Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014 Wednesday

Went for a walk today.   A little cool but with a sweatshirt on, it got warm quick.  Saw two bunnies chasing each other..... ah love.

1 John chapter 4 -vs 8 Who ever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  Do you know anyone that doesn't love someone?  Hard to imagine being that sad person.  Because God loves us we love one another.  Show love to someone who seems unloved today.

On this day:
2008 - I was still youth director at church.  It was a slow night for youth group, there was something else going on in the community, but I had some Bass Lake planning to take care of so when one young man came to youth group I caught him before his mom left and explained he would be the only one there.  He said ok and we talked for 3 hours.  I should say he talked for 3 hours.  He was a young man with problems and obviously needed an uninvolved person to share with.  I didn't get any Bass Lake done, but this kid ended up going to camp with us and enjoying it.  Show a little love today, just listen.
1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto. I hope we still do.

Parenting - The young man from above had just lost his dad, had two siblings that he seemed at odds with and his mom seemed a little confused, maybe because she had 3 kids and had just lost her husband.  There was also a grandmother that seemed a little overbearing, maybe trying to be in charge of an out of control situation.  Like you, I always try to take all points into consideration.  The boy only spent that summer, every youth meeting with me, and then disappeared from church.  A year ago he resurfaced.  We began praying for him because he had some serious heart issues.  Hope he is ok, haven't seen him in a while again.

Book Club - Voyager  by Diana Gabaldon.  Hooked again on this series.

 Bucharest  last couple of days here, lets see what else we can find:

Bucharest Tours

Bran Castle in BucharestVisit Bucharest, Romania and enjoy the many sightseeing tours and attractions we have to offer.
For a great overview of Bucharest, the Best of Romania & Transylvania Tour from Bucharest is a very popular tour. Medieval Castle tours and sightseeing tours are also popular to discover the many famous landmarks of Bucharest, such as our Private Full Day Bucharest Sightseeing Tour.
Other popular tour choices include Dracula & Transylvania Tours that visit the legendary Bran Castle and many other historic locations. For the best Dracula experience ever, our Dracula Weekend in Transylvania Tour is perfect for vampire enthusiasts!

Take advantage of your time in Bucharest and enjoy excursions from Bucharest historic sites and scenic villages. Visit in the fall and enjoy spectacular views of vibrant fall colors that will make you feel as if you've stepped into a classic fairy tale.  Love to see this place!  lots of stairs I am sure.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014 Tuesday

Did some dance and aerobics with Jane this morning.  I heard a guy on TV this morning say that even 5 minutes of running a day reduces your chance of dying by 30% and increases your life by 3 years.  Those are pretty good odds.

Hebrews chapter 4 - Jesus the Great High Priest.  "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence"  Jesus has made the connection, friended us, however you think of it.  You have an inside help. 

On this day:  2007 - The trend today is come home from work to your locked up house with AC and closed windows.  I have never liked to live that way, I love my neighbors and spend time with them.  On this day in 2007, I had new neighbors, that I had introduced myself to, Jabar, Crystal and Keyana.  They were great neighbors so when Jabar came over to ask to borrow the lawn mower I had no problem.  He did though.  At 30, after living his whole life in apartments he had no idea how to cut the lawn.  He asked me and I showed him.  They kept the yard up and even after they moved we keep in touch.  My neighbors call me the rock, not sure what that means.

1975 - OAS (Organization of American States) members voted to lift collective sanctions against Cuba. The U.S. government welcomed the action and announced its intention to open serious discussions with Cuba on normalization. Trying to be good neighbors.

I get a lot of emails about "the old days".  I am a boomer and our generation has seen a lot of changes in our life times, brought on by bad old things.  For example, the party line phone (wall mounted or princess) has been replaced by an individual phone that everyone has everywhere they go.  That is something that has pros and cons, but I think we all turn around and go back home if we forget it.  Homes got much bigger and cars (supposedly) more economical.  Every generation creates, easier, faster and better ways of doing things, don't you think?

Have you read the Outalander series? by Diana Gabaldon.  They are historical, fictional, love stories from Scotland.  Years ago I read the first two - Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber.  I hear the series will be shown on STARZ coming up, which I don't have, so I am reading the third in the series Voyager.  They are "you can't put it down type books" so make time.

Finishing up here in Bucharest  lets see what we can get for souveniers:

Victor Brauner: The Great Romanian Surrealist

Born in 1903, Victor Brauner is an iconic Romanian painter who became a leading figure in the Surrealist movement. Petra Power investigates Brauner’s work, analysing his exploration of religion, folklore, dreams and autobiography.

Victor Brauner was a Romanian avant-garde painter. His paintings, drawings and prints are distinguished by their eclectic choice of imagery and diverse religious symbolism. Brauner wanted to identify himself with the French Surrealists. In doing so, his tendency was to extend the use of poetry through the transformation of physical formations, guised as unique arrays of religious symbols. Encapsulating an incredible population of incubi, succubi, phantoms, spectres, seers, mediums and sorcerers. Brauner’s work integrated his fascination with both magic and private myth. Not only do his paintings depict Romanian folklore and esotericism, but they are also entrenched with spiritual symbols, developed from a personal allegoric iconography and inspired by his turbulent childhood and heightened anxieties. This depiction of both personal and social relations separate Brauner from his Surrealist counterparts, Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. Furthermore, his paintings become enriched through an extraordinary and vivid use of colour palette, such as displayed in Brauner’s Prelude to Civilisation (1954) or ‘wax painting’.

Magical folklore creatures and archetypes of the unconscious are represented in Brauner’s work. Inspired by archaic relics and primitive civilisations, Prelude to Civilisation is a stylised image of a large animal decoratively inscribed with figures, masks and abstract symbols. The creatures depict Mexican codex illustrations in a highly imaginative way whilst evoking ancient cave paintings. Brauner has executed this piece in encaustic, a technique which combines paint and molten wax. wow!  this looks great, but I probably can't afford it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014 Monday

Someone unhooked my video player, hmmm.  Poor excuse I could have used the weights or walked but it was only 63.  I am a wimp. 

Acts chapter 28:  About Paul and how much he suffered to spread the gospel.  Now this was a guy who had persecuted the Christians until he had a run in with Jesus Christ himself.  It was tough in those days to be a Christian, is it still?

On this day:
2005 - Things change when the kids grow up.  In 2005 Nicole was still working at Stony Lake Camp as a counselor or director.  Aaron and Lisa were busy with their life.  I don't talk to them often enough and I regret that.  Aaron has plenty going on in his life, with a wife and 3 kids, a busy job, etc.  I'm glad that they have their own lives, but I miss the times when we were together everyday during the summer.  Things change.
2006 - Researchers announced that two ancient reptiles had been found off Australia. The Umoonasaurus and Opallionectes were the first of their kind to be found in the period soon after the Jurassic era  I didn't hear about this because I didn't have kids at home anymore.  See what you miss?

My daughter took down her trophy wall this weekend.  There were two long shelves of them that included, bowling, softball, karate, basketball, soccer and others.  They were such a source of pride for both of us, but now we don't need them anymore.  We still have the pictures, video's and the memories, and I am still proud of all her accomplishments.

Still trying to complete more of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, but looking forward to another summer read.  I am always open to suggestions.

Bucharest Romania - finishing up this last week here so lets sight see some more:
Offside Pub, Bucharest

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 Sunday Korean War remembrance Fly the Flag!

Habakkuk  chapter 2  all about divine perspective.  We live short lives and are only concerned with the time we are here.  We seek to get as much out of it as we can.  I think that is fine, why else would God put us here but to enjoy the world and those in it.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that this is all there is and that your job is to use up as much of it as you can without sharing, appreciating, giving back and thanking God for it. 

On this day:
2002 - I went to Norma's for her birthday along with Pam.  The three of us have been friends for 40 years and would not consider missing a birthday.  This year we had a new celebrant, Alexsis, Norma's new baby niece.  She has been the apple of Norma's eyes since she was born.
1965 - In the U.S., the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act was signed into law. The law required health warnings on all cigarette packages. Too little too late!

Whether you have your own children or not, many people care for other children or other adults in their lives.  From the beginning, people cared for each other in families, villages, or cities.  There are always those that look out for their fellow humans and animals too.  I think it is enriching and keeps your mind off your own problems as well. 

Book Club - Walt Whitman leaves of Grass.  I do believe if I ever saw a few verse of his I would know it.  He has a very distinct style.  Such patriotism!


How about some street art?  Take some time and walk the city, almost done here.  Try a virtual trip.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014 Saturday New moon

Went up to my brothers place in Roscommon this past week, so I have not kept up my blog.  Sorry.
I did keep up my exercise, so nice to go for a walk in the country.  Love the smell of the pine air.

Get Faith!
Isaiah chapter 17 - a reading about all things are possible with God, and possibly are meaningless without Him.  If you forget that he is the great provider and only consider yourself responsible for what you have, you might be left to fend for yourself.

1979 -My sister in law at the time, Adele came over with my two nieces Merri and Lindsey for dinner.  The girls would have only been 2 years and 3 months.  We walked up to get an ice cream after dinner.  It is one of those memories that if it wasn't in my journal, I would not remember it.  I am glad to remember it.
1948 - Babe Ruth was seen by the public for the last time, when he attended the New York City premiere of the motion picture, "The Babe Ruth Story  Something else I forgot.  But not as important to me.

As families do these days, Andy and Adele divorced a few years later and everything changes.  It is so important to kids to see an amiable split when this happens, so that they can model their own futures in relationships.  I'm sorry I didn't keep a friendship with Adele over the years.

My friend Norma told me to read The Swan House after I finish Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.

Bucharest Romania -  Found this good recipe for tonight:

Vegetable ghivetch / Ghiveci de legume

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1 of 1 Photos Christina
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Posted By: Christina
Posted In:  Traditional Recipes
Page Views:  3015 views
Preparation Time:  20 minutes
Cooking Time:  45 minutes

             Course: dinner

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014 Sunday

Will be getting in some walking today, going to the Tigers game.

Read from Isaiah chapter 49 today -  Teaching us that no thing is to small when working for God.  All things are worthwhile  in God's eyes.  It tells us not to be impressed with numbers.

On this day:
1997 - I love church picnics.  Who doesn't?  Where can you get better food?  Everyone brings a dish to pass and they BBQ burgers and hot dogs.  The kids play water games, bean bag games and running of course.  The rest of us sit in lawn chairs, chatting and watching and soaking up the summer day.  When was the last time you went on a picnic!?  Go!
1801 - A 1,235 pound cheese ball was pressed at the farm of Elisha Brown, Jr. The ball of cheese was later loaded on a horse-driven wagon and presented to U.S. President Thomas Jefferson at the White House.  Should bring this to the picnic!

I see on facebook that a lot of people I know are going to the baseball kids, taking kids, or just going with friends.  Another great way to spend a summer day.  Hope they win today.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman  ah poetry under a shade tree with a glass of lemonade.  C'mon I'm trying to get you into the mood here!


Romania's 10 Best Art and Culture Events in Summer 2014

Romania’s cultural calendar is filled with great summer events spread all around the country, from the sands of the Danube Delta to green mountain villages, from Bucharest to Transylvanian cities. Film and theatre festivals, jazz concerts and even a medieval festival all mix to create a perfect summer for discovering Romania’s vibrant cultural scene.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19, 2014 Saturday


Get Started.  Weight watchers has some good videos you can buy to do exercises at home.  If you are in their program you get points for doing them.  The one I have is aerobics and weights.  Dancing for 3 minutes and then a weight interval.

Jeremiah chapter 17 - If you trust in the Lord you will prosper, if not, well, you may still prosper but never have the confidence that whether you prosper or not, the Lord will be there for you to care for you.  In the study today the writer mentions rubber trees in India that are trained to have their roots grow across rivers to provide a crossing for the people in the area.  It may seem inconsequential to us but the people that use them are tremendously thankful.  Often we don't show or give thanks for the little things in life that are meaningful.  God does provide.

On this day:
1991 - All my Aunts from my dad's side of the family came over, with their daughters.  Aunt Annie, and Kay, Aunt Margaret, Peggy and Kathy, Aunt Betty Carol, Barb and Colleen.  We had a nice dinner and sat outside and chatted.  We took pictures of the aunties sitting together, with my mom as well.  The only one left is my mom.  Enjoy them while you have them.
1991 - Former Guns N' Roses drummer Steven Adler filed a lawsuit against the band. He claimed the other members had forced him to use heroin, then made him quit the band when he entered a rehabilitation program.  Hard to believe that while we were having such a perfect summer afternoon this was going on. lol.

My father was the youngest of the family and most of my aunts on this side of the family lived into their 90's.  I don't know the reason for that, except that these women did all have pretty good lives.  Of the four, 2 had their husbands the longest into their 70's, 2 had faith, 2 were more affluent then the other two.  Two had to raise children on their own.  Same results for the most part.  One had 9 children,  one had 4 children, one had 3 and one had 2.  They ate well, none were very over weight and they were all beautiful, even into their 90's.  Good stock.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Bucharest Romania -
“bucharest romania”
5 of 5 stars Reviewed December 7, 2008

I´m so scared when I was to bucharest, but was an excellent experience, people are very friendly, they speak english, don´t be afraid to go to bucharest before I went to bucharest , I read a lot of reviews but all opinions was terrible and for that reason I was afraid to go there.there is a lot of things that are not true, i don´t see a lot of thiefs, gypsies, stray dogs, this is not true, you need to be careful but it the same in big cities.the food are chip and the taxis too but you need to ask first for the rate. when you arrive to the airport they have a counter fly taxis that are very nice and safe.go to bucharest and enjoy your trip in the same way I did.
Was this review helpful? Yes 2

Friday, July 18, 2014

July 18, 2014 Friday

Going to work -  Don't forget to exercise body and faith! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Walking is the best exercise unless you have a bike then that's the best, unless you have a set of weights, then that's the best or if you have an elliptical, then that's the best.......  drink water!

Hebrews chapter 10 - Because we are cleansed from our sins through Jesus Christ, we are free to share and encourage others to share with us.  Not bringing a burden of guilt into a friendship allows us to feel open with another person.  "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works."

On this day:
2005 - I went to Stony Lake to cook for the counselors.  The cook was off on the weekends so I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to get a weekend at camp.  It was perfect, except for the rustic cabins.  I don't know how kids sleep in those, pitch black, little scratchy sounding cabins.   I didn't sleep a wink.  Love the camp though, its great for kids.
1867 - Harvard School of Dental Medicine was established in Boston, MA. It was the first dental school in the U.S. Thank God!

Parenting - Love when you are helping children with a project and they begin to unknowingly play with your hair.  Had a little girl stroking and twirling the hair on the back of my head while she talked and colored.  I think it is a sign of comfort and familiarity, even though it was the first time I had seen her. 

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  Maybe have some time for this over the weekend.

Bucharest -  Love this!
What is that impulse, that irresistible force which will not let the peasant rest content with the merely useful, but drives him to seek the best proportioned and most harmonious forms that appeal to the eye by color and line, are pleasant to the touch and produce that rare sense of contentment, poise of mind and joy which characterize aesthetic enjoyment?  (Peasant Art in Romania, by George Oprescu, 1929)
The Merry cemetery in SapantaWhile there are great Romanian fine artists, among whom 20th century sculptor Constantin Brancusi is probably the most famous, the typical zest for life and almost naive optimism that the world is really a beautiful place seem best expressed in the traditional art and craft of Romanian peasants, extending even to their colorful, unique grave markers.  In the “Merry Cemetery” of Sapanta,” bordering Ukraine, carved wooden crosses are painted traditional Voronet blue (named for the nearby painted monastery) and embellished with fanciful borders, renderings of the deceased and often anecdotes of  their lives.  An erstwhile town mayor is memorialized with anecdotes of his womanizing ways. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!   watch out for bears.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014 Wednesday

Did some Country Line dancing with Denise this morning.  Get movin' !

Psalm 16 "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be happy" (Phil. 4:11)  This psalm reminds us to be happy with what we have because God gives us so much.  Don't base your happiness on what someone else has or does, but enjoy what God has gifted you with.  Don't be negative - look at the positives of your life.

On this day:
1977 - Six of us took the boat on a beautiful summer day and cruised over to Pikes Peak in Canada to spend the day with friends at a BBQ.  I can't help but wonder if that would go the same easy way today.  I believe that Pete called in travel plans to the coast guard or whoever you had to do that with, but I'm sure it is much more involved today.
1950 - The largest crowd in sporting history was 199,854. They watched the Uruguay defeat Brazil in the World Cup soccer finals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is way bigger now!

Parenting - Went out to dinner with my female cousins and friends last night.  It is always a gab fest.  We noted that we went from all talking about our mothers (I am the only one that has one now) to our health issues.  We are getting old.  On the way home Kathy was talking to her grandson from Tennessee on the phone and kept saying "slow down".  We remembered when our moms, mine still, says that people talk to fast.  I guess we are just listening slower.  If you are talking to someone that is elderly, you might want to slow down, if communicating with them is what you want to do.  Just a suggestion.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, I am taking it a couple of pages at a time.  I have to really pay attention to what point he is making.  It is going to be a long read, but good.  Expanding my knowledge and perception.

Bucharest Romania -  Lets see what else they have to offer:
Outdoor Activities in Romania Day Tours
#5 of 98 attractions in Bucharest
Owner description: Founded in 2012 by Dan Chitila, full-time tourism guide, Outdoor activities in Romania provides the tourists with all year..round trekking tours, visits at cultural objectives, city tours, ski touring. « less
Map | Visitor photos (290) Sounds good  Grab your back pack!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15, 2014 Tuesday

Walked this morning.  Taking advantage of good weather while it is here.

Corinthians chapter 11 - Paul is boasting of his struggles for Christ and spreading the word.  Most of us never get the opportunity to go to the lengths that he went, whippings, floggings, stonings, shipwrecked, lost at sea for days.  It is hard for us to share a little faith, I find it easier to physically share my faith by giving, serving and caring. And sharing here of course.

On this day:
1974 -  Washed my hair.  Wow!  except that 50 years ago after I washed my hair, I rolled it up in those brush rollers and then sat under a hair dryer (the kind that had a shower cap kind of thing on it) for an hour.  Then the comb out took 1/2 hour or more.  I like todays methods better, shower and blow dry - 30 minutes tops GENERAL ELECTRIC GE VINTAGE DELUXE PORTABLE SOFT BONNET NAIL & HAIR DRYER & CASE
here is what the old one looked like!

Parenting - Was lucky enough to work at Lifebuilders Day Camp yesterday.  My friend Sue and I had the drama sessions.  What fun!  Children should be free to have fun, play, express themselves and learn.  Going back in today!

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  Some I get, I had to look up what Eidolons were.

Bucharest -

#1 of 98 attractions in Bucharest
Owner description: Want to experience something out of the ordinary? Get locked in a room and try and get out within 60 minutes. How? Connect... more » Owner description: Want to experience something out of the ordinary? Get locked in a room and try and get out within 60 minutes. How? Connect clues, solve puzzles, use logic, be intuitive, search for hidden objects and you'll still need more..Feel the pressure of time ticking away while you and your team panic and use your brains as never before. Discover your taste for mystery and uncover the secrets of our rooms. « less
Map | Visitor photos (30)   I don't know about this, not for the claustrophobic.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014 Monday

Pilates ring.  Squats and leg work and some abs.  Easy start to the week.

Psalm 72 - written by Solomon.  I took from this that Solomon credited God for his great wealth.  Smart as well as rich.

On this day:
2005 - My friend Gerry and I covered the church service because one pastor was in Europe and the other was at catechism camp with the kids.  Gerry went on to be a permanent worker at church and even now serves as a temporary pastor at a local church.  The churches are terribly short on clergy and our church is now looking for a full time senior pastor as ours is retiring in October.  I see it as a positive, serene, fulfilling position to hold, but I hear differently from those that do.  As a calling, I guess less are hearing or answering the call.
1911 - Harry N. Atwood landed an airplane on the lawn of the White House to accept an award from U.S. President William Taft. He would have been shot down long before reaching that point today.

Parenting - I noticed yesterday that my friend Rox's grandchildren are very different personalities, but still similar in the most important things.  Carmen the oldest, is very self assured, loves sports, is outspoken about how he feels about things,  Vinnie, is younger but hooked on videos, not as social as Carmen but he is also 3 years younger (and Carmen says he is a chick magnet, girls love him).  The baby Leo, is 3 so he is still a little whiny but very interactive with everyone around him, and eager to do everything the others are doing.  Dior, the only girl is a cousin to the boys and follows her mothers lead as a beautiful, laid back girly girl, but will do a series of cartwheels on request.  The beautiful similarity is that they are all kind, sweet and loving, especially to each other, (until Leo needed a poopy diaper changed, then they ran for an adult)  But they were willing to try.  Such great kids.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman will keep me busy for a while.  You kind of have to savor each poem, they aren't Hallmark verses.

Bucharest Romania:  This place looks so interesting!
Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest

Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest

Museum/Art Gallery
The Village Museum is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the Herăstrău Park (Bucharest, Romania), showcasing traditional Romanian village life. The museum extends to over 100,000 m2, and contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania.
It was created in 1936 by Dimitrie Gusti, Victor Ion Po...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia · Edit on Wikipedia
Wow!  lets go there!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

July 13, 2014 Sunday

Day off exercising.  Take it easy or just go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful summer day.

Mom and I went to church this morning.  Matthew Chapter 13 - The story is from Jesus about the sower and the seeds.  Basically it says that seeds that don't reach good fertile ground will not grow, at least for long.  The message here is the seed is the word of God and you need to provide an open heart for that seed to begin to grow.  It is worth becoming a gardener for.

On this day:
1995 -  If you see someone walking toward you with a big cardboard box, and its moving and mewing  - run.  My bosses' wife came into the office smiling and carefully holding the box.  I could hear them coming.  She had found a litter on the golf course, the dead mother laying there probably ran over by a golf cart.  "Take a couple" she said.  I took one.  It was tiny, maybe 4 weeks, white and tan covered with fleas and scratchy like crazy.  I took him home to the vet who gave me mild flea soap and eye drops.  I held him under the faucet at home and washed him over and over.  He was so relieved he just layed on my hand.  We had Sam Snead for 16 years.  Great cat!  The rest of the litter went to Lajuana's barn and didn't last a week.  I guess I should have taken more.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman  Poetry for a change!

Bucharest religion

Romania is a secular state, and it has no state religion. However, an overwhelming majority of the country's citizens are Christian. 81.04% of the country's stable population identified as Eastern Orthodox in the 2011 census (see also: History of Christianity in Romania). Other Christian denominations include Roman Catholicism (4.33%), Calvinism (2.99%), Pentecostal denominations (1.80%) and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church (0.75%). Romania also has a small but historically significant Muslim minority, concentrated in Dobrogea, who are mostly of Crimean Tatar and Turkish ethnicity and number around 64,000 people. According to the 2011 census data, there are also approximately 3,500 Jews, around 21,000 atheists and about 19,000 people not identifying with any religion. The 2011 census numbers are based on a stable population of 20,121,641 people and exclude a portion of about 6% due to unavailable data.[1]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014 Saturday Orangeman's Day (N I) ?

Walked almost 5 miles yesterday.  Taking it easy today, so far.

Proverbs chapter 18 -  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower"  He is called many names, whatever you call him.... call him.  Prayer is the best wireless connection!

On this day:
1989 - On top of having a 4 year old and working part time, I also was the superintendent of the Sunday School and the editor of an Offshore Racing newsletter.  At church we were planning an intergenerational evening with dinner, a play, games and social activities.  The newsletter articles were coming in from all sides and some I had to pick up.  It all seemed to happen but now I wonder how I did it.  Do you sometime feel over whelmed with dates and duties?  Wish I could tell you how to handle that, I guess you just keep going and appreciate the down time when you get it.
1933 - A minimum wage of 40 cents an hour was established in the U.S. It is all relative isn't it?

Parenting - Sue and I will be doing the drama class at Lifebuilders day camp this week.  Neither of us have a history or experience in drama.  I am looking forward to it.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  Going to read me some poetry.

Bucharest music


Folk music is the oldest form of Romanian musical creation, characterised by great vitality; it is the defining source of the cultured musical creation, both religious and lay. Conservation of Romanian folk music has been aided by a large and enduring audience, and by numerous performers who helped propagate and further develop the folk sound. One of them, Gheorghe Zamfir, is famous throughout the world today, and helped popularize a traditional Romanian folk instrument, the panpipes.
The religious musical creation, born under the influence of Byzantine music adjusted to the intonations of the local folk music, saw a period of glory between the 15th and 17th centuries, when reputed schools of liturgical music developed within Romanian monasteries. Russian and Western influences brought about the introduction of polyphony in religious music in the 18th century, a genre developed by a series of Romanian composers in the 19th and 20th centuries.  I found some very interesting videos - you might want to go to Bucharest music and check it out.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11, 2014 Friday

Went for a walk this morning.  Great way to start the day.

1 John chapter 4 - The study writer titled this Paranoia in Reverse.  Rather then live in and out of fear, you can live in the peace and comfort of faith, from God's love.  "This is how we know we live in Him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit."  It hurts me to think some go through life without this comfort.

On this day:
1978 - Linda and I drove up to Alpena to spend a few days with our friend Pam at her parents place in Alpena.  Beautiful spot on Grand Lake.  Linda just wanted to relax.  Pam's mother was a social director, Linda called her a social activist.  Lol.  Mom (Joyce) wanted to take us on a nature hike and Linda wasn't having it.  I defused the situation the next day by taking Linda to Mackinaw.  It was a great time, I enjoyed all of it.  We always played cards in those days, I have convinced myself that I don't like cards anymore, but it is a good pastime.  Especially up north at a cottage with good friends.
1985 - Dr. H. Harlan Stone announced that he had used zippers for stitches on 28 patients. The zippers were used when he thought he may have to re-operate. This is a little interesting, never heard of this before.  Oh hey, lets take out that liver, just unzip......

Parenting - What kind of parents did you have?  Mine were typical, I think for that generation.  They were non involved, layed back,  Dad went to work came home and read the paper and fell asleep.  Mom did housework and cooked.  I always envied friends who had parents like Pam's.  Dan and Joyce taught snow skiing, they raised bees, she painted and did a lot of crafts and talked a mile a minute.  He was so kind and caring, it oozed from him.  Pam was a good product from the two of them.  So I guess that leaves me with work, clean, cook.  No I went the opposite and had to do it all.  My daughter is following my footsteps.  Did you follow Mom and Dad's footprint or go off the well traveled path?

Book Club - finish Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  It was a great summer read.

Bucharest Romania -  This place looks really interesting to me!


Dr. Sorin Oprescu, mayor since 2008
Bucharest City Hall near the Dâmbovița River
Bucharest has a unique status in Romanian administration, since it is the only municipal area that is not part of a county. Its population, however, is larger than that of any other Romanian county, hence the power of the Bucharest General Municipality (Primăria Generală), which is the capital's local government body, is the same as any other Romanian County Council.
The city government is headed by a General Mayor (Primar General), as of 2008 Sorin Oprescu. Decisions are approved and discussed by the capital's General Council (Consiliu General) made up of 55 elected councilors. Furthermore, the city is divided into six administrative sectors (sectoare), each of which has their own 27-seat sectoral council, town hall and mayor. The powers of the local government over a certain area are therefore shared both by the Bucharest Municipality and the local sectoral councils with little or no overlapping of authority. The general rule is that the main Capital Municipality is responsible for citywide utilities such as the water and sewage system, the overall transport system and the main boulevards, while sectoral town halls manage the contact between individuals and the local government, secondary streets and parks maintenance, schools administration and cleaning services.
The six sectors are numbered from one to six and are disposed radially so that each one has under its administration a certain area of the city centre. They are numbered clockwise and are further divided into sectoral quarters (cartiere) which are not part of the official administrative division: 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10, 2014 Thursday

Weight training with Jillian today.  This one beats me up.

Psalm 121 - It is so restoring that I had to read it twice to Mom.  "the Lord will watch over your coming and your going".  And I will sing the corresponding song "O God our help in ages past" in my head all day.  Need to be reminded that God is always with you?  This is the psalm.

On this day:
1975 - We were on vacation, on the boat tied up at Jim and Sharon's house on the Clinton River.  As it happens so often the weather was not perfect for our vacation week.  It was cool and rainy.  So we sat and played cards all day till we decided to run the boat back to the marina in the rain.  When we got back and dried off we went over to Pat and Pam's and had dinner.  Doesn't sound like much of day until you think of having good friends that you can spend even a bad day with and it becomes better. 
1821 - U.S. troops took possession of Florida. The territory was sold by Spain. If you have been there you know that some of these troops still live there.  Mi bad.

Parenting - I shouldn't talk, about old people.  I am quickly getting there.  I watch Mom's progress on the aging road and sometime I get mad at her for forgetting or moving to slow.  I'm conscious of it, and try to remember that we are all on this road.  She would prefer not to be this way.  Message here is be patient and enjoy your health.  Oh and if you are camping up north look out for wildlife.

Book Club - Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Oooo the plot thickens.  Great reading.

Bucharest -


Bucharest has a transitional climate, with both continental and subtropical influences (Köppen climate classification Cfa/Dfa/Cfb/Dfb). Owing to its position on the Romanian Plain, the city's winters can get windy, even though some of the winds are mitigated due to urbanisation. Winter temperatures often dip below 0 °C (32 °F), sometimes even to −20 °C (−4 °F). In summer, the average temperature is 23 °C (73 °F) (the average for July and August) Temperatures frequently reach 35 to 40 °C (95 to 104 °F) in mid-summer in the city centre. Although average precipitation and humidity during summer are low, there are occasional heavy storms. During spring and autumn, daytime temperatures vary between 17 to 22 °C (63 to 72 °F), and precipitation during this time tends to be higher than in summer, with more frequent yet milder periods of rain.  Sounds like here!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

July 9, 2014 Wednesday

Well I started out with Pilates, then took my car up for service and walked back.  Hey!  it all counts.

Job chapter 38 -  As bad as Job had it, God reminded him that He had created heaven and earth with no help.  As much trouble as life brings you, God is there with answers and care.  Thank God you haven't had Job's trouble.

On this day;
1974 -(Reprinted from journal) " I worked - still hot 90;s  called Les and Pete - Slim Trim and Swim class with Christine then to Baskin Robbins for ice cream."  Funny how we can make that ice cream sound like a good idea, right?  Never deprive yourself of ice cream. (I say)
1872 - The doughnut cutter was patented by John F. Blondel. Or this!

Parenting - It is normal to worry if you are a parent.  They are going to the UP hiking and all I can think of is bears.  Anybody that can share advice here would be welcome.

Book Club - Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 

Bucharest Romania -


Alley in Herăstrău Park near the lake
Bucharest is situated on the banks of the Dâmbovița River, which flows into the Argeș River, a tributary of the Danube. Several lakes – the most important of which are Lake Herăstrău, Lake Floreasca, Lake Tei, and Lake Colentina – stretch across the northern parts of the city, along the Colentina River, a tributary of the Dâmbovița. In addition, in the centre of the capital there is a small artificial lake – Lake Cișmigiu – surrounded by the Cișmigiu Gardens. The Cișmigiu Gardens have a rich history, being frequented by poets and writers. Opened in 1847 and based on the plans of German architect Carl F.W. Meyer, the gardens are the main recreational facility in the city centre.
Besides Cișmigiu, Bucharest contains other parks and gardens, including the Herăstrău Park and the Botanical Garden. The park is located in the northern part of the city, around Lake Herăstrău, and includes also the site of the Village Museum. The Botanical Garden is the largest of its kind in Romania and contains over 10,000 species of plants (many of them exotic) and used to be once the pleasure park of the royal family.[19]
Bucharest is situated in the south eastern corner of the Romanian Plain, in an area once covered by the Vlăsiei forest, which, after it was cleared, gave way for a fertile flatland. As with many cities, Bucharest is traditionally considered to be built upon seven hills, similar to the seven hills of Rome. Bucharest's seven hills are: Mihai Vodă, Dealul Mitropoliei, Radu Vodă, Cotroceni, Spirei, Văcărești and Sf. Gheorghe Nou.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8, 2014 Tuesday

Resting today.  Walked the zoo in the heat yesterday.  What I could do 20 years ago, is a little more difficult today.  The Zoo is still wonderfull!

Philippians chapter 4 - "The peace of God which surpasses all understanding".  You need to get this.

On this day:
2011 - Everyone is taking vacation and how many are heading up 75? or any freeway?  It is hit or miss right?  On this day in 2011 Don and I took 5 hours instead of 2 1/2 or 3 to get up to Roscommon because of an accident.  The worse case scenario was that it was so bad we turned off vehicles and sat there.  Right next to us was a Budwesier truck.  All the truck driver said was "they aren't cold". 
1099 - Christian soldiers on the First Crusade march around Jerusalem. Guess I will be singing this song all day. 

Parenting - Loved to see all the parents at the zoo with their children.  The ones I found most entertaining were the ones with little infants, under a year with parents so excited to show them the animals. One mom with her 6 month old was trying to show the baby the seals in the underwater tunnel, it was cute.  Go to the zoo!  Take your kids or your BFF.

Book Club - Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Very suspenseful.

In January 1941, the city was the scene of the Legionnaires' rebellion and Bucharest pogrom. As capital of an Axis country and a major transit point for Axis troops en route to the Eastern Front, Bucharest suffered heavy damage during World War II due to Allied bombings. On 23 August 1944 it was the site of the royal coup which brought Romania into the Allied camp, suffering a short period of Nazi Luftwaffe bombings as well as a failed attempt by German troops to regain the city by force.
After the establishment of communism in Romania, the city continued growing. New districts were constructed, most of them dominated by tower blocks. During Nicolae Ceaușescu's leadership (1965–1989), much of the historic part of the city was demolished and replaced by "Socialist realism" style development: (1) the Centrul Civic (the Civic Centre); (2) the Palace of the Parliament, where an entire historic quarter was razed to make way for Ceaușescu's megalomaniac plans. On 4 March 1977, an earthquake centered in Vrancea, about 135 km (83.89 mi) away, claimed 1,500 lives and caused further damage to the historic centre.
The Romanian Revolution of 1989 began with massive anti-Ceaușescu protests in Timișoara in December 1989 and continued in Bucharest, leading to the overthrow of the Communist regime. Dissatisfied with the post-revolutionary leadership of the National Salvation Front, some student leagues and opposition groups organized large-scale protests in 1990 (the "Golaniad"), which were violently repressed by the miners of Valea Jiului called in by the authorities (the "Mineriad"). Several other "Mineriads" followed, which finally caused political changes.
After 2000 the city was continuously modernized and is still undergoing urban renewals. Residential and commercial developments are underway, particularly in the northern districts, and Bucharest's old historic centre is being restored nowadays.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7, 2014 Monday

Did some weight lifting and lunges this morning.

Luke chapter 9 - This is where Jesus sends out his disciples empowered to teach and heal in his name.  While people were healed of earthly woes, they were taught that they were being healed from sin by Jesus and would live eternally because of him.  The story is still the same.

On this day:
2005 - Most of our days are repetitive, work, school, haircut, water plants, dinner etc.  I always mention in my journal who I talked to or saw on that day.  On this day I talked to Mom (as usual), Waynette and Krissy.  I make a point of calling /messaging/texting someone everyday.  Today Waynette and I are going to the zoo.  Friendship and relationships take time and nurturing and are so worthwhile.  Keep in touch!
On the morning of July 7, 2005, bombs are detonated in three crowded London subways and one bus during the peak of the city's rush hour. The synchronized suicide bombings, which were thought to be the work of al-Qaida, killed 56 people including the bombers and injured another 700. It was the largest attack on Great Britain since World War II. No warning was given. Is there an end in sight to this?  Still going on.

Book Club - Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  It is a Sherlock Holmes mystery, as you might know.  I'm enjoying the classics this summer!

Bucharest Romania:
The Old Princely Court (Curtea Veche) was erected by Mircea Ciobanul, and under subsequent rulers, Bucharest was established as the summer residence of the royal court. During the years to come it competed with Târgoviște on the status of Capital city after an increase in the importance of southern Muntenia brought about by the demands of the suzerain power - the Ottoman Empire.
Bucharest became finally the permanent location of the Wallachian court after 1698 (starting with the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu).
Partly destroyed by natural disasters and rebuilt several times during the following 200 years, and hit by Caragea's plague in 1813–1814, the city was wrested from Ottoman control and occupied at several intervals by the Habsburg Monarchy (1716, 1737, 1789) and Imperial Russia (three times between 1768 and 1806). It was placed under Russian administration between 1828 and the Crimean War, with an interlude during the Bucharest-centred 1848 Wallachian revolution. Later on an Austrian garrison took possession after the Russian departure (remaining in the city until March 1857). Additionally, on 23 March 1847, a fire consumed about 2,000 buildings, destroying a third of the city.
The Wallachians and Ottomans fighting in Bucharest (August 1821)
In 1862, after Wallachia and Moldavia were united to form the Principality of Romania, Bucharest became the new nation's capital city. In 1881, it became the political centre of the newly proclaimed Kingdom of Romania under King Carol I. During the second half of the 19th century the city's population increased dramatically, and a new period of urban development began. During this period, gas lighting, horse-drawn trams and limited electrification were introduced.[15] The Dâmbovița river was also massively channelled in 1883, thus putting a stop to previously endemic floods.[16] The Fortifications of Bucharest were built. The extravagant architecture and cosmopolitan high culture of this period won Bucharest the nickname of "Little Paris" (Micul Paris) of the east, with Calea Victoriei as its Champs-Élysées.
I.C. Brătianu Boulevard in the 1930s
Between 6 December 1916 and November 1918, the city was occupied by German forces as a result of the Battle of Bucharest, with the official capital temporarily moved to Iași, in the Moldavia region. After World War I, Bucharest became the capital of Greater Romania. In the interwar years continued its urban development, with the city gaining an average of 30,000 new residents each year. Also, some of the city's main landmarks were built in this period, including Arcul de Triumf and Palatul Telefoanelor.[17] However, the Great Depression took its toll on Bucharest's citizens, culminating in the Grivița Strike of 1933.[18] 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014 Sunday

Going to church with Mom this morning.

On this day:
1974 - Out on Lake St Clair.  Pete had a 1963 - 31 ft Chris Craft Sport Fisherman wooden boat.  It was a great boat, rode the water so nice.  You were on top of the world flying across the lake on the fly bridge.  We woke up at Metro Beach, headed over to Muscamoot Bay for the afternoon, cruised back to Ford's Cove.  The gas was much cheaper then and we were much younger and tanner. If you get a chance to enjoy the lake, think of me because I will be thinking of you.  Great times.
1988 - Several popular beaches were closed in New York City due to medical waste and other debris began washing up on the seashores.  Around 1970 the boats on Lake St Clair had to have holding tanks to keep the lake from becoming a giant sewer. 

Parenting - our children may find it harder to find those pristine lakes, with clear water and fish you can eat as they get older.  I saw a list the other day about the recommended amount of fish you can eat from the great lakes, and where NOT to ever eat fish from.  Pregnant women and children are even more at risk.  I am beginning to think it is more then just a natural phenomenon that more people are unable to have children or even want to have children.  Take care of the children already here.  Just a thought.

Book Club - Animal Farm by George Orwell strikes home with our current politics/ as ever.  On to something happier.

Bucharest Romania -


Bucharest - Romanian AthenaeumKnown for its wide, tree-lined boulevards, glorious Belle Époque buildings and a reputation for the high life (which in the
1900s earned its nickname of "Little Paris"), Bucharest, Romania's largest city and capital,
is today a bustling metropolis.
Romanian legend has it that the city of Bucharest was founded on the banks of
the Dambovita River by a shepherd named Bucur, whose name literarily means "joy."
His flute playing reportedly dazzled the people and his hearty wine from nearby vineyards endeared him to the local traders.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Take a bottle of wine and enjoy the lake.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5, 2014 Saturday

AM yoga.  Get this video.  It is a nice comfortable yoga for first thing in the AM or a more intense workout for PM on the same video.  It is Gaiam namebrand. 

2 Peter chapter 3 - The day of the Lord.  This speaks of the return of Christ and how to be prepared.  Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

On this day:
Some things are worth repeating.  Last year Don and I went out to dinner with Phil and Judy to a great Indian food place on Rochester Rd, north of 16.  Surprise!  We made plans to go out to dinner with them tonight, this time to the new Atwater in Grosse Pointe.  We are beer lovers!
1916 - Adelina and August Van Buren started on the first successful transcontinental motorcycle tour to be attempted by two women. They started in New York City and arrived in San Diego, CA, on September 12, 1916. Going on vacation?  How about these two gals setting out on motorcycles?

Parenting - Sometime raising kids, especially if you have 2 or more, can seem repetitive.  Everyday you get the same questions, "can we do this? can we go here? can so and so come over to play?  I'm bored".  But it does change.  Pretty soon they don't want to talk to you, just their friends but we need to keep in touch with what they are talking about.  I think, it is ok to eavesdrop on your children's conversations, for precautionary measures, you know.

Animal Farm - by George Orwell

Bucharest's history alternated periods of development and decline from the early settlements in the Antiquity until its consolidation as the national Capital of Romania late in the 19th century.
Early 18th century woodcut (1717)
First mentioned as the "Citadel of București" in 1459, it became the residence of the famous Wallachian prince Vlad III the Impaler.
The Ottomans appointed Greek administrators to run the town from the 18th century. A revolt led by Tudor Vladimirescu in 1821 ended the rule of the Constantinople-Greeks in Bucharest.[citation needed]
The Old Princely Court (Curtea Veche) was erected by Mircea Ciobanul, and under subsequent rulers, Bucharest was established as the summer residence of the royal court. During the years to come it competed with Târgoviște on the status of Capital city after an increase in the importance of southern Muntenia brought about by the demands of the suzerain power - the Ottoman Empire.
Bucharest became finally the permanent location of the Wallachian court after 1698 (starting with the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014 Friday Happy Birthday America! Put out your flag!

Went for a walk today.  Just a mile but I might be swimming later, if it warms up.  Saw my neighbor Ty working out with his kettle bells this morning.  Now that's a good workout!

John the Gospel chapter 15 - "My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one's life for one's friends".  We have a friend - Jesus who laid his life down for us. 

On this day:
2004 - I had a bbq here, I usually do, but this one was quite a few people from various eras.  Some from my church, neighbors, old friends and new friends.  Now I feel guilty for making plans to go to someone else's bbq today.  My friends responded too late this year and I thought everyone had made plans.  Whatever you do - Have fun and be safe with your friends.
1776 - The amended Declaration of Independence, prepared by Thomas Jefferson, was approved and signed by John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress in America. Of course!

Parenting - Nicole had a few friends over in 2004 also.  They played croquet and other lawn games and at the end of the day set off the somewhat harmless fireworks that we had.  I remember as a kid, watching fireworks at Maceday Lake.  They had something like parachutes that shot up and the kids all scrambled to get one.  I got one.  I saw in the paper that they still do fireworks there, I wonder if it is in the same place.  Enjoy and be safe!!

Book Club - Animal Farm by George Orwell .  I should have finished this by now, I just can't get over the fact that the pigs moved into the farm house.  Heirarchy.

Bucharest -  History

Capital City
From upper left: Palace of the Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului) • Central University Library of Bucharest (Biblioteca Centrală Universitară) • Triumphal Arch (Arcul de Triumf) • George Enescu Museum (Muzeul George Enescu) • Victory Avenue, Halel's city (Calea Victoriei) • Colțea Hospital (Spitalul Colțea) • Lipscani • National Arena (Arena Națională) • Romanian Athenaeum (Ateneul Român) • Grozăvești Bridge (Podul Grozăvești) • Basarab Overpass (Pasajul Basarab)
From upper left: Palace of the Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului) • Central University Library of Bucharest (Biblioteca Centrală Universitară) • Triumphal Arch (Arcul de Triumf) • George Enescu Museum (Muzeul George Enescu) • Victory Avenue, Halel's city (Calea Victoriei) • Colțea Hospital (Spitalul Colțea) • LipscaniNational Arena (Arena Națională) • Romanian Athenaeum (Ateneul Român) • Grozăvești Bridge (Podul Grozăvești) • Basarab Overpass (Pasajul Basarab)
Flag of Bucharest
Coat of arms of Bucharest
Coat of arms
Nickname(s): Micul Paris (Little Paris),
Paris of the East[1]
Motto: Patria şi dreptul meu
(The Homeland and my right)
Bucharest is located in Romania
Location in Romania
Coordinates: 44°25′57″N 26°6′14″E / 44.43250°N 26.10389°E / 44.43250; 26.10389
First attested1459
 • MayorSorin Oprescu (Independent)
 • PrefectGeorgeta Gavrila
 • Capital City228 km2 (88 sq mi)
 • Urban285 km2 (110 sq mi)
Elevation55.8–91.5 m (183.1–300.2 ft)
Population (2011 census)[4][5]
 • Capital City1,883,425
 • Rank1st in Romania
 • Density8,260/km2 (21,400/sq mi)
 • Urban1,931,000
 • Metro2,272,163b
Time zoneEET (UTC+2)
 • Summer (DST)EEST (UTC+3)
Postal Code0xxxxx
Area code(s)+40 x1
Car plateB
WebsiteOfficial site

Bucharest (/ˈbkərɛst/; Romanian: București, pronounced [bukuˈreʃtʲ]) is the capital municipality, cultural, industrial, and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, at
44°25′57″N 26°06′14″E / 44.43250°N 26.10389°E / 44.43250; 26.10389Coordinates: 44°25′57″N 26°06′14″E / 44.43250°N 26.10389°E / 44.43250; 26.10389, lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River, less than 70 kilometres (43 mi) north of the Danube River.
Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in 1459. It became the capital of Romania in 1862 and is the centre of Romanian media, culture and art. Its architecture is a mix of historical (neo-classical), interbellum (Bauhaus and Art Deco), Communist-era and modern. In the period between the two World Wars, the city's elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite earned Bucharest the nickname of "Little Paris" (Micul Paris).[6] Although buildings and districts in the historic city centre were heavily damaged or destroyed by war, earthquakes, and above all Nicolae Ceauşescu's program of systematization, many survived. In recent years, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom.[7]
According to 2011 census, 1,883,425 inhabitants live within the city limits,[4] a decrease from the figure recorded at the 2002 census.[2] The urban area extends beyond the limits of Bucharest proper and has a population of about 1.9 million people.[8] Adding the satellite towns around the urban area, the proposed metropolitan area of Bucharest would have a population of 2.27 million people.[9] According to Eurostat, Bucharest has a Larger Urban Zone of 2,151,880 residents.[5] According to unofficial data, the population is more than 3 million.[10] Bucharest is the 6th largest city in the European Union by population within city limits, after London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Paris.
Economically, Bucharest is the most prosperous city in Romania[11] and is one of the main industrial centres and transportation hubs of Eastern Europe. The city has big convention facilities, educational institutes, cultural venues, traditional "shopping arcades" and recreational areas.
The city proper is administratively known as "The Municipality of Bucharest" (Municipiul București), and has the same administrative level as that of a national county, being further subdivided into six sectors   Note this city was first mentioned in 1459!  Way before 1776 our country's birthday!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday America!