Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5, 2014 Saturday

AM yoga.  Get this video.  It is a nice comfortable yoga for first thing in the AM or a more intense workout for PM on the same video.  It is Gaiam namebrand. 

2 Peter chapter 3 - The day of the Lord.  This speaks of the return of Christ and how to be prepared.  Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

On this day:
Some things are worth repeating.  Last year Don and I went out to dinner with Phil and Judy to a great Indian food place on Rochester Rd, north of 16.  Surprise!  We made plans to go out to dinner with them tonight, this time to the new Atwater in Grosse Pointe.  We are beer lovers!
1916 - Adelina and August Van Buren started on the first successful transcontinental motorcycle tour to be attempted by two women. They started in New York City and arrived in San Diego, CA, on September 12, 1916. Going on vacation?  How about these two gals setting out on motorcycles?

Parenting - Sometime raising kids, especially if you have 2 or more, can seem repetitive.  Everyday you get the same questions, "can we do this? can we go here? can so and so come over to play?  I'm bored".  But it does change.  Pretty soon they don't want to talk to you, just their friends but we need to keep in touch with what they are talking about.  I think, it is ok to eavesdrop on your children's conversations, for precautionary measures, you know.

Animal Farm - by George Orwell

Bucharest's history alternated periods of development and decline from the early settlements in the Antiquity until its consolidation as the national Capital of Romania late in the 19th century.
Early 18th century woodcut (1717)
First mentioned as the "Citadel of București" in 1459, it became the residence of the famous Wallachian prince Vlad III the Impaler.
The Ottomans appointed Greek administrators to run the town from the 18th century. A revolt led by Tudor Vladimirescu in 1821 ended the rule of the Constantinople-Greeks in Bucharest.[citation needed]
The Old Princely Court (Curtea Veche) was erected by Mircea Ciobanul, and under subsequent rulers, Bucharest was established as the summer residence of the royal court. During the years to come it competed with Târgoviște on the status of Capital city after an increase in the importance of southern Muntenia brought about by the demands of the suzerain power - the Ottoman Empire.
Bucharest became finally the permanent location of the Wallachian court after 1698 (starting with the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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