Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014 Thursday!

My massage therapist gave me a sheet of exercises to do everyday.  Actually a lot of them are incorporated in the many video's I do.  Some I try to commit to memory because you can do them anywhere when you think of them.  Well downward facing dog in the grocery store might not be a good idea, but the others maybe.

Matthew chapter 4 - about healing the leper.  The leper was sure Jesus could heal him, if he wanted to.  Jesus did want to.  Mom said she thinks there are still leper colonies out there.  Anyone know?

On this day:  1992
A lady named Eleanor had called me and said someone recommended me for housecleaning.  Well I hadn't really been doing that, but I agreed to go over and help her clean occasionally.  I didn't know this lady before this.  She really just wanted company and I ended up doing a little cleaning, but most of all spending a few hours chatting with her.  Her sister had lived with her and she hadn't been in her bedroom since she died (years before)  so she sent me in there.  It wasn't too horrible, and after a few visits she would come in with a bowl of cereal and sit in a chair and watch me and tell me about the things I was boxing up.  I'm sure I'm not the only person these things happen to, am I?

1992 - On the third day of the Los Angeles riots resulting from the Rodney King beating trial. King appeared in public to appeal for calm, he asked, "Can we all get along?" We can try!

Parenting - I might mention that on one occasion while I was at Eleanor's her daughter stopped in.  She informed me that her Mom abused her drugs and they were going to put her in a nursing home asap.  There is more to child/parent relationships then meet the eye.

Book club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Good book, a little slow so far.

Zuato Venezuela -  We have moved to this location today.  Get on line and see the beautiful accomodations available.
Flights to Venezuela
image of VenezuelaVenezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America, officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The country comprises the mainland and a number of islands in the Caribbean Sea. Venezuela features some stunning scenery and a wide variety of attractions for visitors.

Flights from South Africa to Venezuela are available with South African Airways, TAP Air Portugal and Air France. These airlines have flights from Johannesburg to the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, flying via Sao Paulo, Lisbon and Paris respectively. If you would like a flight from anywhere else in South Africa, these would be via Johannesburg
Happy exploring!  Most of the places I went are in Spanish, just hit the translator if no habla espanol.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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