Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014 Monday

Someone unhooked my video player, hmmm.  Poor excuse I could have used the weights or walked but it was only 63.  I am a wimp. 

Acts chapter 28:  About Paul and how much he suffered to spread the gospel.  Now this was a guy who had persecuted the Christians until he had a run in with Jesus Christ himself.  It was tough in those days to be a Christian, is it still?

On this day:
2005 - Things change when the kids grow up.  In 2005 Nicole was still working at Stony Lake Camp as a counselor or director.  Aaron and Lisa were busy with their life.  I don't talk to them often enough and I regret that.  Aaron has plenty going on in his life, with a wife and 3 kids, a busy job, etc.  I'm glad that they have their own lives, but I miss the times when we were together everyday during the summer.  Things change.
2006 - Researchers announced that two ancient reptiles had been found off Australia. The Umoonasaurus and Opallionectes were the first of their kind to be found in the period soon after the Jurassic era  I didn't hear about this because I didn't have kids at home anymore.  See what you miss?

My daughter took down her trophy wall this weekend.  There were two long shelves of them that included, bowling, softball, karate, basketball, soccer and others.  They were such a source of pride for both of us, but now we don't need them anymore.  We still have the pictures, video's and the memories, and I am still proud of all her accomplishments.

Still trying to complete more of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, but looking forward to another summer read.  I am always open to suggestions.

Bucharest Romania - finishing up this last week here so lets sight see some more:
Offside Pub, Bucharest

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