014
      Venezuela’s opposition resumes negotiations with the government, despite rising doubts that talks will produce a political opening. MORE
    4. Apr. 11, 2014
      Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro and coalition of opposition leaders meet at the presidential palace in Caracas for televised conference aimed at easing tensions that have escalated during more than two months of antigovernment protests, which have cost at least 40 lives. MORE
    5. Apr. 9, 2014
      Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro and opposition leaders agree to take part in talks that could help defuse tensions that have arisen during two months of anti-government protests. MORE
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, May 16, 2014

    May 16, 2014 Friday

    Denise had me doing some interval training this morning.  Three minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weight lifting.  On the beach. (I'm dreaming about the beach part).

    Proverbs chapter 15 - Here it tells us to ask and accept the opinions of others.  Good advice, wish I had taken.  Proverbs has excellent suggestions for life.

    On this day:
    Just to clear up from yesterday, we went to Comerica Park, no one was at Tiger Stadium.
    1973 - This memory is for my cousin Patt.  My Aunt Theresa threw a baby shower for Patti, I believe it was her 2nd daughter she was expecting.  We missed having a shower for the first baby.  Auntie Theresa was always there for all of us, with showers and help and advice, if you were smart enough to listen.  God Bless her, she is missed, huh Patt?  Did you have an aunt like that?  I hope so.
    1866 - The U.S. Congress authorized the first 5-cent piece to be minted. Any idea what you can buy with a nickel?

    Parenting - Have a busy weekend coming up.  A funeral on Saturday and a Confirmation on Sunday.  Both are family and close friend occasions, both celebrations of life. 

    Book Club -  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Theodore leads an entitled life at Harvard among other young men of the same situation.  Interesting.

    Venezuela -
    Demography. Venezuela is mainly made up of four groups: mestizos, or pardos, (mixed European and Indian ancestry), comprising 67 percent of the population; white (European descent, mainly Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese), 2l percent; black (African and Caribbean descent), 10 percent; and Indian (Native Americans), 2 percent. These groups tend to be regionally localized: The cities are mainly (but
    not exclusively) inhabited by whites and pardos; Indians occupy the remote Guianan and Amazonas interior; and blacks live along the Caribbean coastline. At least one-fourth of Venezuela's contemporary population consists of immigrants, many of them illegal.

    Read more:

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!!

    Thursday, May 15, 2014

    May 15, 2014 Thursday

    Got that dancing in last night and had to work today.  Maybe catch a walk later.

    Revelation Chapter 21  vs 1 -8  A New Heaven and a New Earth.  "I will be their God and they will be my children"  The promise.

    On this day
    2012  I joined Don and his family for an outing to Tiger Stadium and followed up with a visit to Greek Town.  Well we actually went to some other bars in the surrounding area.  It was a great night, great game, great fun, food and memories!  Make sure you get down to a Tigers game this year and hit some of the great spots in Downtown Detroit while you are there!
    1879 - Thomas Edison incorporated the Edison Telephone Company of Europe.  And so it begins.

    Parenting - Nicole went back to Albion (2 hours) and forgot her phone at home.  How did that happen?  I had to overnight it and that was in 2005 I think.

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough - Did I mention the wealthy families paid volunteers to go to war for their sons.  Their were name plaques at Harvard for the young men from Harvard that went to war and died, but it didn't include the volunteers that died in some of their places.  ok, think about that.

    Venezuela -  What else can we find?
    The economy of Venezuela is largely based on the petroleum sector and manufacturing.[14] Revenue from petroleum exports accounts for more than 50% of the country's GDP and roughly 95% of total exports. Venezuela is the fifth largest member of OPEC by oil production. From the 1950s to the early 1980s the Venezuelan economy experienced a steady growth that attracted many immigrants, with the nation enjoying the highest standard of living in Latin America. During the collapse of oil prices in the 1980s the economy contracted, and inflation skyrocketed to reach peaks of 84% in 1989 and 99% in 1996, three years prior to Hugo Chavez taking office. With high oil prices and rising government expenditures, Venezuela's economy grew by 9% in 2007.  I didn't know.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Wednesday, May 14, 2014

    May 14, 2014 Wednesday

    Skipped this morning, did a lot of yard work yesterday and am pretty stiff.  Which is a bad excuse, because the best thing is to keep moving.  I will at dance class tonight.

    Matthew chapter 23 - Words right out of the Lord's mouth.  The church has lost a lot of support by once again setting themselves up as better then thou.  Jesus warns about this behavior here.

    On this day:  2004
    Nicole was home from college and went to Cedar Pointe with Melanie, Janet and Ryan.  What a great way to start the summer!  I think its open, you should plan a trip, my favorite ride is the merry go round.
    On this day in 1999, President Bill Clinton apologizes directly to Chinese President Jiang Zemin on the phone for the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, that had taken place six days earlier. Clinton promised an official investigation into the incident. Really? this happened?

    Parenting - It is so easy now for kids to make that call when they arrive someplace, to mom.  I am a terrible worrier, as are many moms and it is so great to have that call come in "I'm here".  Now its a text, so simple!  Thanks Nicole.

    Book Club Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Great book!

    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Members of Venezuela's opposition said Tuesday they may pull out of crisis negotiations with the government over what they consider an unjustified crackdown on recent protests.
    Negotiators for the Democratic Unity alliance said that the mass arrest of more than 200 student activists last week and security forces' refusal Monday to let protesters march downtown are souring the climate for the month-old talks.
    To express its disapproval, the opposition unilaterally suspended closed-door meetings scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, according to Ramon Jose Medina, one of the talks' coordinators. A meeting Thursday with foreign ministers from several South American nations who are mediating the talks is also in doubt.
    "The government will be responsible if the dialogue fails," Medina said in a statement.
    The talks are focused on easing tensions after more than three months of unrest that has left at least 41 people on both sides dead.
    But progress on issues ranging from a proposal to free jailed activists to the filling of positions on the national electoral council has been painstakingly slow, giving room to claims by students and hardliners that the talks are a ploy by President Nicolas Maduro to deflect international criticism.  No day trips to CARACAS.

    ]Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Tuesday, May 13, 2014

    May 13, 2014 Tuesday

    Aerobics with Denise on the ocean front.  She does the cha cha, the Mambo and some Salsa, so if you are already doing these dances, well your good to go.  Sashay on.

    Psalm 139 - You are wonderfully created by God in your mothers womb.  Life and birth are certainly an amazing gift, how could anyone doubt there is a wonderful creator involved.  This psalm reminds us.

    On this day 2002

    On May 13, 1846, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly votes in favor of President James K. Polk's request to declare war on Mexico in a dispute over Texas.
    Under the threat of war, the United States had refrained from annexing Texas after the latter won independence from Mexico in 1836.  But in 1844, President John Tyler restarted negotiations with the Republic of Texas, culminating with a Treaty of Annexation. 

    Nicole was playing high school soccer and they were always at the top.  They had one really great player that made the state team and many other great players.  Nicole was goalie.  On this day it was a home game with Lake Shore and the game ended in a tie - one to one.  The only problem was that Southlake made both goals. 

    As parents we sit through games - good or bad, season after season.  If your child's team is doing well it becomes an event that all the parents get involved in and support each other in.  The grandparents show up on a regular basis and the crowd gets noisy.  I remember this game and the horror the poor girl felt when the kick went astray and she scored on her own team.  It was quiet in the stands, on our side.  Anyone who has kids in sports, or even watches professional sports know the thrill of the win and the agony of defeat. 

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Theodore's father Theodore died rather suddenly.  Interesting to read how the family reacts after someone, who was so central to everything in the family, is gone.

    Venezuela -  :

    Read more:

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    May 12, 2014 Monday

    Pilates - Have you tried the "hundred" ?  You lie on your back on the floor, raise your legs straight up in the air and then lower them to a 45 degree angle, keeping the small of your back on the floor.  Lift your head and reach your arms on your sides parallel to your body, off the floor maybe 6 ".  Hold this position and pump your arms 100 times.  You can keep your legs straight up, or bend them in table pose until you are stronger.  Great core strengthener.

    Deuteronomy chapter 4 - Our God gave us laws to live by, not to ruin our lives but to make our lives better.  You might think it is great to do what you want, but not so great for others to do the same.  Laws make us civilized and separate us from people who are lawless.  You know who they are, you read about them every day in the news and hear about them on TV.  Thank God for the 10 Commandments.

    On this day:  2001
    They had a Remembrance Service for my daughters grandfather.  He had passed away earlier in Florida, but so many of his friends were up here that they came up here for the service. Aaron and Nicole loved their grandfather.  He was the cool grandpa, with cars and boats and funny stories.  The memories they have of him were the best person he could have hoped to be in his lifetime.  That's a great way to be remembered.

    Parenting - Nicole and I spent a lot of this weekend together, visiting friends and working in the yard.  It was the best Mother's day gift I could ask for.  I am astounded though, that having spent most of her life with me, that when she is doing a project like assembling something, she turns right into her father.  Amazing.

    Book club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Politics rears its ugly head in this part of the book.  Theodore was at Harvard and Arthur Hayes is in the political arena.  Theodore's father, also Theodore, is very involved now and moving into a political career.

    Venezuela -


    Juan Vicente Gómez (1908–1935)[edit]

    López Contreras and Medina Angarita (1935–1945)[edit]

    El Trienio Adeco (1945–1948)[edit]

    Main article: El Trienio Adeco
    Rómulo Betancourt
    El Trienio Adeco was a three-year period in Venezuelan history, from 1945 to 1948, under the government of the popular party Democratic Action (Accion Democratica, its adherents adecos). The party gained office via the 1945 Venezuelan coup d'état against President Isaías Medina Angarita and held the first elections with universal suffrage in Venezuelan history. The Venezuelan general election, 1947 saw Democratic Action formally elected to office, but it was removed from office shortly after in the 1948 Venezuelan coup d'état.
    There was no particular incident that set off the bloodless 1948 coup, which was led by Delgado Chalbaud. There was no popular opposition. This might have meant that the odds were too great or that the general populace had not noticed any particular improvement in their lives despite the incessant government propaganda. All prominent adecos were expelled. The other parties were allowed but muzzled.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Sunday, May 11, 2014

    May 11, 2014 Sunday Mothers Day

    Exercised my faith.

    Of course Pastor Beebe spoke of Mothers Day, but it was also good shepherd's day.  Quite a lot of similarities between shepherds and mothers.  Psalm 23

    On this day:  1991
    Nicole had a softball game and Aaron had a concert at the H.S.  at the same time.
    A person born on this day will be 23 years old today. If that same person saved a dollar every day starting at age 3, then by now that person has accumulated $7,305.00 today. (Assuming this person is still alive and kicking)

    Parenting - I don't know how parents that have more then one child do it.  With two children, if both parents are involved you are ok, but more?  Families are so busy these days with encouraging each child to express an interest in something.  I remember one of my friends telling me, (she had 4 kids), the last one was out of luck, and literally got to do nothing.  Her son played hockey, one daughter was in theater and the other in track and swim.  When the last one came along, they couldn't fit a thing into their schedule for her.  She is married with 3 kids now.  I wonder what her kids are doing?

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  I am at Harvard with Theodore now.  It was really a different time, and they were different people.

    Venezuela - Little more history?

    Simón Bolívar y Francisco Santander

    Independence from Gran Colombia[edit]

    In Venezuela, nominally a province of Gran Colombia, José Antonio Páez, backed by the former mantuanos (and now by the ruling clique in Caracas), tentatively initiated the separation of Venezuela in 1826. Bolívar returned post-haste to Bogotá, where vice-president Santander complained about Venezuelan insubordination. Bolívar traveled to Caracas and seemingly put Páez in his place (1827). Sucre left Bolivia the same year. Santander expressed disappointment and furthermore opposed Bolívar's plans to implant the Bolivian constitution in Great Colombia, for which a convention was convoked by Bolívar in the town of Ocaña. Thus began the rivalry between Santander and Bolívar.

    José Antonio Páez. Painting by Martín Tovar y Tovar
    In 1828, in view of the political opposition he faced both in Venezuela and in New Granada and because his Great Colombia had started to disintegrate, Bolívar named himself dictator. He escaped an assassination attempt with the help of his mistress, Manuelita Sanz, a pardo woman from Quito. Santander was exiled, but Jose Prudencio Padilla, the pardo general who had helped corner Morales after Carabobo in Maracaibo, was executed[by whom?] instead. The emboldened Peruvians now invaded Guayaquil. Bolívar had to return to Quito in 1829 to repulse them, which didn't take much doing, for the invasion had petered out before Bolívar arrived. Back in Bogotá, Bolívar pleaded for unity and, though he had offered to resign various times during his career, this time, when Great Colombia had a new constitution (not Bolívar's Bolivian one) and a president, Joaquin Mosquera, Bolívar finally did resign in 1830. At that point, Páez not only had declared the second independence of Venezuela but also had promoted a campaign of vituperation against Bolívar. Seeing the state of things, Quito followed suit under Venezuelan general Juan José Flores, and Sucre was assassinated while riding alone through a thick forest on his way to that city. A downcast Bolívar rode to the coast with the intention of leaving the country, but he was truly exhausted and very sick. He died near Santa Marta in Colombia at the age of 47.


    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable   Happy Mothers day!

    Saturday, May 10, 2014

    May 10, 2014 Saturday

    I went for a nice walk this morning, checked out everyone's flowers coming up, counting bunnies and see which houses are up for sale.  Not a lot of houses in this neighborhood for sale, a lot less then usual for this time of year, I think.  Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself, grab your dog, or your husband, the neighbor or headphones. 

    1 Corinthians chapter 10 - We need to learn from past mistakes, not only our own.  On the other hand "And God is faithful: he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."

    On this day: 1990
    My mother in law, Nicole and I flew down to Florida to stay in the new condo they just bought.  It is such a pleasant memory, with Nicole being only 4 and everything new in the condo.  Us girls had a great week down there, soaking in the pool and enjoying Laurie and her new baby Zack.  Ma lives down there now and I just got off the phone with her and reminiscing about the great times we have shared.  Tomorrow is Mothers day, don't forget.
    If you’re under the age of, oh let’s say 27ish, you probably think of the snow storm of May 10, 1990 as just an old tall tale your parents tell you. Just like the tales of walking to school every day, uphill both ways, with no shoes, while carrying newspapers for their afternoon route, and any other hardship they could dream up. On a side note my dad used to tell me things like this. Then one day I saw his childhood home, which sat on flat land directly across the street from his school. Ugh, that walk must have just been terrrrrrrible!
    Well the May 10th snow storm did happen. It wasn’t the end of the world but it did cause problems most snow storms do not. Since it was so late into spring nearly all trees had sprouted their leaves. When the back breaking, heavy, wet snow fell it not only stuck to branches like any winter snow but stuck to leaves as well. This multiplied the weight of the snow a tree could hold until… CRACK… the branches started breaking and 30,000 people were without power. The 3” to 8” snow caused $4,000,000 in damages.

    Parenting - I had taken Nicole to many swimming classes to learn to swim, but she wasn't crazy about it.  When we got to the condo there were two little girls, one older then her and the other younger.  They swam in the pool like fish.  They offered her their foot fin thingees and she took off across the pool.  Been swimming ever since, still not crazy about it, but she can swim and even be a lifeguard.
    If you have kids, make sure they know how to swim!

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, at the part where Dad Roosevelt is getting involved in politics.

    Venezuela -  Slavery in Venezuela was abolished in 1854.[28] Much of Venezuela's 19th century history was characterized by political turmoil and dictatorial rule,[30] including the Independence leader José Antonio Páez, who gained the presidency three times and served a total of eleven years between 1830 and 1863. This culminated in the Federal War (1859–1863), a civil war in which hundreds of thousands died, in a country with a population of not much more than a million people. In the latter half of the century Antonio Guzmán Blanco, another caudillo, served a total of thirteen years between 1870 and 1887, with three other presidents interspersed

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, May 9, 2014

    May 9, 2014 Friday

    Dancing with Rita today.  Nothing like a little salsa to get your heart started.

    Genesis chapter 15 - This is about the promise God gave to Abram (Abraham) to make a nation of his offspring.  Actually we find later that there were two nations created and as history repeats itself we are at odds with the other nation.  God cares and provides for us.  The promise is true in His Son Jesus the Christ.

    On this day;  1981
    Earlier in the year I had a house fire.  Half of the house, with the garage burned down.  That wasn't half as traumatic as getting it rebuilt.  I decided I could get more done by doing the contracting myself.  I was 34 and figured I knew what I was doing. (lol)  On this day I had taken vacation time, had gone to the doctor, who gave me drugs to calm me down and help me sleep.  I decided to sit outside in the sun and look at the work being done on the house, which wasn't much.  I was all alone in the driveway, in shorts and a halter top in a folding lawn chair and woke up an hour later because I was snoring so loud.   None of my neighbors ever said they saw me, but people are polite.
    The first frequent-flyer program was introduced, with American Airlines launching "AAdvantage." People flying on "AA" were rewarded with credits that could be amassed and used for free travel. Soon, other airlines followed suit.[1]

    Parenting - Feeling so sad for my friend today.  Her mom passed away yesterday and now along with the grief she has to deal with final arrangements.  It is good to be busy and when it is finished we will be sad with her some more.

    Book Club:  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough .


    The signing of Venezuela's independence, by Martín Tovar y Tovar.
    After a series of unsuccessful uprisings, Venezuela—under the leadership of Francisco de Miranda, a Venezuelan-American marshal who had fought in the American Revolution and the French Revolutiondeclared independence on 5 July 1811. This began the Venezuelan War of Independence. However, a devastating earthquake that struck Caracas in 1812, together with the rebellion of the Venezuelan llaneros, helped bring down the first Venezuelan republic.[27] A second Venezuelan republic, proclaimed on 7 August 1813, lasted several months before being crushed as well.
    Sovereignty was only attained after Simón Bolívar, aided by José Antonio Páez and Antonio José de Sucre, won the Battle of Carabobo on 24 June 1821. José Prudencio Padilla and Rafael Urdaneta's victory in the Battle of Lake Maracaibo on 24 July 1823, helped seal Venezuelan independence. New Granada's congress gave Bolívar control of the Granadian army; leading it, he liberated several countries and founded Gran Colombia.
    Sucre, who won many battles for Bolívar, went on to liberate Ecuador and later become the second president of Bolivia. Venezuela remained part of Gran Colombia until 1830, when a rebellion led by Páez allowed the proclamation of a newly independent Venezuela; Páez became the first president of the new republic. Between one-quarter and one-third of Venezuela's population was lost during these two decades of warfare (including perhaps one-half of the white population),[28] which by 1830 was estimated at about 800,000.[29]
    José Gregorio Monagas abolished slavery in 1854.
    The colors of the Venezuelan flag are yellow, blue and red, in that order: the yellow stands for land wealth, the blue for the sea that separates Venezuela from Spain, and the red for the blood shed by the heroes of independence.[30]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Thursday, May 8, 2014

    May 8, 2014 Thursday VE Day fly the flag!

    Skipped exercise this morning, going for a long walk later today. (maybe off a short pier).  Supposed to be beautiful today, get out and enjoy it!

    2 Corinthians chapter 4 - Shared with Mom, twice.  It bears repeating, a little difficult to understand.  Which makes me wonder why it is hard to understand, if in fact we are all welcome to God's love and forgiveness.  Keep reading.  He wants you to understand.

    On this day: 1978
    I rewrote some of my journals for my friend Pete.  He asked if he could have a copy of those days that pertained to him.  I did and now, realizing that Pete is gone, I wonder what happened to that journal.  There was noting incriminating in it, I never write that stuff down, I'm not stupid. 
    1978 U.S.A. David Berkowitz ( Son of Sam ) 8th May 1978 : David Berkowitz ( Son of Sam ) admitted guilty to 6 son of Sam killings in court , he has also claimed responsibility for 2000 fires in a 4 year period under the alias of "The Phantom of the Bronx", it was revealed a diary found detailed 1,411 of the fires during this time period. Guess he wrote his down.

    Parenting - My daughter is spoiled.  I don't mind, She was not a spoiled "brat", whining and crying for stuff, just kept pretty happy with stuff, but mostly attention.  Do you spoil your kids?  When you love them and see how cute they are, how can you not spoil them?  I think being spoiled and having bad behavior are two different things, what do you think?

    Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, at the part where Thee's family moves into a huge mansion in New York, while the depression is horrible for most.  They really didn't see the huge disparity between the classes.  The father did donate and help out a lot of organizations, but it did not have anything to do with their situation that I can tell.  Oh, they took some of their friends kids with them to the shore, because they were experiencing difficulties.  Good social impact book.

    Venezuela -


    In 1498, during his third voyage to the Americas, Christopher Columbus sailed near the Orinoco Delta and then landed in the Gulf of Paria. Amazed by the great offshore current of freshwater which deflected his course eastward, Columbus expressed in his moving letter to Isabella and Ferdinand that he must have reached heaven on Earth (terrestrial paradise):
    Great signs are these of the Terrestrial Paradise, for the site conforms to the opinion of the holy and wise theologians whom I have mentioned. And likewise, the [other] signs conform very well, for I have never read or heard of such a large quantity of fresh water being inside and in such close proximity to salt water; the very mild temperateness also corroborates this; and if the water of which I speak does not proceed from Paradise then it is an even greater marvel, because I do not believe such a large and deep river has ever been known to exist in this world.[25]
    His certainty of having attained Paradise made him name this region Land of Grace, a phrase that has become the country's nickname.
    The Welser Armada exploring Venezuela
    Spain's colonization of mainland Venezuela started in 1522, establishing its first permanent South American settlement in the present-day city of Cumaná. In the 16th century Venezuela was contracted as a concession by the King of Spain to the German Welser banking family (Klein-Venedig, 1528–1546). Native caciques (leaders) such as Guaicaipuro (c. 1530–1568) and Tamanaco (died 1573) attempted to resist Spanish incursions, but the newcomers ultimately subdued them; Tamanaco was put to death by order of Caracas' founder Diego de Losada.[26]
    In the 16th century, during the Spanish colonization, indigenous peoples, such as many of the Mariches, themselves descendants of the Caribs, converted to Roman Catholicism. Some of the resisting tribes or leaders are commemorated in place names, including Caracas, Chacao, and Los Teques. The early colonial settlements focused on the northern coast,[24] but in the mid-18th century the Spanish pushed farther inland along the Orinoco River. Here the Ye'kuana (then known as the Makiritare) organized serious resistance in 1775 and 1776.[27]
    Spain's eastern Venezuelan settlements were incorporated into New Andalusia Province. Administered by the Royal Audiencia of Santo Domingo from the early 16th century, most of Venezuela became part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada in the early 18th century, and was then reorganized as an autonomous Captaincy General starting in 1776. The town of Caracas, founded in the central coastal region in 1567, was well-placed to become a key location, being near the coastal port of La Guaira whilst itself being located in a valley in a mountain range, providing defensive strength against pirates and a more fertile and healthy climate.[28]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!