Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 24, 2014 Saturday

A.M. Yoga. my favorite. 

Matthew chapter 1 - about Joseph being told his fiancée is expecting, by an angel and hey could you name him Jesus for us?

On this day:
2000 - Boring Birthday for Nicole.  It was a Wednesday, and she was 15, not 16 when you get your drivers license or anything important like that.  But I had dinner after her softball game and Grandma El, Jan, Lindsey, Marty, Aaron, and Lisa came over for dinner.  We always have fun.  I think birthdays are important, because it is your special day, not like a national holiday that everyone gets to celebrate, but we all like a celebration.
2000 - A Democratic Party event for Al Gore in Washington brought in $26.5 million. The amount set a new record, which had just been set the previous month by Republicans for Texas Gov. George W. Bush. why do we think the Republicans have all the money?

Parenting - Spent all day yesterday making potato salad, 3 cakes and today baked beans on in the slow cooker.  Enough for an army.  Not that many coming, I hope.  But its the holiday and we will have food for the rest of the weekend with little or no more work.  I love that our neighbors all come, it is a rite of spring and a great day for it.  Hope yours is great too!  Say a prayer for our veterans!

Book Club -  Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Won't get any of this in this weekend.

Venezuela -

Venezuela protests not over, vows hardline Maduro foe


    Anti-government demonstrators embrace riot police during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas
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    Anti-government demonstrators embrace riot police during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas May 22, 2014. Mediators from the Union of South American States (UNASUR) urged Venezuela's government and opposition back to the negotiating table on Tuesday after failing to revive talks to stem months of protests in the polarized nation. Since anti-government demonstrations began in February, 42 people have been killed, more than 800 injured, and about 3,000 arrested, of whom more than 200 remain behind bars. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins (VENEZUELAPOLITICS UNREST - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
    CARACAS (Reuters) - A wave of protests against President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government in Venezuela will not let up and foreign sanctions could be useful, a hardline opposition leader said on Friday.
    The OPEC nation's worst unrest in a decade has seen 42 people killed during months of daily protests calling for Maduro's departure and solutions to economic hardships.
    Though demonstrations have dwindled in recent weeks, one of their main promoters, Maria Corina Machado, said the president had been weakened and opponents would keep the heat on.
    "A Venezuela that felt dominated, resigned and terrified has woken up," the right-wing politician, prominent in organizing nationwide rallies since February, told Reuters.
    "This is the beginning of the beginning. We will have a transition to democracy in the near future ... not in 2019," she said, pointing to a recall referendum allowed in 2016 as a constitutional way to abridge Maduro's six-year term.
    Meanwhile, targeted foreign sanctions against individuals could be beneficial, she added.
    "In some regimes, as there's no internal justice, they think 'we have impunity, nothing is going to happen to me, whether they steal all the money in a hospital or shoot students.'"
    Some U.S. lawmakers are urging sanctions on Venezuelan officials, though the Obama administration thinks that may hurt prospects for political reconciliation. Sanctions could also irk many in a region scarred by a history of U.S.-backed coups.
    "I KNOW WHAT YOU EAT"  Interesting.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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