Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014 Thursday

That circuit training with Jillian kicks my butt, but that is what it is supposed to do.  On a good day I can get through 3 circuits.  aerobics, and weights, lunges and push ups.  lions and tigers and bears oh my.

Matthew chapter 4   Jesus calls his first disciples.  Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John.  They just walked away from their boats and nets and family to follow Jesus.  What would I give up to follow Jesus?  Something to think about today.

On this day:
1975 - My brother Mark started a job at Americoffee.  He had a terrible time finding work and then keeping the job.  He had dropped out of school and had a lot of issues with his health because he was a juvenile diabetic.  I don't remember how long this lasted, he was 18 and living with me at the time.  I was working two jobs at the time, something a lot of us did a lot.  And still do.

 1912 - Fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs at the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, PA, for dancing the Turkey Trot while on the job. Don't do this, keep your job.  Really?

Parenting - I have always found work when I needed to and so has my daughter.  Having a good work record is crucial to finding work.  Teach your children good work ethics, speak with respect about your bosses at work (in front of your kids), appreciate your job and if so, leave on good terms.  I believe work is an honorable thing that provides a living to care for yourself and your family.  It is a privilege.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  might not make it through.

Venezuela - only 3 more days here, where next?  I will let you know.

Venezuelan food is both tropical and Andean, with European influences (especially Italian) as well as traditional dishes from native cultures.  Coconut, plantains, seafood, goat, corn, and Italian pasta dishes are all part of the vibrant mix that makes up Venezuelan cuisine.


Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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