Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014 Wednesday ^ Day

Did some weight loss Pilates.  I don't get why its weight loss, but I like how strong the Pilates makes my back feel.

Micah chapter 7 - Micah was an old testament prophet.  It is a very short book, mostly advising the Israelites to follow God and remember to worship him.  vs 18 "Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance?"   You are God's inheritance.

On this day -
1974 - Had broken up with Pete and to make myself feel better I bought a dog.  He was, literally 1/2 West Highland and 1/2 Cairn Terrier.  The front was West Highland and the back was Cairn.  We named him Ziggy Stardust, (brother Mark and I)  and he was the smartest, best dog I have ever had.  We had him 7 years until he contracted Parvo virus, which I had never heard of.  So sad, great dog.
1937 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington, DC, signaling that vehicular traffic could cross the newly opened Golden Gate Bridge in California.

Parenting - We are all aware of retail therapy, where you buy something because you are depressed.  Women have a tendancy to use this excuse, more then guys.  I think guys just go to the bar.  But we should bring this to our children's attention and explain that it doesn't help the issue to spend money that we possibly don't have.  Like I did with Ziggy.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  The politics part isn't interesting to me.

Venezuela -  Lets find out some more things to do before we move on:
Devil Dancers of San Francisco de Yare
Dance with the devil: every year at Corpus Christi in May or June, up to 100 dancers in ghoulish devil masks perform a colourful ceremony in the small town of San Francisco de Yare, south of Caracas. Based on a Catholic tradition dating back to the Middle Ages, the “Diablos Danzantes” can also be seen in several towns along the central coast, including Cata, Chuao, Cuyagua, Naiguatá, Ocumare de la Costa, and Tinaquillo.
Devil Dancers of Yare, Venezuela

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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