Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014 Sunday

Confirmation day at Christ Lutheran.  Our friends Beth and Doug's, son Elliott will be confirmed today.  It is a reaffirmation of his baptism, and a passage into adult faith.  At this pivotal time in their life, the church and parents hope that this young person will accept the responsibility for their faith going into their adult life.  Much like many faiths and cultures we do a passage into adulthood.  This young man will do fine with his faith walk, he has very strong examples to follow in his parents.  I don't think there is anything more important then endowing your child with a partnership with God for their future.  Prayers and good wishes to Elliott and the other young people celebrating today.

Yesterday, it was another celebration of life.  My friend Pam's mother's life was celebrated as a circle of friends and family shared their memories of Joyce.  She was quite a lady.  Her and Dan were bee keepers, and ski instructors, parents and neighbors.  They had a charming home in the suburbs, with a houseful of artwork and things to keep your eyes busy as you visit and eat cookies.  They had a wonderful summer home in Alpena, an A frame on Grand Lake that exuded the same love of life as their other home.  Joyce would get everyone busy doing something, she was a team leader, you had to love her.  As everyone agreed, she will be missed. 

On this day:
1975  - This time of year is busy down at the marina.  People painting and scraping and cleaning their  boats getting ready to put in for the summer, or if you are a go getter, its in.  Pete and I cleaned a little then went visiting around to see people that we hadn't seen all winter.  We visited with Larry and Ellen and the Pitman's, etc.  I have no recollection of those people, they come in and out of our lives, and other then this entry in my journal, I would never remember them at all.  We all have short encounters with people in life, now I will wonder how they are the rest of the day. 
1302 - The weaver Peter de Coningk led a massacre of the Flemish oligarchs. Here is someone else I don't remember.

Venezuela -  Here is some current news.
  1. Venezuelan authorities charge two sergeants in country's National Guard in the death of woman who was shot during antigovernment protests. MORE            
  2. Apr. 28, 2014
    "Position of Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro has grown more tenuous following two months of often violent protest that have claimed more than 40 lives amid aggressive government crackdown;" protesters have been wounded by soldiers and report abusive treatment during detention; support for Maduro has weakened among South American neighbors as allegations mount. MORE
  3. Apr. 16, 2014
    Venezuela’s opposition resumes negotiations with the government, despite rising doubts that talks will produce a political opening. MORE
  4. Apr. 11, 2014
    Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro and coalition of opposition leaders meet at the presidential palace in Caracas for televised conference aimed at easing tensions that have escalated during more than two months of antigovernment protests, which have cost at least 40 lives. MORE
  5. Apr. 9, 2014
    Venezuelan Pres Nicolas Maduro and opposition leaders agree to take part in talks that could help defuse tensions that have arisen during two months of anti-government protests. MORE
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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