Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014 Monday

Pilates ring.  Squats and leg work and some abs.  Easy start to the week.

Psalm 72 - written by Solomon.  I took from this that Solomon credited God for his great wealth.  Smart as well as rich.

On this day:
2005 - My friend Gerry and I covered the church service because one pastor was in Europe and the other was at catechism camp with the kids.  Gerry went on to be a permanent worker at church and even now serves as a temporary pastor at a local church.  The churches are terribly short on clergy and our church is now looking for a full time senior pastor as ours is retiring in October.  I see it as a positive, serene, fulfilling position to hold, but I hear differently from those that do.  As a calling, I guess less are hearing or answering the call.
1911 - Harry N. Atwood landed an airplane on the lawn of the White House to accept an award from U.S. President William Taft. He would have been shot down long before reaching that point today.

Parenting - I noticed yesterday that my friend Rox's grandchildren are very different personalities, but still similar in the most important things.  Carmen the oldest, is very self assured, loves sports, is outspoken about how he feels about things,  Vinnie, is younger but hooked on videos, not as social as Carmen but he is also 3 years younger (and Carmen says he is a chick magnet, girls love him).  The baby Leo, is 3 so he is still a little whiny but very interactive with everyone around him, and eager to do everything the others are doing.  Dior, the only girl is a cousin to the boys and follows her mothers lead as a beautiful, laid back girly girl, but will do a series of cartwheels on request.  The beautiful similarity is that they are all kind, sweet and loving, especially to each other, (until Leo needed a poopy diaper changed, then they ran for an adult)  But they were willing to try.  Such great kids.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman will keep me busy for a while.  You kind of have to savor each poem, they aren't Hallmark verses.

Bucharest Romania:  This place looks so interesting!
Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest

Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest

Museum/Art Gallery
The Village Museum is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the Herăstrău Park (Bucharest, Romania), showcasing traditional Romanian village life. The museum extends to over 100,000 m2, and contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania.
It was created in 1936 by Dimitrie Gusti, Victor Ion Po...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia · Edit on Wikipedia
Wow!  lets go there!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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