Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014 Wednesday

Skipped this morning, did a lot of yard work yesterday and am pretty stiff.  Which is a bad excuse, because the best thing is to keep moving.  I will at dance class tonight.

Matthew chapter 23 - Words right out of the Lord's mouth.  The church has lost a lot of support by once again setting themselves up as better then thou.  Jesus warns about this behavior here.

On this day:  2004
Nicole was home from college and went to Cedar Pointe with Melanie, Janet and Ryan.  What a great way to start the summer!  I think its open, you should plan a trip, my favorite ride is the merry go round.
On this day in 1999, President Bill Clinton apologizes directly to Chinese President Jiang Zemin on the phone for the accidental NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, that had taken place six days earlier. Clinton promised an official investigation into the incident. Really? this happened?

Parenting - It is so easy now for kids to make that call when they arrive someplace, to mom.  I am a terrible worrier, as are many moms and it is so great to have that call come in "I'm here".  Now its a text, so simple!  Thanks Nicole.

Book Club Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Great book!

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Members of Venezuela's opposition said Tuesday they may pull out of crisis negotiations with the government over what they consider an unjustified crackdown on recent protests.
Negotiators for the Democratic Unity alliance said that the mass arrest of more than 200 student activists last week and security forces' refusal Monday to let protesters march downtown are souring the climate for the month-old talks.
To express its disapproval, the opposition unilaterally suspended closed-door meetings scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, according to Ramon Jose Medina, one of the talks' coordinators. A meeting Thursday with foreign ministers from several South American nations who are mediating the talks is also in doubt.
"The government will be responsible if the dialogue fails," Medina said in a statement.
The talks are focused on easing tensions after more than three months of unrest that has left at least 41 people on both sides dead.
But progress on issues ranging from a proposal to free jailed activists to the filling of positions on the national electoral council has been painstakingly slow, giving room to claims by students and hardliners that the talks are a ploy by President Nicolas Maduro to deflect international criticism.  No day trips to CARACAS.

]Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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