Monday, July 14, 2014

July 13, 2014 Sunday

Day off exercising.  Take it easy or just go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful summer day.

Mom and I went to church this morning.  Matthew Chapter 13 - The story is from Jesus about the sower and the seeds.  Basically it says that seeds that don't reach good fertile ground will not grow, at least for long.  The message here is the seed is the word of God and you need to provide an open heart for that seed to begin to grow.  It is worth becoming a gardener for.

On this day:
1995 -  If you see someone walking toward you with a big cardboard box, and its moving and mewing  - run.  My bosses' wife came into the office smiling and carefully holding the box.  I could hear them coming.  She had found a litter on the golf course, the dead mother laying there probably ran over by a golf cart.  "Take a couple" she said.  I took one.  It was tiny, maybe 4 weeks, white and tan covered with fleas and scratchy like crazy.  I took him home to the vet who gave me mild flea soap and eye drops.  I held him under the faucet at home and washed him over and over.  He was so relieved he just layed on my hand.  We had Sam Snead for 16 years.  Great cat!  The rest of the litter went to Lajuana's barn and didn't last a week.  I guess I should have taken more.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman  Poetry for a change!

Bucharest religion

Romania is a secular state, and it has no state religion. However, an overwhelming majority of the country's citizens are Christian. 81.04% of the country's stable population identified as Eastern Orthodox in the 2011 census (see also: History of Christianity in Romania). Other Christian denominations include Roman Catholicism (4.33%), Calvinism (2.99%), Pentecostal denominations (1.80%) and the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church (0.75%). Romania also has a small but historically significant Muslim minority, concentrated in Dobrogea, who are mostly of Crimean Tatar and Turkish ethnicity and number around 64,000 people. According to the 2011 census data, there are also approximately 3,500 Jews, around 21,000 atheists and about 19,000 people not identifying with any religion. The 2011 census numbers are based on a stable population of 20,121,641 people and exclude a portion of about 6% due to unavailable data.[1]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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