Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014 Saturday

Went for a nice walk today.  It is so peaceful in the neighborhood at 7 am, all the bunnies were out and not too many dogs barking at me.  One boxer sounded more like he wanted someone to talk to.

Isaiah Chapter 1 - When things are going well - people, families, neighborhoods, cities and whole nations see to forget God.  Isaiah was pretty upset with God's people for living the life of a people that owed no one anything, especially God.  Don't forget to thank God when things are going good.  He never forgets you.

On this day;
1981 - Not all life is a bowl of cherries.  I picked up my kid brother in Royal Oak and brought him home to spend the day and have dinner.  He had to report to Oakland County jail the next morning for a 60 day stay for breaking his probation.  It tears you up when a loved one has those problems and you can't do a thing about it. They have to make those changes themselves.
1884 - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented "flaked cereal." It's Grrrrrrreat!

Parenting - A family can have 5 children, most of them great students, well adjusted and happy.  Then there is that one child, maybe the second or third child, but it could be anyone of them, that seems to function on a different plane.  You are at a loss to know how to help, what went wrong?  All you can do is reassure them they are loved, and of course there is the reprimands and out and out shouting matches, all reactions to I love you this is killing me.  My heart goes out to you, and my prayers.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Not sure I can finish this, good book, good history, but too long.

Venezuela -  Pack up your bags, tie up loose ends, we leave here today and fly due East to Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire in Africa.  Hope you enjoyed our stay in Venezuela.


Happy travels and see you at El Zocalo in Mexican town for dinner tonight!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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