Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014 Tuesday

Walked this morning, around downtown Mt Clemens.

Matthew chapter 24 - About no one knows when the time will come.  Only God knows when the earth will end.  So we are told to be prepared because it can be anytime.  Hope your faith is strong.

On this day - 1988
26 years later and not too much has changed.  I'm still planting flowers, cleaning the garage and getting ready for Nicole's birthday party.  It has turned into a rite of spring party actually, with beer food and a few good friends.  Back then I was planning a circus themed party for any number of kids from the neighborhood, plus adults.  Aaron was the Master of Ceremony, there was a parade of animals (stuffed) and painted faces and circus acts.  I have video as well. 
1506 - In Spain, Christopher Columbus died in poverty. Really?  What a shame, I guess there is no money in discovery, not in those days anyway.

Parenting - Spent the morning at the Friend of the Court.  Many people, mostly men were there.  One guy stood out to me.  Not all people are blessed with good looks and appeal of any kind.  I wondered if this poor soul, after finding someone who would have sex with him, possibly once, and then she got pregnant, wonders why he has to pay child support for 18 or so years.  I also imagined that this child is probably a beautiful wonder to behold, because that is how it works.  That may sound mean, but I don't think he knows that about himself, which is a blessing.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  This poor guy and Christopher Columbus have something in common.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Slow in places.

Venezuela - View Gallery
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  • Flanked by the wooded peaks of the Avila National Park lies the city of Caracas, Venezuela’s capital and gateway to the country.


    Though often overlooked, Caracas itself has plenty to entice the visitor. A predominantly modern city which became prosperous during the oil boom of the 1960s, Caracas boasts some arresting architecture. The colonial influence is also apparent and the city remembers its most famous son, Simón Bolívar, in the main Plaza Bolívar.

    Surrounding Area

    Four hours by road west from the city, the lively colonial town of Choroní is nestled between the bird-watching paradise of Henri Pittier National Park and some lush Caribbean beaches, and an ideal base for exploring the area.
    Morrocoy National Marine Park is further west and takes in an area of islands, islets and cays, draped in mangrove swamps with lots of marine birds.
    Maracaibo is a steamy port city with some interesting architecture, and the nearby Laguna Sinamaica has many colourful houses on stilts dotted through its waters.
    East of Caracas is the sublime Mochima National Park, a beautiful area of white sand beaches fringed with palm trees and good diving opportunities.  I would like to see this!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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