Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26, 2014 Saturday New moon

Went up to my brothers place in Roscommon this past week, so I have not kept up my blog.  Sorry.
I did keep up my exercise, so nice to go for a walk in the country.  Love the smell of the pine air.

Get Faith!
Isaiah chapter 17 - a reading about all things are possible with God, and possibly are meaningless without Him.  If you forget that he is the great provider and only consider yourself responsible for what you have, you might be left to fend for yourself.

1979 -My sister in law at the time, Adele came over with my two nieces Merri and Lindsey for dinner.  The girls would have only been 2 years and 3 months.  We walked up to get an ice cream after dinner.  It is one of those memories that if it wasn't in my journal, I would not remember it.  I am glad to remember it.
1948 - Babe Ruth was seen by the public for the last time, when he attended the New York City premiere of the motion picture, "The Babe Ruth Story  Something else I forgot.  But not as important to me.

As families do these days, Andy and Adele divorced a few years later and everything changes.  It is so important to kids to see an amiable split when this happens, so that they can model their own futures in relationships.  I'm sorry I didn't keep a friendship with Adele over the years.

My friend Norma told me to read The Swan House after I finish Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.

Bucharest Romania -  Found this good recipe for tonight:

Vegetable ghivetch / Ghiveci de legume

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1 of 1 Photos Christina
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Posted By: Christina
Posted In:  Traditional Recipes
Page Views:  3015 views
Preparation Time:  20 minutes
Cooking Time:  45 minutes

             Course: dinner

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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