Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014 Monday Happy Victoria's Day to the Canadiens

After a lazy weekend of sitting, did some Abs of Steel.  I don't know about you, but if I sit too much my lower back goes out pretty quickly. 

Mark chapter 5 - about the dead girl and the sick woman.  Jesus healed a woman who had been sick for 12 years, without knowing it.  She merely touched his clothes and was healed, her faith made that happen.  The 12 year old girl that the father came to get Jesus to heal her, had died by the time they arrived, but Jesus raised her from the dead.  Because he could.  Miracles still happen everyday.

On this day:
1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of England's King Henry VIII, was beheaded after she was convicted of adultery. She needed a miracle.
1981 - I had gone to the library and on the way home stopped to see my Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank.  What timing, Aunt Teresa had just cut her finger pretty bad and they were in a tizzy.  So I went with them to the hospital where she got 5 stitches.  You never know when you might make a timely visit.  Maybe someone is having a really bad day, or wrestling with wild kids and your pop in might disrupt an otherwise worse event.  Be a visitor!  Or even call for no reason.  Love one another.

Parenting - Went to Elliott's confirmation party yesterday.  It was a beautiful service and we were honored to be included in the celebration.  At 14, Elliott had been instructed in the behavior of a good host whom the party honored.  He was wonderful!  Good job Elliott!  It was a great party!

Book Club - Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough.  Theodore has met his bride, Alice.  He is much more into her the she him.  But I am sure her family kept reminding her what a great catch he was.

Venezuela -  Lets look at the fun stuff.   Music!
The Venezuelan music evolved as a blend of Spanish, African and Indigenous rhythms.

In the pre-hispanic times the Indians used carved bones flutes, clay whistles, seashell trumpets and
 maracas. After with the Spanish colonization and the arrival of the African slaves, several instruments
 were incorporated into the popular music tradition such as cuatro (a four string small guitar), violin,
 guitar and drums.

The most known traditional Venezuelan music styles are the Gaita and Joropo. The Gaita is a genre
originated in the Zulia state, consists of improvised rhyming vocals over four-string guitars and
maracas. It is featured in festivals throughout the year and has now become Venezuela’s traditional
 Christmas music. Joropo is the most typical Venezuelan music and is associated with the Llanos
 region; like the Gaita, Joropo is a rhythm accompanied by improvised vocals, four-string guitars,
 maracas and harps.

Salsa and merengue are perhaps more popular than the traditional music in Venezuela.
Go to Venezuela music and watch a video, the music is great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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