Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014 Saturday

I went for a nice walk this morning, checked out everyone's flowers coming up, counting bunnies and see which houses are up for sale.  Not a lot of houses in this neighborhood for sale, a lot less then usual for this time of year, I think.  Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself, grab your dog, or your husband, the neighbor or headphones. 

1 Corinthians chapter 10 - We need to learn from past mistakes, not only our own.  On the other hand "And God is faithful: he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."

On this day: 1990
My mother in law, Nicole and I flew down to Florida to stay in the new condo they just bought.  It is such a pleasant memory, with Nicole being only 4 and everything new in the condo.  Us girls had a great week down there, soaking in the pool and enjoying Laurie and her new baby Zack.  Ma lives down there now and I just got off the phone with her and reminiscing about the great times we have shared.  Tomorrow is Mothers day, don't forget.
If you’re under the age of, oh let’s say 27ish, you probably think of the snow storm of May 10, 1990 as just an old tall tale your parents tell you. Just like the tales of walking to school every day, uphill both ways, with no shoes, while carrying newspapers for their afternoon route, and any other hardship they could dream up. On a side note my dad used to tell me things like this. Then one day I saw his childhood home, which sat on flat land directly across the street from his school. Ugh, that walk must have just been terrrrrrrible!
Well the May 10th snow storm did happen. It wasn’t the end of the world but it did cause problems most snow storms do not. Since it was so late into spring nearly all trees had sprouted their leaves. When the back breaking, heavy, wet snow fell it not only stuck to branches like any winter snow but stuck to leaves as well. This multiplied the weight of the snow a tree could hold until… CRACK… the branches started breaking and 30,000 people were without power. The 3” to 8” snow caused $4,000,000 in damages.

Parenting - I had taken Nicole to many swimming classes to learn to swim, but she wasn't crazy about it.  When we got to the condo there were two little girls, one older then her and the other younger.  They swam in the pool like fish.  They offered her their foot fin thingees and she took off across the pool.  Been swimming ever since, still not crazy about it, but she can swim and even be a lifeguard.
If you have kids, make sure they know how to swim!

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough, at the part where Dad Roosevelt is getting involved in politics.

Venezuela -  Slavery in Venezuela was abolished in 1854.[28] Much of Venezuela's 19th century history was characterized by political turmoil and dictatorial rule,[30] including the Independence leader José Antonio Páez, who gained the presidency three times and served a total of eleven years between 1830 and 1863. This culminated in the Federal War (1859–1863), a civil war in which hundreds of thousands died, in a country with a population of not much more than a million people. In the latter half of the century Antonio Guzmán Blanco, another caudillo, served a total of thirteen years between 1870 and 1887, with three other presidents interspersed

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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