Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014 Wednesday

Did some aerobics this morning, don't want to overdo it, have ballroom dance class tonight.  That is great exercise.  It doesn't have to be at a gym or even like I do with videos at home, anything you do that keeps you moving is beneficial.  Get moving!

1 Corinthians Chapter 6 - My brother David, who spent his life in a crib (16 years) that couldn't hear or see, probably never sinned, the rest of us need to thank Jesus Christ for his gift of forgiveness and salvation.

On this day: 
1977 - I ordered a pyramid.  It was delivered in the mail, it was a tent.  You were supposed to lay in it and meditate, which would.... ?  My brother Mark and I tried it, obviously it was not life changing or everyone would still have one in their house.  Anyone remember this?
1977 - Rookie Janet Guthrie set the fastest time on opening day of practice for the Indianapolis 500. Her time was 185.607.

Parenting - I love that their are so many babies on facebook these days.  So many of Nicole's friends are getting married and having children.  One of our cousins had twin boys.  It is such a great way to keep up with their growth and experiences.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback - by David McCullough.  The whole family took a year and floated up and down the Nile in Egypt.  Very interesting.

Venezuela -


Main article: History of Venezuela
Simón Bolívar, liberator of not only Venezuela, but also Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru.
There is evidence of human habitation in the area now known as Venezuela from approximately 15,000 years ago; leaf-shaped tools from this period, together with chopping and plano-convex scraping implements, have been found exposed on the high riverine terraces of the Rio Pedregal in western Venezuela.[22] Late Pleistocene hunting artifacts, including spear tips, have been found at a similar series of sites in northwestern Venezuela known as "El Jobo"; according to radiocarbon dating, these date from 13,000 to 7,000 BC.[23]
It is not known how many people lived in Venezuela before the Spanish Conquest; it may have been approximately one million,[24] and in addition to today's indigenous peoples the population included groups such as the Carib, Auaké, Caquetio, Mariche, and Timoto-cuicas. The number was reduced after the Conquest, mainly through the spread of new diseases from Europe.[24] There were two main north-south axes of pre-Columbian population; producing maize in the west and manioc in the east.[24] Large parts of the llanos plains were cultivated through a combination of slash and burn and permanent settled agriculture.[24]

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

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