Thursday, July 17, 2014

Walking is the best exercise unless you have a bike then that's the best, unless you have a set of weights, then that's the best or if you have an elliptical, then that's the best.......  drink water!

Hebrews chapter 10 - Because we are cleansed from our sins through Jesus Christ, we are free to share and encourage others to share with us.  Not bringing a burden of guilt into a friendship allows us to feel open with another person.  "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works."

On this day:
2005 - I went to Stony Lake to cook for the counselors.  The cook was off on the weekends so I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to get a weekend at camp.  It was perfect, except for the rustic cabins.  I don't know how kids sleep in those, pitch black, little scratchy sounding cabins.   I didn't sleep a wink.  Love the camp though, its great for kids.
1867 - Harvard School of Dental Medicine was established in Boston, MA. It was the first dental school in the U.S. Thank God!

Parenting - Love when you are helping children with a project and they begin to unknowingly play with your hair.  Had a little girl stroking and twirling the hair on the back of my head while she talked and colored.  I think it is a sign of comfort and familiarity, even though it was the first time I had seen her. 

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.  Maybe have some time for this over the weekend.

Bucharest -  Love this!
What is that impulse, that irresistible force which will not let the peasant rest content with the merely useful, but drives him to seek the best proportioned and most harmonious forms that appeal to the eye by color and line, are pleasant to the touch and produce that rare sense of contentment, poise of mind and joy which characterize aesthetic enjoyment?  (Peasant Art in Romania, by George Oprescu, 1929)
The Merry cemetery in SapantaWhile there are great Romanian fine artists, among whom 20th century sculptor Constantin Brancusi is probably the most famous, the typical zest for life and almost naive optimism that the world is really a beautiful place seem best expressed in the traditional art and craft of Romanian peasants, extending even to their colorful, unique grave markers.  In the “Merry Cemetery” of Sapanta,” bordering Ukraine, carved wooden crosses are painted traditional Voronet blue (named for the nearby painted monastery) and embellished with fanciful borders, renderings of the deceased and often anecdotes of  their lives.  An erstwhile town mayor is memorialized with anecdotes of his womanizing ways. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!   watch out for bears.

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