Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014 Thursday National Maritime Day

Kathy Smith was my trainer today with some Fat Burning Aerobics.  The cat stays out of my way.

Job:  Chapter 2 - If you think you have troubles, well don't read Job.  His were monumental and won't make you feel better.  Friends came over and sat with him for 7 days in silence.  They tore their clothes and put dust on their heads.  Now those were some friends.  Listening, not talking is the best way to give solace to a friend.

On this day:
1998 - I dated occasionally, and the best thing about this first date with Ken was where we went.  He introduced me to the Polish Café in Hamtramck.  Ken didn't last but I try to get to the Polish Café a few times a year.  Great food.  Thanks Ken!
1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent for the floating dry dock. Its a little interesting.

Parenting - When Nicole was little, I may have mentioned Joey, the kid from across the street, who virtually lived at my house.  He started coming over in diapers before I had Nicole.  He was 4 when Nicole was born.  Through all those years, he is in most of our home videos, ate dinner here at least 5 days a week and looked stricken if we went on vacation without him.  We did very often take him along.  He lives in Florida now and I think of him a lot.

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  I must have been a distant cousin to the Roosevelts, poor side of the family.  They had a social life much like my own, always busy, many friends, surprised when they found they had nothing to do on any day.  Theodore's new wife had a hard time adjusting to the frenzied social life.

Venezuela - Let see what else we can find there:
Venezuela – Venezuelan Business Etiquette, Vital Manners, Cross

Traditional clothes

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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