Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014 Tuesday

Did some dance and aerobics with Jane this morning.  I heard a guy on TV this morning say that even 5 minutes of running a day reduces your chance of dying by 30% and increases your life by 3 years.  Those are pretty good odds.

Hebrews chapter 4 - Jesus the Great High Priest.  "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence"  Jesus has made the connection, friended us, however you think of it.  You have an inside help. 

On this day:  2007 - The trend today is come home from work to your locked up house with AC and closed windows.  I have never liked to live that way, I love my neighbors and spend time with them.  On this day in 2007, I had new neighbors, that I had introduced myself to, Jabar, Crystal and Keyana.  They were great neighbors so when Jabar came over to ask to borrow the lawn mower I had no problem.  He did though.  At 30, after living his whole life in apartments he had no idea how to cut the lawn.  He asked me and I showed him.  They kept the yard up and even after they moved we keep in touch.  My neighbors call me the rock, not sure what that means.

1975 - OAS (Organization of American States) members voted to lift collective sanctions against Cuba. The U.S. government welcomed the action and announced its intention to open serious discussions with Cuba on normalization. Trying to be good neighbors.

I get a lot of emails about "the old days".  I am a boomer and our generation has seen a lot of changes in our life times, brought on by bad old things.  For example, the party line phone (wall mounted or princess) has been replaced by an individual phone that everyone has everywhere they go.  That is something that has pros and cons, but I think we all turn around and go back home if we forget it.  Homes got much bigger and cars (supposedly) more economical.  Every generation creates, easier, faster and better ways of doing things, don't you think?

Have you read the Outalander series? by Diana Gabaldon.  They are historical, fictional, love stories from Scotland.  Years ago I read the first two - Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber.  I hear the series will be shown on STARZ coming up, which I don't have, so I am reading the third in the series Voyager.  They are "you can't put it down type books" so make time.

Finishing up here in Bucharest  lets see what we can get for souveniers:

Victor Brauner: The Great Romanian Surrealist

Born in 1903, Victor Brauner is an iconic Romanian painter who became a leading figure in the Surrealist movement. Petra Power investigates Brauner’s work, analysing his exploration of religion, folklore, dreams and autobiography.

Victor Brauner was a Romanian avant-garde painter. His paintings, drawings and prints are distinguished by their eclectic choice of imagery and diverse religious symbolism. Brauner wanted to identify himself with the French Surrealists. In doing so, his tendency was to extend the use of poetry through the transformation of physical formations, guised as unique arrays of religious symbols. Encapsulating an incredible population of incubi, succubi, phantoms, spectres, seers, mediums and sorcerers. Brauner’s work integrated his fascination with both magic and private myth. Not only do his paintings depict Romanian folklore and esotericism, but they are also entrenched with spiritual symbols, developed from a personal allegoric iconography and inspired by his turbulent childhood and heightened anxieties. This depiction of both personal and social relations separate Brauner from his Surrealist counterparts, Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. Furthermore, his paintings become enriched through an extraordinary and vivid use of colour palette, such as displayed in Brauner’s Prelude to Civilisation (1954) or ‘wax painting’.

Magical folklore creatures and archetypes of the unconscious are represented in Brauner’s work. Inspired by archaic relics and primitive civilisations, Prelude to Civilisation is a stylised image of a large animal decoratively inscribed with figures, masks and abstract symbols. The creatures depict Mexican codex illustrations in a highly imaginative way whilst evoking ancient cave paintings. Brauner has executed this piece in encaustic, a technique which combines paint and molten wax. wow!  this looks great, but I probably can't afford it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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