Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014 Sunday

Will be getting in some walking today, going to the Tigers game.

Read from Isaiah chapter 49 today -  Teaching us that no thing is to small when working for God.  All things are worthwhile  in God's eyes.  It tells us not to be impressed with numbers.

On this day:
1997 - I love church picnics.  Who doesn't?  Where can you get better food?  Everyone brings a dish to pass and they BBQ burgers and hot dogs.  The kids play water games, bean bag games and running of course.  The rest of us sit in lawn chairs, chatting and watching and soaking up the summer day.  When was the last time you went on a picnic!?  Go!
1801 - A 1,235 pound cheese ball was pressed at the farm of Elisha Brown, Jr. The ball of cheese was later loaded on a horse-driven wagon and presented to U.S. President Thomas Jefferson at the White House.  Should bring this to the picnic!

I see on facebook that a lot of people I know are going to the baseball kids, taking kids, or just going with friends.  Another great way to spend a summer day.  Hope they win today.

Book Club - Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman  ah poetry under a shade tree with a glass of lemonade.  C'mon I'm trying to get you into the mood here!


Romania's 10 Best Art and Culture Events in Summer 2014

Romania’s cultural calendar is filled with great summer events spread all around the country, from the sands of the Danube Delta to green mountain villages, from Bucharest to Transylvanian cities. Film and theatre festivals, jazz concerts and even a medieval festival all mix to create a perfect summer for discovering Romania’s vibrant cultural scene.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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