Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014 Friday

Denise had me doing some interval training this morning.  Three minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weight lifting.  On the beach. (I'm dreaming about the beach part).

Proverbs chapter 15 - Here it tells us to ask and accept the opinions of others.  Good advice, wish I had taken.  Proverbs has excellent suggestions for life.

On this day:
Just to clear up from yesterday, we went to Comerica Park, no one was at Tiger Stadium.
1973 - This memory is for my cousin Patt.  My Aunt Theresa threw a baby shower for Patti, I believe it was her 2nd daughter she was expecting.  We missed having a shower for the first baby.  Auntie Theresa was always there for all of us, with showers and help and advice, if you were smart enough to listen.  God Bless her, she is missed, huh Patt?  Did you have an aunt like that?  I hope so.
1866 - The U.S. Congress authorized the first 5-cent piece to be minted. Any idea what you can buy with a nickel?

Parenting - Have a busy weekend coming up.  A funeral on Saturday and a Confirmation on Sunday.  Both are family and close friend occasions, both celebrations of life. 

Book Club -  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Theodore leads an entitled life at Harvard among other young men of the same situation.  Interesting.

Venezuela -
Demography. Venezuela is mainly made up of four groups: mestizos, or pardos, (mixed European and Indian ancestry), comprising 67 percent of the population; white (European descent, mainly Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese), 2l percent; black (African and Caribbean descent), 10 percent; and Indian (Native Americans), 2 percent. These groups tend to be regionally localized: The cities are mainly (but
not exclusively) inhabited by whites and pardos; Indians occupy the remote Guianan and Amazonas interior; and blacks live along the Caribbean coastline. At least one-fourth of Venezuela's contemporary population consists of immigrants, many of them illegal.

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Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!!

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