Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11, 2014 Friday

Went for a walk this morning.  Great way to start the day.

1 John chapter 4 - The study writer titled this Paranoia in Reverse.  Rather then live in and out of fear, you can live in the peace and comfort of faith, from God's love.  "This is how we know we live in Him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit."  It hurts me to think some go through life without this comfort.

On this day:
1978 - Linda and I drove up to Alpena to spend a few days with our friend Pam at her parents place in Alpena.  Beautiful spot on Grand Lake.  Linda just wanted to relax.  Pam's mother was a social director, Linda called her a social activist.  Lol.  Mom (Joyce) wanted to take us on a nature hike and Linda wasn't having it.  I defused the situation the next day by taking Linda to Mackinaw.  It was a great time, I enjoyed all of it.  We always played cards in those days, I have convinced myself that I don't like cards anymore, but it is a good pastime.  Especially up north at a cottage with good friends.
1985 - Dr. H. Harlan Stone announced that he had used zippers for stitches on 28 patients. The zippers were used when he thought he may have to re-operate. This is a little interesting, never heard of this before.  Oh hey, lets take out that liver, just unzip......

Parenting - What kind of parents did you have?  Mine were typical, I think for that generation.  They were non involved, layed back,  Dad went to work came home and read the paper and fell asleep.  Mom did housework and cooked.  I always envied friends who had parents like Pam's.  Dan and Joyce taught snow skiing, they raised bees, she painted and did a lot of crafts and talked a mile a minute.  He was so kind and caring, it oozed from him.  Pam was a good product from the two of them.  So I guess that leaves me with work, clean, cook.  No I went the opposite and had to do it all.  My daughter is following my footsteps.  Did you follow Mom and Dad's footprint or go off the well traveled path?

Book Club - finish Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  It was a great summer read.

Bucharest Romania -  This place looks really interesting to me!


Dr. Sorin Oprescu, mayor since 2008
Bucharest City Hall near the Dâmbovița River
Bucharest has a unique status in Romanian administration, since it is the only municipal area that is not part of a county. Its population, however, is larger than that of any other Romanian county, hence the power of the Bucharest General Municipality (Primăria Generală), which is the capital's local government body, is the same as any other Romanian County Council.
The city government is headed by a General Mayor (Primar General), as of 2008 Sorin Oprescu. Decisions are approved and discussed by the capital's General Council (Consiliu General) made up of 55 elected councilors. Furthermore, the city is divided into six administrative sectors (sectoare), each of which has their own 27-seat sectoral council, town hall and mayor. The powers of the local government over a certain area are therefore shared both by the Bucharest Municipality and the local sectoral councils with little or no overlapping of authority. The general rule is that the main Capital Municipality is responsible for citywide utilities such as the water and sewage system, the overall transport system and the main boulevards, while sectoral town halls manage the contact between individuals and the local government, secondary streets and parks maintenance, schools administration and cleaning services.
The six sectors are numbered from one to six and are disposed radially so that each one has under its administration a certain area of the city centre. They are numbered clockwise and are further divided into sectoral quarters (cartiere) which are not part of the official administrative division: 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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