Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27, 2014 Sunday Korean War remembrance Fly the Flag!

Habakkuk  chapter 2  all about divine perspective.  We live short lives and are only concerned with the time we are here.  We seek to get as much out of it as we can.  I think that is fine, why else would God put us here but to enjoy the world and those in it.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that this is all there is and that your job is to use up as much of it as you can without sharing, appreciating, giving back and thanking God for it. 

On this day:
2002 - I went to Norma's for her birthday along with Pam.  The three of us have been friends for 40 years and would not consider missing a birthday.  This year we had a new celebrant, Alexsis, Norma's new baby niece.  She has been the apple of Norma's eyes since she was born.
1965 - In the U.S., the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act was signed into law. The law required health warnings on all cigarette packages. Too little too late!

Whether you have your own children or not, many people care for other children or other adults in their lives.  From the beginning, people cared for each other in families, villages, or cities.  There are always those that look out for their fellow humans and animals too.  I think it is enriching and keeps your mind off your own problems as well. 

Book Club - Walt Whitman leaves of Grass.  I do believe if I ever saw a few verse of his I would know it.  He has a very distinct style.  Such patriotism!


How about some street art?  Take some time and walk the city, almost done here.  Try a virtual trip.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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